IDL Function Summary
Category |
IDL Routine Name |
Description |
Util |
Report the MISR Toolkit version |
Report error message explanation given a status code |
Convert date and time (ISO 8601) to Julian date |
Convert Julian date to date and time (ISO 8601) |
FileQuery |
Retrieves MISR product type of a file |
Retrieves MISR local granule ID (true product name) |
Retrieves MISR file version |
Retrieves fill value of a file/grid/field |
Lists file attributes of a file |
Retrieves file attributes of a file |
Lists grid attributes of a file/grid |
Retrieves grid attributes of a file/grid |
Lists attributes of a field |
Retrieves field attributes |
Retrieves path of a file |
Retrieves orbit of a file |
Retrieves block range of a file |
Retrieves grid list of file |
Retrieves field list of a file/grid |
Retrieves native field list of a file/grid (excludes derived fields) |
Retrieves dimension list of a file/grid/field |
Checks validity of a file/grid/field |
Retrieves the data type of a file/grid/field |
Retrieves resolution of a file/grid |
Query file for core metadata parameter |
Get parameter from file core metadata |
Constructs a MISR filename from it's components |
Searches a directory for MISR file from it's components |
Lists block metadata of a file |
Lists block metadata fields of a file |
Retrieves block metadata fields of a file |
Retrieves time metadata from L1B2 Ellipsoid file for use with MTK_PIXELTIME() |
UnitConv |
Converts decimal degrees to degrees, minutes, seconds |
Converts decimal degrees to packed dms |
Converts decimal degrees to radians |
Converts degrees, minutes, seconds to decimal degrees |
Converts degrees, minutes, seconds to packed dms |
Converts degrees, minutes, seconds to radians |
Converts packed dms to decimal degrees |
Converts packed dms to degrees, minutes, seconds |
Converts packed dms to radians |
Converts radians to decimal degrees |
Converts radians to degrees, minutes, seconds |
Converts radians to packed dms |
CoordQuery |
Converts block/line/sample to lat/lon |
Converts block/line/sample to SOM x/y |
Converts lat/lon to block/line/sample |
Converts SOM x/y to block/line/sample |
Converts lat/lon to SOM x/y |
Converts SOM x/y to lat/lon |
Retrieves MISR projection parameters for a given path |
Computes block corner lat/lon coordinates for a path and block range |
Computes pixel time given an SOM x/y coordinate and time metadata |
MapQuery |
Converts data plane line/sample to lat/lon |
Converts data plane line/sample to SOM x/y |
Converts lat/lon to data plane line/sample |
Converts SOM x/y to data plane line/sample |
Creates latitudes and longitudes data plane buffers given mapinfo |
OrbitPath |
Retrieves a path list that crosses a given lat/lon |
Retrieves a path list that crosses a given region |
Retrieves the block range of a given region and path |
Retrieves the path of a given orbit |
Retrieves an orbit/path of a given time |
Retrieves an orbit list over a given time range |
Retrieves an orbit list over a given path and time range |
Retrieves the time range of a given orbit |
SetRegion |
Sets a region by path and block range |
Sets a region by upper left and lower right lat/lon |
Sets a region by center lat/lon and an extent by specifying the units of extent |
Sets a region by path and upper left and lower right SOM X/Y |
Snaps a region to a grid of a given path and resolution |
ReadData |
Reads a region of MISR data given file/grid/field and a region |
Reads a block of MISR data given file/grid/field and block number |
Reads a block range of MISR data given file/grid/field and start block/end block into a 3D buffer |
Reads a region of MISR data given file/grid/field and a region without unpacking and/or unscaling |
WriteData |
Writes an IDL ENVI file given a data buffer |
ReProject |
Creates a regularly spaced geographic 2-D grid |
Resamples source data at the given coordinates using interpolation by cubic convolution |
Performs nearest neighbor interpolation. |
Transforms latitude/longitude coordinates into line/sample coordinates. |
Regression |
Apply regression to given data |
Downsample data by averaging pixels. |
Use linear regression to fit data. |
Calculate linear regression coefficients for translating values. |
Resample regression coefficients at each pixel. |
Smooth the given array with a boxcar average. |
Upsample a mask by nearest neighbor sampling. |