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   MTK_WRITE_ENVI_FILE writes an IDL ENVI file given a data buffer and a map info structure.
   All geolocation information and projection parameters are written to the ENVI file.


   Copyright (2005), California Institute of Technology.
   U.S. Government sponsorship acknowledged.

      envifilename   ENVI file name to write
      databuf        data buffer
      mapinfo        map info structure
      filename       MISR product file
      gridname       grid name
      fieldname      field name

   the call:
      status = MTK_WRITE_ENVI_FILE( envifilename, databuf, mapinfo, filename, gridname, fieldname )
      status         0 on success; otherwise failure


      ;; Set up input parameters
      envifilename= '../Mtk_testdata/out/Ellipsoid_Red_P037_O029058_AA'
      filename    = '../Mtk_testdata/in/MISR_AM1_GRP_ELLIPSOID_GM_P037_O029058_AA_F03_0024.hdf'
      gridname    = 'RedBand'
      fieldname   = 'Red Radiance/RDQI'
      lat         = 66.0
      lon         = -89.0
      lat_extent  = 1.5
      lon_extent  = 1.0
      status      = MTK_SETREGION_BY_LATLON_EXTENT( lat, lon, lat_extent, lon_extent, "degrees", region )
      status      = MTK_READDATA( filename, gridname, fieldname, region, databuf, mapinfo )
      status      = MTK_WRITE_ENVI_FILE( envifilename, databuf, mapinfo, filename, gridname, fieldname )
   IDL outputs:


-Required Reading
   For important details concerning this module's function, please refer to
   the MTK routine MtkWriteEnviFile.c.

   -IDL-MTK Version 1.2.0