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Development Environment

Editing and updating the website only requires a text editor and git but, in order to verify links and the overall website build, a local development environment should be created. This pages discusses the setup, running, building, and testing of the Docusaurus website for the ORCA GitHub pages.

Creating the Development Environment

Setting up the development environment consists of three primary tasks,

  • Cloning the cumulus-orca GitHub repository
  • Installing the proper Node.js and npm versions
  • Installing the proper node packages for the cumulus-orca documentation.

The installation steps below goes into further details.

  1. Install the latest Node Version Manager (nvm) application to manage Node.js and npm versions.

    curl -o- | bash
  2. Install the proper Node.js and npm versions to your machine. The latest Node LTS version should be used.

    nvm install --lts
    nvm use --lts
    npm install npm@latest -g
  3. Clone the cumulus-orca repository to your local machine.

    git clone
  4. Move to the website directory under the cumulus-orca local git repository.

    cd cumulus-orca/website
  5. Install the additional node packages needed to create and validate the webpages.

    npm install

Installing the Test Harness

TBD - Automated testing that includes link checking is currently being looked into.

Running the Development Server

To run the development web server and verify builds, contents, and styles perform the following commands. More information on running a Docusaurus website can be found in the Docusaurus documentation.

## From the repository base move to the website directory.
cd website

## Start the server on port 8080 with verbose output for debugging
npm run start --verbose -- --port 8080

A new webpage should display in your default browser at http://localhost:8080/cumulus-orca/.

Building the ORCA Website Locally

To build the cumulus-orca static website for GitHub pages locally run the commands seen below. More information on building a Docusaurus website can be found in the Docusaurus documentation.

## From the repository base move to the website directory.
cd website

## Build the site
npm run build

The resulting site can be found in the build directory.