List of Routines By Functionality | MISR Toolkit: Main Page
-Abstract MTK_PATH_TO_PROJPARAM returns projection parameters for the given path and resolution. -Copyright Copyright (2005), California Institute of Technology. U.S. Government sponsorship acknowledged. -I/O Given: path MISR path res resolution in meters the call: status = MTK_PATH_TO_PROJPARAM( path, res, proj_params ) returns: status 0 on success; otherwise failure proj_params IDL structure containing projection parameters -Examples ;; ;; Set up input parameters ;; path = 160 res = 275.0 status = MTK_PATH_TO_PROJPARAM( path, res, proj_params ) ;; ;; Output... only print out some of the projection parameters ;; print, 'path : ', path print, 'resolution (meters) : ', res print, '=================================================' tags = STRTRIM(TAG_NAMES(proj_params),2) FOR i = 0, N_TAGS(proj_params)-1 DO BEGIN $ IF N_ELEMENTS(proj_params.(i)) LE 2 THEN BEGIN $ nnn = STRTRIM(N_ELEMENTS(proj_params.(i)),2) & $ print, tags[i],':',proj_params.(i),FORMAT='(A-22,A,'+nnn+'(F-15.3))' ENDIF $ ENDFOR IDL outputs: path : 160 resolution (meters) : 275.000 ================================================= PATH : 160.000 PROJCODE : 22.000 ZONECODE : -1.000 SPHERECODE : 12.000 ULC_BLOCK1 : 7460750.000 1090650.000 LRC_BLOCK1 : 7601550.000 527450.000 NBLOCK : 180.000 NLINE : 512.000 NSAMPLE : 2048.000 RESOLUTION : 275.000 -Particulars None. -Required Reading For important details concerning this module's function, please refer to the MTK routine MtkPathToProjParam.c. -Version -IDL-MTK Version 1.2.0