List of Routines By Functionality | MISR Toolkit: Main Page
-Abstract MTK_WRITE_ENVI_FILE writes an IDL ENVI file given a data buffer and a map info structure. All geolocation information and projection parameters are written to the ENVI file. -Copyright Copyright (2005), California Institute of Technology. U.S. Government sponsorship acknowledged. -I/O Given: envifilename ENVI file name to write databuf data buffer mapinfo map info structure filename MISR product file gridname grid name fieldname field name the call: status = MTK_WRITE_ENVI_FILE( envifilename, databuf, mapinfo, filename, gridname, fieldname ) returns: status 0 on success; otherwise failure -Examples ;; ;; Set up input parameters ;; envifilename= '../Mtk_testdata/out/Ellipsoid_Red_P037_O029058_AA' filename = '../Mtk_testdata/in/MISR_AM1_GRP_ELLIPSOID_GM_P037_O029058_AA_F03_0024.hdf' gridname = 'RedBand' fieldname = 'Red Radiance/RDQI' lat = 66.0 lon = -89.0 lat_extent = 1.5 lon_extent = 1.0 status = MTK_SETREGION_BY_LATLON_EXTENT( lat, lon, lat_extent, lon_extent, "degrees", region ) status = MTK_READDATA( filename, gridname, fieldname, region, databuf, mapinfo ) status = MTK_WRITE_ENVI_FILE( envifilename, databuf, mapinfo, filename, gridname, fieldname ) IDL outputs: None. -Particulars None. -Required Reading For important details concerning this module's function, please refer to the MTK routine MtkWriteEnviFile.c. -Version -IDL-MTK Version 1.2.0