Software Requirements


Two programs are required prior to using this repository: a compatible TeX distribution and a Python installation. These may already be installed on your computer, for example most Mac OS installations come with Python pre-installed.

  • TeX Distribution 2015+ (with latest updates)

  • Python 2.6+

    • If installing from scratch, we recommend the latest Anaconda distribution of Python

Updating Existing LaTeX Installation

If you have root access on your machine, you may decide to simply just update the existing installation of LaTeX. Each distribution year may be updated. First the package manager is updated by:

tlmgr update --self

Then the actual packages may be updated by:

tlmgr update --all

Installing New LaTeX Installation

If you do not have root access on your machine, you can instead install a separate LaTeX install somewhere else on the machine and update your PATH to this new install location. New installations of LaTeX can be found here:

  • Mac OSX: TexLive (MacTeX) Distribution: TexLive MacTeX

  • Linux: TexLive Distribution: TexLive Linux

  • Windows: proTeXt (based on MiKTeX) Distribution: TexLive proTeXt

    • Please see the note below regarding Perl dependency on Windows

Windows Perl Dependency

On Windows, TexLive includes a minimal Perl setup. It is sufficient for running the TexLive infrastructure programs written in Perl, such as the installer and tlmgr, but it is not sufficient to run every Perl script. Scripts that come as part of TeX packages may require additional modules. It is not feasible to satisfy all those dependencies.

Therefore, you will need to install a full Perl distribution from the following location:

Once installed, please ensure that your new Perl installation is on your PATH.