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Flight Software & Embedded Systems Framework

F´ Running on ARM Linux Tutorial

For this tutorial, the assumption is that the ARM Linux machine is available on the network, is running SSH, and the username, password, device address, and host address are known. Without this configuration, users should skip to the next section of the tutorial.

First, in a terminal upload the software to hardware platform. This is done with:

# For ARM 64-bit hardware
# In: Deployment Folder
scp -r build-artifacts/aarch64-linux <username>@<device-address>:deployment

# For ARM 32-bit hardware
# In: Deployment Folder
scp -r build-artifacts/arm-hf-linux <username>@<device-address>:deployment

Users must fill in the username and device address above.

Next run the F´ GDS without launching the native compilation (-n) and with the dictionary from the build above (--dictionary ./build-artifacts/<platform name>/<.xml document>).

# For in-person workshops and ARM 64-bit hardware
# In: Deployment Folder
fprime-gds -n --dictionary build-artifacts/aarch64-linux/dict/<App Dictionary>.xml

# For ARM 32-bit hardware
# In: Deployment Folder
fprime-gds -n --dictionary build-artifacts/aarch64-linux/dict/<App Dictionary>.xml

In another terminal SSH into the device and run the uploaded software:

ssh <username>@<device-address>
sudo deployment/bin/<name-of-deployment> -a <host-address> -p 50000

User should fill in the username and device address above and ensure the executable is supplied the address of the host computer (that ran the GDS).

If the device does not connect, ensure that the firewall port 50000 is open on the host computer.


If you are getting errors for missing Libc.c files, make sure when you generate that the logs show that it is using the /opt/toolchains path and not /bin. You can additionally verify that the correct toolchain is being used by watching the logs scroll by when you initially fprime-util generate <toolchain>.