ASDC Data and User Services Tutorials and Resources
With mission-specific guidance
Welcome to the Data and User Services repository for the NASA Atmospheric Science Data Center (ASDC)!
This GitHub page serves as a comprehensive resource for end users seeking guidance and instructions on working with data from select missions that are archived and distributed by the ASDC Distributed Active Archive Center (DAAC). Its aim is to enhance the knowledge and proficiency of data users, enabling more effective usage of the valuable resources made available by ASDC. Through this transfer of expertise from ASDC to users, we hope to foster a collaborative environment that drives innovation and progress in space-related endeavors.
In the left sidebar…
You will find how-to guides (for goal-oriented tasks), tutorials (for learning), and scripts for select missions and a variety of use cases. Examples are provided for working with NASA Earthdata both on your local machine as well as in the cloud. The cloud-based guides exemplify the advantages of working with NASA Earthdata in the cloud and aim to provide a starting point for exploring what your own workflows could look like in the cloud.
This site is under active, open development. Stay tuned for more and ever-evolving content!