
This repository provides several examples models in the /examples directory, with some corresponding documentation in the form of notebooks (which may be accessed here).


examples/ex_pump is an example of a simple pump model to demonstrate various capabilities of fmdtools. This includes a tutorial notebook, demostration of plot capabilities, optimization and stochastic modeling.


/examples/multirotor includes several models of drones modelled at differing levels of detail. Includes a demonstration of how models can be matured as more details are added and how the system can be co-optimized.


/examples/tank provides a fairly simple model of a tank, inlet valve, and outlet valve. It includes a demonstration of the model and optimization of said model.


/examples/eps provides a model of a simple electric power system, which shows how undirected propagation can be used in a simple static (i.e., one time-step) moelling use-case.

Action Sequence Graph

/examples/asg_demo provides a very basic model of an Action Architecture, otherwise known as an Action Sequence Graph.


/examples/rover showcases more advanced methodologies that can be used in fmdtools, and has essentially been the developers’ demo case study for advancing the state-of-the-art in resilience simulation.

Multiflow Demo

/examples/multiflow_demo provides a is limited to the model in the file multiflow_demo.py, which shows basic usage of the fmdtools.define.flow.multiflow.MultiFlow and fmdtools.define.flow.commsflow.CommsFlow flow classes.


/examples/taxiway provides a demonstration of how to create a multiagent, systems-of-systems model in fmdtools using the case study of (piloted and unpiloted) aircraft taxiing on a taxiway.