List of Routines By Functionality | MISR Toolkit: Main Page
-Abstract MTK_FILE_GRID_FIELD_TO_DIMLIST returns dimension names and sizes for a given file, grid, and field. -Copyright Copyright (2005), California Institute of Technology. U.S. Government sponsorship acknowledged. -I/O Given: file MISR product file grid grid name field field name the call: status = MTK_FILE_GRID_FIELD_TO_DIMLIST( file, grid, field, ndims, dimnames, dimsizes ) returns: status 0 on success; otherwise failure ndims number of dimensions associated with field dimnames array of dimension names dimsizes array of dimension lengths -Examples ;; ;; Set up input parameters ;; file = '../Mtk_testdata/in/MISR_AM1_AS_LAND_P037_O029058_F06_0017.hdf' grid = 'SubregParamsLnd' field = 'LandBRF' status = MTK_FILE_GRID_FIELD_TO_DIMLIST( file, grid, field, ndims, dimnames, dimsizes ) ;; ;; Output... ;; print, 'file : ', file print, 'grid : ', grid print, 'field : ', field print, '=================================================' FOR i=0,ndims-1 DO $ PRINT, 'DIMENSION #'+STRTRIM(i+1,2)+ $ ' : NAME = '+dimnames[i]+', VALUE = '+ $ STRTRIM(dimsizes[i],2) IDL outputs: file : ../Mtk_testdata/in/MISR_AM1_AS_LAND_P037_O029058_F06_0017.hdf grid : SubregParamsLnd field : LandBRF ================================================= DIMENSION #1 : NAME = NBandDim, VALUE = 4 DIMENSION #2 : NAME = NCamDim, VALUE = 9 -Particulars None. -Required Reading For important details concerning this module's function, please refer to the MTK routine MtkFileGridFieldToDimList.c. -Version -IDL-MTK Version 1.2.0