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   MTK_RESAMPLE_CUBICCONVOLUTION Resample source data at the given coordinates using interpolation by cubic convolution. 


   Copyright (2013), California Institute of Technology.
   U.S. Government sponsorship acknowledged.


	source	    Source data. (float)
	source_mask Valid mask for source data. (uint8)
	line	    Line coordinates. (float)
	sample	    Sample coordinates. (float)
	a           Convolution parameter (-1.0 <= A <= 0.0)
   the call:
	  status = MTK_RESAMPLE_CUBICCONVOLUTION( source, source_mask, line, sample, a, resampled, resampled_mask )

	status         0 on success; otherwise failure
	resampled      Resampled data
	resampled_mask Valid mask for resampled data  

	;; Set up input parameters
	source = RANDOMU(seed, 40, 60)
	source_mask = byte(REPLICATE(1,40,60))
	line = RANDOMU(seed, 40, 60) * 400
	sample = RANDOMU(seed, 40, 60) * 600
	a = -0.5
	;; The call
	status = MTK_RESAMPLE_CUBICCONVOLUTION( source, source_mask, line, sample, a, resampled, resampled_mask )
	;; Output...
	print, '================================================='
	a = WHERE(resampled_mask EQ 1, mask_count)
	print, mask_count
	help, resampled, resampled_mask

	IDL outputs:
		RESAMPLED       FLOAT     = Array[40, 60]
		RESAMPLED_MASK  BYTE      = Array[40, 60]


-Required Reading
For important details concerning this module's function, please refer to
the MTK routine MtkResampleCubicConvolution.c.

   -IDL-MTK Version 1.2.4