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Flight Software & Embedded Systems Framework

GDS Dashboard Component Reference

The GDS dashboard is an XML specification for designing custom views into the GDS. This guide will walk through each custom component that can be used in this specification. Properties are specified as XML attributes. This specification in reality is HTML and thus HTML tags may be used. However, for best results, the user should stick to these components where possible.

In this guide:

Available Components and Properties

The dashboard is composed of components and properties set on those components. This section will give a quick overview of the properties and the components that use them. Further explanation of the components is available below.

The following is the list of all properties defined by the XML dashboard specification. These properties have types that help the user enter them. These types are implicit to the property are quickly shown here:

Property Type Description Example
string text string title=”My fancy title”
list Space separated list. Items may be quoted with (‘) fields=”Field1 ‘Field 2’ ‘Field 3’
keyword Just a keyword, no value required compact

The following are the properties available, the type of the property from the above table, and a description of valid values.

Property Description Type Valid values
title Title added as a label for box string any
color Background color applied to box string Any CSS color
border-color Color of border around the box string Any CSS color
fields List of fields (columns) shown list any column field names
filter-text Text to filter displayed items string any
items-shown Names of items to restrict display list any
compact Use minimalist display of component keyword  

Finally, here is a list of available components and which properties they allow.

Component Function Available F´ Fields
... Horizontal container for other components  
... Box container for other components title
Command builder and transmission component fields, filter-text, items-shown, compact
List of commands sent as tracked by the GDS fields, filter-text, items-shown, compact
Ordered list of events received by the GDS fields, filter-text, items-shown, compact
Latest channel readings as received by the GDS fields, filter-text, items-shown, compact

Dashboard Layout Components

There are dashboard layout components, which help users organize their dashboard. Apart from constraining the layout, these components provide no additional functionality. To understand these components and their properties, there are two notes to help clarify:

  • Colors are specified as a named CSS color
  • All properties have defaults and are not required


The dashboard-box acts like a container that other elements are put inside, helping to visually group items together. This allows the user to specify arbitrary blocks of components that may optionally define a title, background color, and border color. An example is shown below.

<dashboard-box title="A Box!" color="gray" border-color="black">
    <!-- ...other content goes inside... -->

dashboard-box supports the following properties:

  • title: A text label to give the box, appearing at the top-left corner (defaults to nothing)
  • color: The background color to give the box (defaults to transparent)
  • border-color: The color to give the border of the box (defaults to transparent)


The dashboard-row is a component for horizontal grouping. This can be used to force components or boxes to align horizontally across the screen. Without the component, groupings would be arrayed vertically. The container itself is invisible.

    <!-- ...other content goes inside... -->

The dashboard-row allows no properties.

Functional Components

The F´ dashboard allows for several functional components as well. These components allow some access to the GDS data, and through the GDS, access to the embedded system. These components manipulate channels, events, and commands. File handling components are currently not supported as they are better suited for a full view.


command-input is used to build and send commands to the embedded system through the GDS. It consists of a command drop down list, argument input boxes, a clear, and a send button. It is seen on the top of the Commands tab. The input box is searchable. An example is shown below:


command-input allows no properties.


command-history is a list of commands and arguments sent to the embedded system. It is important to note that this is tracked through the GDS, and these commands may have not been successfully received by the embedded system. This list can be filtered for command types, and reduced to a set of fields to be displayed. Use the event-list component with a filter for command severity to display commands as received by the embedded system. An example of the command-history component is below:

    fields="'Command Time' 'Command Id' 'Command Mnemonic' 'Command Args'"
    items-shown="cmdDisp.CMD_NO_OP health.HLTH_CHNG_PING"

command-history supports the following properties:

  • fields: A list of columns to show. The supplied columns must exactly match column headers (default: show all)
  • filter-text: Initial filter text to filter items. Any items without string are hidden. (default: no filter)
  • items-shown: A list of command mnemonics to display. Command mnemonics must exactly match. (default: show all)
  • compact: Display using the compact version of this component.


event-list displays a set of events as received by the GDS. This allows the user to monitor for all commands, or monitor for specific events. In addition, a filter may be used to look for certain severities. An example of the event-list component is shown below:

    fields="'Event Time' 'Event Id' 'Event Name' 'Event Severity' 'Event Description'"

event-list supports the following properties:

  • fields: A list of columns to show. The supplied columns must exactly match column headers (default: show all)
  • filter-text: Initial filter text to filter items. Any items without string are hidden. Use this for filtering by severity or any arbitrary message text. (default: no filter)
  • items-shown: A list of event names to display. Event names must exactly match. (default: show all)
  • compact: Display using the compact version of this component.


channel-table displays the most recent reading of a channel’s value. It provides a near realtime look at the channels in the embedded system as received by the GDS. Often users use the items-shown property to view specific channels of interest and the fields property can be used to remove undesired information like channel id. An example is shown below:

    fields="'Last Sample Time' 'Channel Id' 'Channel Name' 'Channel Value'"

channel-table supports the following properties:

  • fields: A list of columns to show. The supplied columns must exactly match column headers (default: show all)
  • filter-text: Initial filter text to filter items. Any items without string are hidden. (default: no filter)
  • items-shown: A list of channel names to display. Channel names must exactly match. This is typically used to set a specific subset of channels to monitor. (default: show all)
  • compact: Display using the compact version of this component.

Misc Components

This is a set of other components that are not typically used, but are nonetheless available.


The logging component typically lives in the logging tab of the GDS. It may be used to show logs in a dashboard, but this feature is rarely used.


logging supports no properties.