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   MTK_BLS_TO_LATLON converts from block, line, and sample to latitude and longitude for a given MISR path
   and resolution.


   Copyright (2005), California Institute of Technology.
   U.S. Government sponsorship acknowledged.

      path      MISR path
      res       resolution in meters
      block     block number (1-based)
      line      block fractional line (x.0 represents pixel center)
      sample    block fractional sample (x.0 represents pixel center)
   the call:
      status = MTK_BLS_TO_LATLON( path, res, block, line, sample, lat, lon )
      status  0 on success; otherwise failure
      lat     latitude in decimal degrees   
      lon     longitude in decimal degrees

      ;; Set up input parameters
      path  = 189
      res   = 275.0
      block = 47
      line  = 12.5
      samp  = 50.5
      status = MTK_BLS_TO_LATLON( path, res, block, line, samp, lat, lon )
      ;; Output...
      print, 'path                  : ', path
      print, 'resolution (meters)   : ', res
      print, 'block number          : ', block
      print, 'block line            : ', line
      print, 'block sample          : ', samp
      print, '================================================='
      print, 'LATITUDE              : ', lat
      print, 'LONGITUDE             : ', lon
   IDL outputs:
      path                  : 189
      resolution (meters)   : 275.000
      block number          : 47
      block line            : 12.5000
      block sample          : 50.5000
      LATITUDE              : 55.161373
      LONGITUDE             : 16.435319


-Required Reading
   For important details concerning this module's function, please refer to
   the MTK routine MtkBlsToLatLon.c.

   -IDL-MTK Version 1.2.0