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   MTK_SMOOTH_DATA Smooths the given array with a boxcar average


   Copyright (2013), California Institute of Technology.
   U.S. Government sponsorship acknowledged.


   srcbuf          source data
   src_mask        source mask
   width_line      line width of smoothing window 
   width_sample    sample width of smoothing window
   the call:
      status = MTK_SMOOTH_DATA( srcbuf, src_mask, width_line, width_sample, smoothed )

	status         0 on success; otherwise failure
	smoothed       smoothed data

	;; Set up input parameters
	filename    = '../Mtk_testdata/in/MISR_AM1_AGP_P039_F01_24.hdf'
	gridname    = 'Standard'
	fieldname   = 'AveSceneElev'
	path        = 39
	start_block = 50
	end_block   = 52
	width_line  = 11
	width_sample = 11
	status      = MTK_SETREGION_BY_PATH_BLOCKRANGE( path, start_block, end_block, region )      
	status      = MTK_READDATA( filename, gridname, fieldname, region, srcbuf, mapinfo )
	srcbuf = float(srcbuf)
	src_mask = byte(replicate(1,528,384))
	;; The call
	status = MTK_SMOOTH_DATA( srcbuf, src_mask, width_line, width_sample, smoothed )
	;; Output...
	print, '================================================='
	print, stddev(srcbuf), stddev(smoothed)

	IDL outputs:
	272.017      256.288



-Required Reading
For important details concerning this module's function, please refer to
the MTK routine MtkSmoothData.c.

   -IDL-MTK Version 1.2.4