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Documentation Templates

ORCA utilizes templates to easily manage documentation objects so that they have a consistent look and feel for the end user. The sections below detail the templates currently being maintained. All templates are maintained in the website/docs/templates folder of the ORCA repository.

pan-zoom-image.mdx Template

The pan-zoom-image.mdx template provides an author with a template that renders images on the website that can be panned and zoomed. In addition the end user is provided notes and links to display the image in a separate window. An example of this template in use can be seen on the ORCA Architecture Introduction page.

To use the template create an .mdx content file as laid out in Adding New Content. A sample of a content file using the template is provided below.

id: my-unique-id
title: My Content Page
desc: Provides information on my content.

import useBaseUrl from '@docusaurus/useBaseUrl';

The grey fox jumped over the red fern chasing the pink pig.

imageAlt="A fox chasing a pig."¬

When using the template as seen from the example above, you must import both the useBaseUrl library and the template. More information on the useBaseUrl functionality can be found in the Docusaurus API documentation.

import useBaseUrl from '@docusaurus/useBaseUrl';

The useBaseURL library allows us to reference the img path and image file without having to create a relative location path from the current document.

Image Location and Path

Note that the img directory is in website/static/img but because of the way Docusaurus builds, anything within the static directory will be copied to the root of the build directory for deployment. See information about this in the Docusaurus documentation.

Using @site

The MyImage import provides a name to reference the pan-zoom-image.mdx template. This name can be any alpha numeric value and is often camel cased.

By using @site/docs/templates/ as the path, the template does not need to be referenced via relative location. This allows Docusaurus to figure out the template locations starting at the website root directory.

The position of the template content in the document is based on where you place the tag for MyImage. In the example above, the tag was placed at the end of the document. This means that the content from the template will appear at the end of the document. In addition this particular template requires the end user to populate specific variables.

imageAlt="A fox chasing a pig."¬

There are five required variables that need to be set for the template.

  • imageSource: This is the location and name of the image to display.
  • imageAlt: This is an alternative description of the image.
  • zoomInPic: Picture for zooming in icon. This value should be the same as the example.
  • zoomOutPic: Picture for zooming out icon. This value should be the same as the example.
  • resetPic: Picture for the reset icon. This value should be the same as the example.