Cooling Tank Model Optimization

This notebook demonstrates the optimization of the tank model described in using the ProblemInterface class in the module.

Note that this problem/notebook was loosely adapted from the identical problem here:, which shows more comparisions of these architectures running on an earlier version of fmdtools.

from tank_optimization_model import Tank
from fmdtools.analyze.graph import FunctionArchitectureGraph
from fmdtools.sim import propagate as prop


Verifying the nominal state:

In the nominal state, no change in system state should occurs. Flows will be constant and no signal is on.

mdl = Tank()
result, mdlhist = prop.nominal(mdl, track='all', desired_result={'graph': FunctionArchitectureGraph})
fig = result.graph.draw(figsize=(8,6))
flows.coolant_in.s.effort:     array(21)
flows.coolant_in.s.rate:       array(21)
flows.coolant_out.s.effort:    array(21)
flows.coolant_out.s.rate:      array(21)
flows.input_sig.s.indicator:   array(21)
flows.input_sig.s.action:      array(21)
flows.tank_sig.s.indicator:    array(21)
flows.tank_sig.s.action:       array(21)
flows.output_sig.s.indicator:  array(21)
flows.output_sig.s.action:     array(21)
fxns.import_coolant.s.amt_open: array(21)
fxns.import_coolant.m.faults.stuck: array(21)
fxns.import_coolant.m.faults.blockage: array(21)
fxns.store_coolant.s.level:    array(21)
fxns.store_coolant.s.net_flow: array(21)
fxns.store_coolant.s.coolingbuffer: array(21)
fxns.store_coolant.m.faults.leak: array(21)
fxns.export_coolant.s.amt_open: array(21)
fxns.export_coolant.m.faults.stuck: array(21)
fxns.export_coolant.m.faults.blockage: array(21)
time:                          array(21)
fig, ax = mdlhist.plot_line('flows.coolant_in.s.rate', 'flows.coolant_out.s.rate', 'fxns.store_coolant.s.level', 'flows.tank_sig.s.indicator')

What happens under component faults?

Here we model a leak of the tank. As shown, the coolant leaks until there is no more coolant left in the tank. While this results in a warning signal, the default contingency management policy is to take no actions to alleviate the condition.

resgraph, mdlhist = prop.one_fault(mdl,'store_coolant','leak', time=3, track='all',desired_result=['graph','endclass','endfaults'])

fig, ax = mdlhist.plot_line('flows.coolant_in.s.rate', 'flows.coolant_out.s.rate', 'fxns.store_coolant.s.level', 'flows.tank_sig.s.indicator')
mg = FunctionArchitectureGraph(mdl)
fig, ax = mg.draw_from(10,mdlhist)

Full set of modes

The tank leak mode will not be the only mode considered, but also leak and blockage faults in the Input/Output blocks.

from fmdtools.sim.sample import FaultDomain, FaultSample
fd = FaultDomain(mdl)
FaultDomain with faults:
 -('import_coolant', 'stuck')
 -('import_coolant', 'blockage')
 -('store_coolant', 'leak')
 -('export_coolant', 'stuck')
 -('export_coolant', 'blockage')
fs = FaultSample(fd)
FaultSample of scenarios:
 - import_coolant_stuck_t0p0
 - import_coolant_blockage_t0p0
 - store_coolant_leak_t0p0
 - export_coolant_stuck_t0p0
 - export_coolant_blockage_t0p0

We can then verify the faulty results:

endclasses, mdlhists = prop.fault_sample(mdl, fs)

SCENARIOS COMPLETE:   0%|          | 0/5 [00:00<?, ?it/s]
SCENARIOS COMPLETE: 100%|██████████| 5/5 [00:00<00:00, 94.20it/s]
from fmdtools.analyze.tabulate import result_summary_fmea
fmea_tab = result_summary_fmea(endclasses, mdlhists)
degraded faulty rate cost expected_cost
nominal [] [] 1.0 0.0 0.0
store_coolant_leak_t0p0 [] [] 0.00001 1000000.0 1000000.0
export_coolant_stuck_t0p0 [] [] 0.0 0.0 0.0
export_coolant_blockage_t0p0 [] [] 0.0 100000.0 1666.666667
import_coolant_stuck_t0p0 [] [] 0.0 0.0 0.0
import_coolant_blockage_t0p0 [] [] 0.0 2100000.0 35000.0

Defining Optimization Problem

We can define a compbined optimization problem around this model using the OptimizationArchitecture, ParameterSimProblem, and SimpleProblem classes.

In this case, we consider the joint minimization of design cost (defined in a function) and resilience cost (expected cost over the above list of scenarios). This is over two sets of variables

  • capacity and turnup (design variables that effect both design and resilience costs), and

  • the resilience policy (variables that only effect resilience cost)

To model design cost (which does not involve simulation), we first define a SimpleProblem which calls a predefined function:

def x_to_descost(*xdes):
    pen = 0 #determining upper-level penalty
    if xdes[0]<10:
    if xdes[0]>100:
    if xdes[1]<0:
    if xdes[1]>1:
    return (xdes[0]-10)*1000 + (xdes[0]-10)**2*1000   + xdes[1]**2*10000 + pen
from import SimpleProblem
sp = SimpleProblem("capacity", "turnup")
sp.add_objective("cd", x_to_descost)
[14]:, 1)
SimpleProblem with:
 -capacity                                                   1.0000
 -turnup                                                     1.0000
 -cd                                                   8182000.0000

To optimize resilience costs, we can additionally use ParameterSimProblem:

from import ParameterSimProblem
from fmdtools.sim.sample import ParameterDomain

The ParameterDomain is defined by “capacity” and “turnup” variables, as well as the resilience policy:

from tank_optimization_model import TankParam
pd = ParameterDomain(TankParam)
pd.add_variables("capacity", "turnup")

The resilience policy is translated using x_to_fp

from tank_optimization_model import x_to_fp
fp_varnames = ['faultpolicy.'+str(i) for i, v in enumerate(TankParam.__defaults__['faultpolicy'])]
pd.add_variables(*fp_varnames, var_map=x_to_fp)
fp_vars = [1 for i, v in enumerate(TankParam.__defaults__['faultpolicy'])]
pd(1, 1, *fp_vars)
TankParam(capacity=1.0, turnup=1.0, faultpolicy=((-1, 0, -1, 'l', 1), (1, -1, -1, 'l', 1), (1, -1, -1, 'u', 1), (1, -1, 1, 'u', 1), (-1, 1, 0, 'u', 1), (-1, 0, 1, 'u', 1), (-1, 0, 0, 'l', 1), (1, 0, 0, 'u', 1), (0, -1, 1, 'l', 1), (0, 1, 0, 'l', 1), (-1, -1, 1, 'u', 1), (1, 0, 0, 'l', 1), (0, 0, -1, 'l', 1), (-1, -1, 0, 'u', 1), (0, -1, -1, 'l', 1), (1, 0, 1, 'l', 1), (0, 0, 0, 'u', 1), (0, 1, -1, 'l', 1), (1, -1, 1, 'l', 1), (1, 0, -1, 'u', 1), (1, -1, 0, 'l', 1), (0, 1, 1, 'l', 1), (1, -1, 0, 'u', 1), (0, 0, 1, 'u', 1), (1, 1, 0, 'u', 1), (-1, -1, -1, 'l', 1), (0, -1, -1, 'u', 1), (1, 1, 1, 'u', 1), (-1, 1, -1, 'l', 1), (-1, 1, 1, 'l', 1), (0, 1, 1, 'u', 1), (1, 1, -1, 'u', 1), (-1, -1, 1, 'l', 1), (0, -1, 1, 'u', 1), (1, 1, -1, 'l', 1), (-1, -1, -1, 'u', 1), (-1, -1, 0, 'l', 1), (-1, 0, 0, 'u', 1), (0, -1, 0, 'u', 1), (0, 1, -1, 'u', 1), (0, 0, 0, 'l', 1), (1, 0, 1, 'u', 1), (-1, 1, 1, 'u', 1), (-1, 1, -1, 'u', 1), (0, 0, -1, 'u', 1), (-1, 1, 0, 'l', 1), (0, 1, 0, 'u', 1), (0, 0, 1, 'l', 1), (-1, 0, -1, 'u', 1), (1, 0, -1, 'l', 1), (0, -1, 0, 'l', 1), (1, 1, 1, 'l', 1), (-1, 0, 1, 'l', 1), (1, 1, 0, 'l', 1)), policymap={(-1, -1, -1): (1, 1), (-1, -1, 0): (1, 1), (-1, -1, 1): (1, 1), (-1, 0, -1): (1, 1), (-1, 0, 0): (1, 1), (-1, 0, 1): (1, 1), (-1, 1, -1): (1, 1), (-1, 1, 0): (1, 1), (-1, 1, 1): (1, 1), (0, -1, -1): (1, 1), (0, -1, 0): (1, 1), (0, -1, 1): (1, 1), (0, 0, -1): (1, 1), (0, 0, 0): (1, 1), (0, 0, 1): (1, 1), (0, 1, -1): (1, 1), (0, 1, 0): (1, 1), (0, 1, 1): (1, 1), (1, -1, -1): (1, 1), (1, -1, 0): (1, 1), (1, -1, 1): (1, 1), (1, 0, -1): (1, 1), (1, 0, 0): (1, 1), (1, 0, 1): (1, 1), (1, 1, -1): (1, 1), (1, 1, 0): (1, 1), (1, 1, 1): (1, 1)})
ParameterDomain with:
 - variables: {'capacity': (), 'turnup': (), 'faultpolicy.0': (), 'faultpolicy.1': (), 'faultpolicy.2': (), 'faultpolicy.3': (), 'faultpolicy.4': (), 'faultpolicy.5': (), 'faultpolicy.6': (), 'faultpolicy.7': (), 'faultpolicy.8': (), 'faultpolicy.9': (), 'faultpolicy.10': (), 'faultpolicy.11': (), 'faultpolicy.12': (), 'faultpolicy.13': (), 'faultpolicy.14': (), 'faultpolicy.15': (), 'faultpolicy.16': (), 'faultpolicy.17': (), 'faultpolicy.18': (), 'faultpolicy.19': (), 'faultpolicy.20': (), 'faultpolicy.21': (), 'faultpolicy.22': (), 'faultpolicy.23': (), 'faultpolicy.24': (), 'faultpolicy.25': (), 'faultpolicy.26': (), 'faultpolicy.27': (), 'faultpolicy.28': (), 'faultpolicy.29': (), 'faultpolicy.30': (), 'faultpolicy.31': (), 'faultpolicy.32': (), 'faultpolicy.33': (), 'faultpolicy.34': (), 'faultpolicy.35': (), 'faultpolicy.36': (), 'faultpolicy.37': (), 'faultpolicy.38': (), 'faultpolicy.39': (), 'faultpolicy.40': (), 'faultpolicy.41': (), 'faultpolicy.42': (), 'faultpolicy.43': (), 'faultpolicy.44': (), 'faultpolicy.45': (), 'faultpolicy.46': (), 'faultpolicy.47': (), 'faultpolicy.48': (), 'faultpolicy.49': (), 'faultpolicy.50': (), 'faultpolicy.51': (), 'faultpolicy.52': (), 'faultpolicy.53': ()}
 - constants: {}
 - parameter_initializer: TankParam

Which we then use to define the problem:

from multiprocessing import Pool
psp = ParameterSimProblem(mdl, pd, "fault_sample", fs, pool=Pool(5), close_pool=False)
psp.add_result_objective("cr", "expected_cost")
[23]:, 2, *fp_vars)
[24]:, 1, *fp_vars)

Since the design variables affect both design and resilience costs, we can connect these two problems in an overall ProblemArchitecture where design cost evaluation feeds into resilience cost evaluation.

First, we define a simpleproblem to combine the objectives:

def tot(c_d, c_o):
    return c_d + c_o
tot_sp = SimpleProblem("cd", "cr")
tot_sp.add_objective("tot_cost", tot)
tot_sp.tot_cost(1, 1)
from import ProblemArchitecture
pa = ProblemArchitecture()
pa.add_connector_variable("xd", "capacity", "turnup")
pa.add_connector_objective("dcost", "cd")
pa.add_connector_objective("rcost", "cr")
pa.add_problem("des", sp, outputs={"xd": ("capacity", "turnup"), "dcost": ("cd", )})
pa.add_problem("res", psp, inputs={"xd": ("capacity", "turnup")}, outputs={"rcost": ("cr", )})
pa.add_problem("tot", tot_sp, inputs={"dcost": ("cd", ), "rcost": ("cr", )})

We can then visualize/verify the setup of this using:

fig, ax = pa.show_sequence()
VariableConnector(name='xd', keys=('capacity', 'turnup'), values=array([nan, nan]))
ProblemArchitecture with:
 -xd                                                      [nan nan]
 -dcost                                                       [nan]
 -rcost                                                       [nan]
 -des({'des_xloc': ['capacity', 'turnup']}) -> ['xd', 'dcost']
 -res({'xd': ('capacity', 'turnup'), 'res_xloc': ['faultpolicy.0', 'faultpolicy.1', 'faultpolicy.2', 'faultpolicy.3', 'faultpolicy.4', 'faultpolicy.5', 'faultpolicy.6', 'faultpolicy.7', 'faultpolicy.8', 'faultpolicy.9', 'faultpolicy.10', 'faultpolicy.11', 'faultpolicy.12', 'faultpolicy.13', 'faultpolicy.14', 'faultpolicy.15', 'faultpolicy.16', 'faultpolicy.17', 'faultpolicy.18', 'faultpolicy.19', 'faultpolicy.20', 'faultpolicy.21', 'faultpolicy.22', 'faultpolicy.23', 'faultpolicy.24', 'faultpolicy.25', 'faultpolicy.26', 'faultpolicy.27', 'faultpolicy.28', 'faultpolicy.29', 'faultpolicy.30', 'faultpolicy.31', 'faultpolicy.32', 'faultpolicy.33', 'faultpolicy.34', 'faultpolicy.35', 'faultpolicy.36', 'faultpolicy.37', 'faultpolicy.38', 'faultpolicy.39', 'faultpolicy.40', 'faultpolicy.41', 'faultpolicy.42', 'faultpolicy.43', 'faultpolicy.44', 'faultpolicy.45', 'faultpolicy.46', 'faultpolicy.47', 'faultpolicy.48', 'faultpolicy.49', 'faultpolicy.50', 'faultpolicy.51', 'faultpolicy.52', 'faultpolicy.53']}) -> ['rcost']
 -tot({'dcost': ('cd',), 'rcost': ('cr',)}) -> []
 -des_xloc                                                [nan nan]
 -res_xloc                                     [nan nan nan nan nan nan nan nan nan nan nan nan nan nan nan nan nan nan
 nan nan nan nan nan nan nan nan nan nan nan nan nan nan nan nan nan nan
 nan nan nan nan nan nan nan nan nan nan nan nan nan nan nan nan nan nan]
 -des_cd                                               8182000.0000
 -res_cr                                                        nan
 -tot_tot_cost                                                  nan

We can also evaluate the objectives in terms of full or partial sets of the variables:

fp_vars = [0 for i, v in enumerate(TankParam.__defaults__['faultpolicy'])]
pa.res_cr_full(0.5, 1.0, *fp_vars)
ProblemArchitecture with:
 -xd                                                      [0.5 1. ]
 -dcost                                                  [9115750.]
 -rcost                                          [1081666.66666667]
 -des({'des_xloc': ['capacity', 'turnup']}) -> ['xd', 'dcost']
 -res({'xd': ('capacity', 'turnup'), 'res_xloc': ['faultpolicy.0', 'faultpolicy.1', 'faultpolicy.2', 'faultpolicy.3', 'faultpolicy.4', 'faultpolicy.5', 'faultpolicy.6', 'faultpolicy.7', 'faultpolicy.8', 'faultpolicy.9', 'faultpolicy.10', 'faultpolicy.11', 'faultpolicy.12', 'faultpolicy.13', 'faultpolicy.14', 'faultpolicy.15', 'faultpolicy.16', 'faultpolicy.17', 'faultpolicy.18', 'faultpolicy.19', 'faultpolicy.20', 'faultpolicy.21', 'faultpolicy.22', 'faultpolicy.23', 'faultpolicy.24', 'faultpolicy.25', 'faultpolicy.26', 'faultpolicy.27', 'faultpolicy.28', 'faultpolicy.29', 'faultpolicy.30', 'faultpolicy.31', 'faultpolicy.32', 'faultpolicy.33', 'faultpolicy.34', 'faultpolicy.35', 'faultpolicy.36', 'faultpolicy.37', 'faultpolicy.38', 'faultpolicy.39', 'faultpolicy.40', 'faultpolicy.41', 'faultpolicy.42', 'faultpolicy.43', 'faultpolicy.44', 'faultpolicy.45', 'faultpolicy.46', 'faultpolicy.47', 'faultpolicy.48', 'faultpolicy.49', 'faultpolicy.50', 'faultpolicy.51', 'faultpolicy.52', 'faultpolicy.53']}) -> ['rcost']
 -tot({'dcost': ('cd',), 'rcost': ('cr',)}) -> []
 -des_xloc                                                [0.5 1. ]
 -res_xloc                                     [0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.
 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.
 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.]
 -des_cd                                               9115750.0000
 -res_cr                                               1081666.6667
 -tot_tot_cost                                                  nan
pa.tot_tot_cost_full(0.5, 1.0, *fp_vars)

Note that because the simulations are linked, changes to xdes in the cd function in turn change the lower-level cost function by default.




This problem is optimized here using four different architectures, following the example in:

Hulse, D., & Hoyle, C. (2022). Understanding Resilience Optimization Architectures: Alignment and Coupling in Multilevel Decomposition Strategies. Journal of Mechanical Design, 144(11), 111704.

The optimization of the resilience policy is accomplished using an evolutionary algorithm, defined below:

import numpy as np
import random
def EA(prob_callable, popsize=10, iters=20, mutations=3, crossovers=2, numselect=3, verbose=True, args={}):
    # generate initial population:
    randpopsize = popsize-numselect-mutations - crossovers
    opers = [randpop, mutepop, crossover]
    numopers = [randpopsize, mutations, crossovers]
    used_opers = [oper for i, oper in enumerate(opers) if numopers[i] > 0]
    used_numopers = [numoper for numoper in numopers if numoper > 0]
    if args:
        pop = np.concatenate((args['seed'], seedpop(), randpop([], popsize-3)))
        pop = np.concatenate((seedpop(), randpop([], popsize-3)))
    # evaluate initial population
    values = np.array([prob_callable(*[*x[0], *x[1]]) for x in pop])
    # gen/evaluate mutated population
    for i in range(iters):
        goodpop, goodvals = select(pop, values, numselect)
        newpop = np.concatenate(tuple([oper(goodpop, used_numopers[i]) for i, oper in enumerate(used_opers)]))
        newvals = np.array([prob_callable(*[*x[0], *x[1]]) for x in newpop])
        pop, values = np.concatenate(
            (goodpop, newpop)), np.concatenate((goodvals, newvals))
        if verbose == "iters":
            print(["iter "+str(i)+": ", min(values)])
    minind = np.argmin(values)
    if args:
        args['seed'] = goodpop
        args['ll_opt'] = values[minind]
        args['ll_optx'] = pop[minind]
    if verbose == "final":
    return pop[minind], values[minind]

possible_sols = [[-1, -1], [-1, 0], [-1, 1],
                 [0, -1], [0, 0], [0, 1], [1, -1], [1, 0], [1, 1]]

def randpop(goodpop, popsize):
    return np.array([[[random.randint(-1, 1) for a in range(0, 27)],
                      [random.randint(-1, 1) for a in range(0, 27)]]
                     for i in range(0, popsize)])

def seedpop():
    donothing = np.zeros((2, 27))
    adjustup = np.ones((2, 27))
    adjustdown = -np.ones((2, 27))
    return np.array([donothing, adjustup, adjustdown])

def mutepop(goodpop, mutations):
    to_mutate = np.random.choice(
        [i for i in range(len(goodpop))], size=mutations, replace=False)
    return np.array([permute(solution) for solution in goodpop[to_mutate]])

def permute(solution):
    mutation = possible_sols[random.randint(0, 8)]
    to_mutate = random.randint(0, 26)
    solution[0][to_mutate] = mutation[0]
    solution[1][to_mutate] = mutation[1]
    return solution

def crossover(goodpop, crossovers):
    to_cross = np.random.choice(
        [i for i in range(len(goodpop))], size=crossovers, replace=False)
    divider = np.random.randint(1, 25)
    swap = np.random.choice([i for i in range(crossovers)],
                            size=crossovers, replace=False)
    return np.array([[np.concatenate((goodpop[to_cross[i]][0][:divider], goodpop[to_cross[swap[i]]][0][divider:])), np.concatenate((goodpop[to_cross[i]][1][:divider], goodpop[to_cross[swap[i]]][1][divider:]))] for i in range(crossovers)])

def select(solutions, values, numselect):
    selection = np.argsort(values)[0:numselect]
    return solutions[selection], values[selection]

def makefeasible(population):
    for sol in population:
        sol[0][13] = 0
        sol[1][13] = 0
pop, vals = EA(pa.res_cr, verbose = 'iters')
['iter 0: ', 1081666.6666666667]
['iter 1: ', 1081666.6666666667]
['iter 2: ', 1081666.6666666667]
['iter 3: ', 1081666.6666666667]
['iter 4: ', 1081666.6666666667]
['iter 5: ', 1081666.6666666667]
['iter 6: ', 1081666.6666666667]
['iter 7: ', 1081666.6666666667]
['iter 8: ', 1081666.6666666667]
['iter 9: ', 1081666.6666666667]
['iter 10: ', 1081666.6666666667]
['iter 11: ', 1081666.6666666667]
['iter 12: ', 1081666.6666666667]
['iter 13: ', 1081666.6666666667]
['iter 14: ', 1081666.6666666667]
['iter 15: ', 1081666.6666666667]
['iter 16: ', 1081666.6666666667]
['iter 17: ', 1081666.6666666667]
['iter 18: ', 1081666.6666666667]
['iter 19: ', 1081666.6666666667]
ProblemArchitecture with:
 -xd                                                        [1. 1.]
 -dcost                                                  [8182000.]
 -rcost                                          [1081666.66666667]
 -des({'des_xloc': ['capacity', 'turnup']}) -> ['xd', 'dcost']
 -res({'xd': ('capacity', 'turnup'), 'res_xloc': ['faultpolicy.0', 'faultpolicy.1', 'faultpolicy.2', 'faultpolicy.3', 'faultpolicy.4', 'faultpolicy.5', 'faultpolicy.6', 'faultpolicy.7', 'faultpolicy.8', 'faultpolicy.9', 'faultpolicy.10', 'faultpolicy.11', 'faultpolicy.12', 'faultpolicy.13', 'faultpolicy.14', 'faultpolicy.15', 'faultpolicy.16', 'faultpolicy.17', 'faultpolicy.18', 'faultpolicy.19', 'faultpolicy.20', 'faultpolicy.21', 'faultpolicy.22', 'faultpolicy.23', 'faultpolicy.24', 'faultpolicy.25', 'faultpolicy.26', 'faultpolicy.27', 'faultpolicy.28', 'faultpolicy.29', 'faultpolicy.30', 'faultpolicy.31', 'faultpolicy.32', 'faultpolicy.33', 'faultpolicy.34', 'faultpolicy.35', 'faultpolicy.36', 'faultpolicy.37', 'faultpolicy.38', 'faultpolicy.39', 'faultpolicy.40', 'faultpolicy.41', 'faultpolicy.42', 'faultpolicy.43', 'faultpolicy.44', 'faultpolicy.45', 'faultpolicy.46', 'faultpolicy.47', 'faultpolicy.48', 'faultpolicy.49', 'faultpolicy.50', 'faultpolicy.51', 'faultpolicy.52', 'faultpolicy.53']}) -> ['rcost']
 -tot({'dcost': ('cd',), 'rcost': ('cr',)}) -> []
 -des_xloc                                                  [1. 1.]
 -res_xloc                                     [ 0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  1.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0. -1.  0.  0.  0.]
 -des_cd                                               8182000.0000
 -res_cr                                               1081666.6667
 -tot_tot_cost                                         9263666.6667

Alternating Optimization

Which can then be optimized in an alternating or bilevel optimization structure:

from scipy.optimize import minimize

def sub_totcost(tot_cost_callable):
    def new_func(xres, args):
        return tot_cost_callable(*xres, *args)
    return new_func

def alternating_opt(tot_cost_callable, dcost_callable, rcost_callable, option='with_cr', pool=False, xdes=[21, .5], max_alts=10):
    xdes = np.array(xdes)
    args = {'seed': seedpop(), 'll_opt': 1e6, 'll_optx': []}
    newmin = 100000000
    lastmin = 1000000001
    bestsol = np.zeros(54)
    last_run = False
    fhist = []
    thist = [0]
    xdhist = [xdes]
    for n in range(max_alts):
        if option == 'with_cr':
            tot_cost_call = sub_totcost(tot_cost_callable)
            result = minimize(tot_cost_call,
                              [np.round(xdes[0], 1), np.round(xdes[1], 1)],
                              bounds=((10, 100), (0, 1)),
                              options={'disp': True})
            result = minimize(dcost_callable,
                              [np.round(xdes[0], 1),
                               np.round(xdes[1], 1)],
                              bounds=((10, 100), (0, 1)),
                              options={'disp': True})
        xdes = result['x']
        dcost = dcost_callable(*xdes)
        bestpop, rcost = EA(rcost_callable, args=args, popsize=50, mutations=10,
                            numselect=20, crossovers=5, iters=100, verbose="iters")
        bestsol = [*bestpop[0], *bestpop[1]]
        lastmin = newmin
        newmin = dcost + rcost
        print(n, newmin, lastmin-newmin)
        if lastmin - newmin < 0.1:
            if last_run:
                last_run = True
            last_run = False
    return result, args, fhist, thist, xdhist

def callbackF(Xdes, result):
    print('{0:4d}   {1: 3.6f}   {2: 3.6f}   {3: 3.6f}'.format(
        result['nit'], Xdes[0], Xdes[1], result['fun']))

def callbackF1(Xdes):
result, args, fhist, thist, xdhist = alternating_opt(pa.tot_tot_cost_full, pa.des_cd, pa.res_cr, max_alts=1)
[18.9     0.5375]
[17.85     0.50625]
[13.125     0.565625]
[12.075     0.534375]
[12.075     0.534375]
[12.075     0.534375]
[12.075     0.503125]
[12.075     0.503125]
[12.075     0.503125]
[12.075     0.503125]
[12.075     0.503125]
[12.075     0.503125]
[12.01015625  0.50839844]
[12.01015625  0.50058594]
[12.01015625  0.50058594]
[12.01015625  0.50058594]
[12.01015625  0.50058594]
[12.01015625  0.50058594]
[12.00610352  0.48699951]
[12.00610352  0.48699951]
[12.00863647  0.47205353]
[12.00154419  0.46390228]
[12.00306396  0.42993469]
[12.00306396  0.42993469]
[12.00971298  0.40632648]
[12.00822487  0.33541975]
[12.02077885  0.25274997]
[12.02407961  0.06960161]
[12.02407961  0.06960161]
[12.02407961  0.06960161]
[12.0225915   0.06960161]
[12.02924051  0.0348008 ]
[12.0277524  0.0348008]
[12.0277524  0.0348008]
[12.02146354  0.06090141]
[12.02273595  0.0391509 ]
[12.01079444  0.08047686]
[12.00736851  0.05763883]
[12.00736851  0.05763883]
[12.00736851  0.05763883]
[12.00394258  0.0348008 ]
[12.00394258  0.0348008 ]
[12.00478061  0.        ]
[12.00478061  0.        ]
[1.20020078e+01 6.72906165e-03]
[1.20020078e+01 6.72906165e-03]
[1.20000730e+01 6.72906165e-03]
[1.20000730e+01 6.72906165e-03]
[1.20000084e+01 3.36453082e-03]
[1.20000084e+01 3.36453082e-03]
[1.20000084e+01 3.36453082e-03]
[1.20000084e+01 3.36453082e-03]
[1.20000084e+01 3.36453082e-03]
[1.20000084e+01 3.36453082e-03]
[1.20000084e+01 3.36453082e-03]
[1.20000084e+01 3.36453082e-03]
[1.20000084e+01 3.36453082e-03]
[1.20000023e+01 1.87283454e-03]
[1.20000023e+01 1.87283454e-03]
[1.20000023e+01 1.87283454e-03]
[1.20000023e+01 1.87283454e-03]
[1.20000024e+01 8.16900855e-04]
[1.20000024e+01 8.16900855e-04]
[1.20000024e+01 8.16900855e-04]
[1.20000024e+01 8.16900855e-04]
[12.00000087  0.        ]
[12.00000087  0.        ]
[12.00000087  0.        ]
[12.00000087  0.        ]
[12.00000041  0.        ]
[12.00000041  0.        ]
[12.00000041  0.        ]
[12.0000003  0.       ]
[12.0000003  0.       ]
[12.0000001  0.       ]
[12.0000001  0.       ]
[12.0000001  0.       ]
[12.0000001  0.       ]
[12.0000001  0.       ]
[12.00000005  0.        ]
[12.00000001  0.        ]
[12.00000001  0.        ]
[12.00000001  0.        ]
[12.00000001  0.        ]
[12.00000001  0.        ]
[12.00000001  0.        ]
Optimization terminated successfully.
         Current function value: 1057666.666717
         Iterations: 86
         Function evaluations: 167
['iter 0: ', 1051666.6666666667]
['iter 1: ', 1051666.6666666667]
['iter 2: ', 1051666.6666666667]
['iter 3: ', 1051666.6666666667]
['iter 4: ', 1051666.6666666667]
['iter 5: ', 1051666.6666666667]
['iter 6: ', 1050000.0]
['iter 7: ', 1049900.0]
['iter 8: ', 1049900.0]
KeyboardInterrupt                         Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[42], line 1
----> 1 result, args, fhist, thist, xdhist = alternating_opt(pa.tot_tot_cost_full, pa.des_cd, pa.res_cr, max_alts=1)

Cell In[41], line 38, in alternating_opt(tot_cost_callable, dcost_callable, rcost_callable, option, pool, xdes, max_alts)
     36 xdes = result['x']
     37 dcost = dcost_callable(*xdes)
---> 38 bestpop, rcost = EA(rcost_callable, args=args, popsize=50, mutations=10,
     39                     numselect=20, crossovers=5, iters=100, verbose="iters")
     40 bestsol = [*bestpop[0], *bestpop[1]]
     41 lastmin = newmin

Cell In[38], line 22, in EA(prob_callable, popsize, iters, mutations, crossovers, numselect, verbose, args)
     20 newpop = np.concatenate(tuple([oper(goodpop, used_numopers[i]) for i, oper in enumerate(used_opers)]))
     21 makefeasible(newpop)
---> 22 newvals = np.array([prob_callable(*[*x[0], *x[1]]) for x in newpop])
     23 pop, values = np.concatenate(
     24     (goodpop, newpop)), np.concatenate((goodvals, newvals))
     25 if verbose == "iters":

Cell In[38], line 22, in <listcomp>(.0)
     20 newpop = np.concatenate(tuple([oper(goodpop, used_numopers[i]) for i, oper in enumerate(used_opers)]))
     21 makefeasible(newpop)
---> 22 newvals = np.array([prob_callable(*[*x[0], *x[1]]) for x in newpop])
     23 pop, values = np.concatenate(
     24     (goodpop, newpop)), np.concatenate((goodvals, newvals))
     25 if verbose == "iters":

File c:\users\dhulse\documents\github\fmdtools\fmdtools\sim\, in ProblemArchitecture.add_objective_callable.<locals>.newobj(*x)
   1287 def newobj(*x):
-> 1288     return self.call_objective(probname, objname, *x)

File c:\users\dhulse\documents\github\fmdtools\fmdtools\sim\, in ProblemArchitecture.call_objective(self, probname, objname, *x_loc)
   1351 def call_objective(self, probname, objname, *x_loc):
   1352     """Call objective of a problem over partial its local variables *x_loc."""
-> 1353     self.update_problem(probname, *x_loc)
   1354     return self.problems[probname].objectives[objname].value

File c:\users\dhulse\documents\github\fmdtools\fmdtools\sim\, in ProblemArchitecture.update_problem(self, probname, force_update, *x)
   1464     self.update_problem(upstream_prob, force_update=force_update)
   1465 x_inputs = self.get_inputs_as_x(probname, *x)
-> 1466 self.problems[probname].call_outputs(*x_inputs, force_update=force_update)
   1467 self.problems[probname].consistent = True
   1468 self.update_problem_objectives(probname)

File c:\users\dhulse\documents\github\fmdtools\fmdtools\sim\, in BaseProblem.call_outputs(self, force_update, *x)
    217 """
    218 Get all outputs at the given value of x.
    230     values of the constraints
    231 """
    232 if self.new_x(*x) or force_update:
--> 233     self.update_objectives(*x)
    234 return self.get_objectives(), self.get_constraints()

File c:\users\dhulse\documents\github\fmdtools\fmdtools\sim\, in BaseSimProblem.update_objectives(self, *x)
    597 """Update objectives/constraints by simulating the model at x."""
    598 self.update_variables(*x)
--> 599 self.res, self.hist = self.sim_mdl(*x)
    600 for obj in {**self.objectives, **self.constraints}.values():
    601     if isinstance(obj, HistoryObjective) or isinstance(obj, HistoryConstraint):

File c:\users\dhulse\documents\github\fmdtools\fmdtools\sim\, in ParameterSimProblem.sim_mdl(self, *x)
    707 mdl_kwargs = {'p': p, 'sp': {'end_time': end_time}}
    708 desired_result = self.obj_con_des_res()
--> 709 all_res = self.prop_method(,
    710                            *self.args,
    711                            mdl_kwargs=mdl_kwargs,
    712                            desired_result=desired_result,
    713                            showprogress=False,
    714                            **self.kwargs)
    715 return all_res[0].flatten(), all_res[1].flatten()

File c:\users\dhulse\documents\github\fmdtools\fmdtools\sim\, in fault_sample(mdl, fs, include_nominal, get_phasemap, **kwargs)
    618 nomresult, nomhist, nomscen, c_mdl, t_end_nom = n_outs
    619 scenlist = fs.scenarios()
--> 621 results, mdlhists = scenlist_helper(mdl,
    622                                     scenlist,
    623                                     c_mdl,
    624                                     **kwargs,
    625                                     nomhist=nomhist,
    626                                     nomresult=nomresult)
    628 if include_nominal:
    629     process_nominal(mdlhists, nomhist, results, nomresult, t_end_nom, **kwargs)

File c:\users\dhulse\documents\github\fmdtools\fmdtools\sim\, in scenlist_helper(mdl, scenlist, c_mdl, **kwargs)
    776     else:
    777         inputs = [(c_mdl[0], scen,  kwargs, str(i))
    778                   for i, scen in enumerate(scenlist)]
--> 779     res_list = list(tqdm.tqdm(, inputs),
    780                               total=len(inputs),
    781                               disable=not (showprogress),
    782                               desc="SCENARIOS COMPLETE"))
    783     results, mdlhists = unpack_res_list(scenlist, res_list)
    784 else:

File ~\AppData\Local\anaconda3\lib\multiprocessing\, in, func, iterable, chunksize)
    362 def map(self, func, iterable, chunksize=None):
    363     '''
    364     Apply `func` to each element in `iterable`, collecting the results
    365     in a list that is returned.
    366     '''
--> 367     return self._map_async(func, iterable, mapstar, chunksize).get()

File ~\AppData\Local\anaconda3\lib\multiprocessing\, in ApplyResult.get(self, timeout)
    767 def get(self, timeout=None):
--> 768     self.wait(timeout)
    769     if not self.ready():
    770         raise TimeoutError

File ~\AppData\Local\anaconda3\lib\multiprocessing\, in ApplyResult.wait(self, timeout)
    764 def wait(self, timeout=None):
--> 765     self._event.wait(timeout)

File ~\AppData\Local\anaconda3\lib\, in Event.wait(self, timeout)
    605 signaled = self._flag
    606 if not signaled:
--> 607     signaled = self._cond.wait(timeout)
    608 return signaled

File ~\AppData\Local\anaconda3\lib\, in Condition.wait(self, timeout)
    318 try:    # restore state no matter what (e.g., KeyboardInterrupt)
    319     if timeout is None:
--> 320         waiter.acquire()
    321         gotit = True
    322     else:


Bilevel Optimization:

Additionally, a bilevel optimization would look like this:

Bilevel optimizations have a lower level which is called repeatedly, see below:

def lower_level(xdes, args= {}):
    if not args:
        args = {'seed': seedpop(), 'll_opt': 1e6, 'll_optx': [], 'fhist': []}
    do_cost = pa.des_cd(*xdes)
    bestsol, rcost = EA(pa.res_cr, popsize=20, mutations=6, crossovers=4, numselect=6, args=args)
    f = do_cost + rcost
    print(' fval: '+str(f)+' xdes: '+str(xdes))
    return f

This is then called in bilevel_opt:

def bilevel_opt(xdes=[21, .5], maxiter=1000):
    args = {'seed': seedpop(), 'll_opt': 1e6, 'll_optx': [], 'fhist': [],
            'thist': [], 'xdhist': [xdes]}
    result = minimize(lower_level,
                      bounds=((10, 100), (0, 1)),
                      options={'disp': True, 'adaptive': True, 'fatol': 10, 'xtol': 0.00001, 'maxiter': maxiter})
    fullfhist = args['fhist']
    fullxdhist = args['xdhist']
    bestfhist = [fullfhist[0]]+[min(fullfhist[:i])
                                for i, f in enumerate(fullfhist) if i != 0]
    return result, args, bestfhist
[ ]:

Note that these are the previously-recorded results for different strategies:










Alt. (no 𝐶 𝑅CR)





Alt. (with 𝐶 𝑅CR)





Seq. (with 𝐶 𝑅CR)





Seq. (no 𝐶 𝑅CR)





Generally, we would expect results to be somewhat consistent with this (not exactly, since the lower-level EA is a stochastic search), however, there have been many changes to the underlying toolkit/model, as well as the tank model which may lead to different results.

[ ]: