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   MTK_SNAP_TO_GRID snaps a region of interest to a MISR grid given a path, resolution and a region
   structure.  It is not typically called directly, instead it is used by Mtk_ReadData and Mtk_ReadRaw
   to adjust the region defined by the SetRegion routines to the grid of the MISR product file to read.
   The Mtk_ReadData and Mtk_ReadRaw routines always return data on a MISR grid approximated by the region,
   no spatial interpolation is performed (only block assembly). This routines does the snap from region to
   grid.  It may be useful to perform region to map to coordinate computations without actually reading data.


   Copyright (2005), California Institute of Technology.
   U.S. Government sponsorship acknowledged.

      path           MISR path number
      resolution     resolution
      region         region structure

   the call:
    status = MTK_SNAP_TO_GRID( path, resolution, region, mapinfo )
      status         0 on success; otherwise failure
      mapinfo         map info structure


      ;; Set up input parameters
      path        = 37
      resolution  = 275
      lat         = 66.0
      lon         = -89.0
      lat_extent  = 1.5
      lon_extent  = 1.0
      status      = MTK_SETREGION_BY_LATLON_EXTENT( lat, lon, lat_extent, lon_extent, "degrees", region )
      status      = MTK_SNAP_TO_GRID( path, resolution, region, mapinfo )
      ;; Output...
      print, 'path                  : ', path
      print, 'resolution            : ', resolution
      help, /struct, region
      print, '================================================='
      help, /struct, mapinfo

   IDL outputs:
      path                  :       37
      resolution            :      275
      ** Structure <5353c0>, 4 tags, length=32, data length=32, refs=1:
         GEO_CTR_LAT     DOUBLE           66.000000
         GEO_CTR_LON     DOUBLE          -89.000000
         HEXTENT_XLAT    DOUBLE           83489.657
         HEXTENT_YLON    DOUBLE           55659.772
      ** Structure <2866210>, 37 tags, length=1064, data length=1064, refs=1:
         PATH            LONG                37
         START_BLOCK     LONG                36
         END_BLOCK       LONG                37
         RESOLUTION      LONG               275
         RESFACTOR       LONG                 1
         NLINE           LONG               640
         NSAMPLE         LONG               448
         PIXEL_CENTER    LONG                 1
         SOM_PATH        LONG                37
         SOM_ULC_X       DOUBLE           12394112.
         SOM_ULC_Y       DOUBLE           1065762.5
         SOM_CTR_X       DOUBLE           12481975.
         SOM_CTR_Y       DOUBLE           1127225.0
         SOM_LRC_X       DOUBLE           12569838.
         SOM_LRC_Y       DOUBLE           1188687.5
         GEO_ULC_LAT     DOUBLE           66.950041
         GEO_ULC_LON     DOUBLE          -89.380321
         GEO_URC_LAT     DOUBLE           66.451144
         GEO_URC_LON     DOUBLE          -86.901382
         GEO_CTR_LAT     DOUBLE           66.001338
         GEO_CTR_LON     DOUBLE          -89.003794
         GEO_LRC_LAT     DOUBLE           65.052256
         GEO_LRC_LON     DOUBLE          -88.652965
         GEO_LLC_LAT     DOUBLE           65.523048
         GEO_LLC_LON     DOUBLE          -91.031282
         PP_PATH         LONG                37
         PP_PROJCODE     LONG                22
         PP_ZONECODE     LONG                -1                                                  
         PP_SPHERECODE   LONG                12
         PP_PROJPARAM    DOUBLE    Array[15]
         PP_ULC_BLOCK1   DOUBLE    Array[2]
         PP_LRC_BLOCK1   DOUBLE    Array[2]
         PP_NBLOCK       LONG               180
         PP_NLINE        LONG               512
         PP_NSAMPLE      LONG              2048
         PP_RELOFFSET    FLOAT     Array[179]
         PP_RESOLUTION   LONG               275


-Required Reading
   For important details concerning this module's function, please refer to
   the MTK routine MtkSnapToGrid.c.

   -IDL-MTK Version 1.2.0