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Flight Software & Embedded Systems Framework

Test Logger

The Test API produces a formatted test log using the TestLogger

A wrapper on the openpyxl library that provides the ability to log messages in an excel sheet. Used by the test API to log events, asserts, test cases, and user messages. The documentation for openpyxl can be found here:

This class uses a write-only optimization that should allow for creating large log files without hogging too much memory. The write-only optimization can be found here:

  • author


class fprime_gds.common.logger.test_logger.TestLogger(output_path, time_format=None, font_name=None)

Bases: object

User-accessible colors. Can be used for the color arguments


User-accessible styles. Must be used for the style arguments

init(output_path, time_format=None, font_name=None)

Constructs a TestLogger


output_path: a path where log files will
time_format: an optional string to specify the timestamp format. See datetime.strftime
font_name: an optional string to specify the font

log_message(message, sender=’NA’, color=None, style=None, case_id=None)

Logs a message to the TestLog. Each message will include a timestamp beforehand. Note: Once specified, the test case’s case_id will persist in the logs until it is specified again.


message: a message to log (str).
sender: a short string describing who created the log message
color: a string object containing a color hex code “######”
style: a string choosing 1 of 3 formatting options (ITALICS, BOLD, UNDERLINED)
case_id: a short identifier to denote which test case the log message belongs to

_TestLogger__get_cell(string, color=None, style=None)

Helper method for log message. This method takes a string as well as color and style arguments to create a write-only cell.


string: a string object to be written to the cell’s value field.
color: a string object containing a color hex code “######”
style: a string choosing 1 of 3 formatting options (ITALICS, BOLD, UNDERLINED)


Saves the write-only workbook. Should be called only once when the log is completed.

Quick Links
Integration Test API User Guide
GDS Overview
Integration Test API
Test Logger
Standard Pipeline
TimeType Serializable