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   MTK_READBLOCK returns a single block of MISR data given file, grid, field, and block number.
   See Particulars below regarding extra dimensions in some fields.


   Copyright (2005), California Institute of Technology.
   U.S. Government sponsorship acknowledged.

      filename       MISR product file
      gridname       grid name
      fieldname      field name
      blocknum       block number

   the call:
      status = MTK_READBLOCK( filename, gridname, fieldname, blocknum, databuf )
      status         0 on success; otherwise failure
      databuf        data array


      ;; Set up input parameters
      filename    = '../Mtk_testdata/in/MISR_AM1_GRP_ELLIPSOID_GM_P037_O029058_AA_F03_0024.hdf'
      gridname    = 'RedBand'
      fieldname   = 'Red Radiance/RDQI'
      blocknum    = 40
      status      = MTK_READBLOCK( filename, gridname, fieldname, blocknum, databuf )
      ;; Output...
      print, 'file                  : ', filename
      print, 'grid                  : ', gridname
      print, 'field                 : ', fieldname
      print, 'block number          : ', blocknum
      print, '================================================='
      help, databuf

   IDL outputs:
      file                  : ../Mtk_testdata/in/MISR_AM1_GRP_ELLIPSOID_GM_P037_O029058_AA_F03_0024.hdf
      grid                  : RedBand
      field                 : Red Radiance/RDQI
      block number          : 40
      DATABUF         UINT      = Array[2048, 512]

   The MISR Toolkit read functions always return a 2-D data plane buffer.  Some fields in the MISR data products
   are multi-dimensional.  In order to read one of these fields, the slice to read needs to be specified.
   A bracket notation on the fieldname is used for this purpose.  For example fieldname = “RetrAppMask[0][5]”.

   Additional dimensions can be determined by the routine mtk_file_grid_field_to_dimlist() or by the
   MISR Data Product Specification (DPS) Document.  The actually definition of the indices are not described in the
   MISR product files and thus not described by the MISR Toolkit.  These will have to be looked up in the
   MISR DPS.  All indices are 0-based.

   Example with 1-dimensional field:
      filename      = '../Mtk_testdata/in/MISR_AM1_AS_AEROSOL_P037_O029058_F09_0017.hdf'
      gridname      = 'RegParamsAer'
      basefieldname = 'RegBestEstimateSpectralOptDepth'
      blocknum     = 40
      status = MTK_FILE_GRID_FIELD_TO_DIMLIST(filename, gridname, basefieldname, ndim, dimnames, dimsizes)
      print, ndim
      print, dimnames
      print, dimsizes

      fieldname = 'RegBestEstimateSpectralOptDepth[1]'
      status      = MTK_READBLOCK( filename, gridname, fieldname, blocknum, databuf )

      status      = MTK_READBLOCK( filename, gridname, basefieldname, blocknum, databuf )

   Example with 2-dimensional field:
      filename      = '../Mtk_testdata/in/MISR_AM1_AS_AEROSOL_P037_O029058_F09_0017.hdf'
      gridname      = 'SubregParamsAer'
      basefieldname = 'RetrAppMask'
      blocknum     = 40
      status = MTK_FILE_GRID_FIELD_TO_DIMLIST(filename, gridname, basefieldname, ndim, dimnames, dimsizes)
      print, ndim
      print, dimnames
      print, dimsizes

      fieldname = 'RetrAppMask[0][5]'
      status      = MTK_READBLOCK( filename, gridname, fieldname, blocknum, databuf )

      status      = MTK_READBLOCK( filename, gridname, basefieldname, blocknum, databuf )

-Required Reading
   For important details concerning this module's function, please refer to
   the MTK routine MtkReadBlock.c.

   -IDL-MTK Version 1.2.0