List of Routines By Functionality | MISR Toolkit: Main Page
-Abstract MTK_SETREGION_BY_PATH_BLOCKRANGE creates a region structure that defines an approximate region of interest given a MISR path and block range. This structure is used as input to other MTK routines, Mtk_ReadData in particular. -Copyright Copyright (2005), California Institute of Technology. U.S. Government sponsorship acknowledged. -I/O Given: path center latitude of region start_block starting block end_block ending block the call: status = MTK_SETREGION_BY_PATH_BLOCKRANGE( path, start_block, end_block, region ) returns: status 0 on success; otherwise failure region MTK region structure -Examples ;; ;; Set up input parameters ;; path = 37 start_block = 32 end_block = 40 status = MTK_SETREGION_BY_PATH_BLOCKRANGE( path, start_block, end_block, region ) ;; ;; Output... ;; print, 'path : ', path print, 'starting block : ', start_block print, 'ending block : ', end_block print, '=================================================' FOR i=0,N_TAGS(region)-1 DO $ PRINT, STRTRIM((TAG_NAMES(region))[i],2),': ', $ STRTRIM(region.(i),2),FORMAT='(A-22,A2,A)' IDL outputs: path : 37 starting block : 32 ending block : 40 ================================================= GEO_CTR_LAT : 67.286285 GEO_CTR_LON : -95.222043 HEXTENT_XLAT : 633462.50 HEXTENT_YLON : 307862.50 -Particulars None. -Required Reading For important details concerning this module's function, please refer to the MTK routine MtkSetRegionByPathBlockRange.c. -Version -IDL-MTK Version 1.2.0