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Deploying Documentation

The following sections provide information to ORCA users to create automated or manual releases on github. View the entire versioning and releases document here.

Automated Documentation Release on Github

The release is automated in Bamboo, but the step must be manually started. If you set the RELEASE_FLAG to true and the build steps passed, you will be able to run the manual "Release" step in Bamboo.

On a successful automated release, the updated documentation is committed to the gh-pages branch of the Cumulus ORCA repo. The updated documentation should be available on the Cumulus ORCA website.

Manual Documentation Release on Github

Use the following steps to update Github documentation manually. Additional deployment information can be found at the Docusaurus deployment page.

  • Users need the latest LTS Node version installed to perform manual updates to documentation.
  • The Deployment_Branch must = gh-pages.
  1. Clone the Cumulus ORCA repo to your machine. Enter the repo directory and change to the proper branch.

    git clone
    cd cumulus-orca
    git checkout release-X.Y.Z
  2. Enter the website directory

    cd website
  3. Export the needed environment variables. Make sure to use your GitHub username and password.

    export DEPLOYMENT_BRANCH=gh-pages
    export GIT_USER=$bamboo_SECRET_GITHUB_USER
  4. If your user email and username configuration is not set for git, that must be done before running the deploy in order to avoid errors when pushing to the GitHub repository. If the config is set, this step can be skipped.

    git config --global "$bamboo_SECRET_GITHUB_EMAIL"
    git config --global "$GIT_USER"
  5. Run the deployment script via npm.

    npm run deploy