Quick Start Guide


Before starting, please ensure that the Software Requirements are met. Namely, the Python and LaTeX installations with valid versions. If requirements are not met, some functionality may not work appropriately or at all.

Getting the Repository

GitHub Location: https://github.com/nasa/nasa-latex-docs

git clone https://github.com/nasa/nasa-latex-docs

This repository is constantly being updated and improved. Be sure to pull the latest changes often to make sure that your clone of the repository is up to date:

cd nasa-latex-docs
git pull

Create a New Document


Although new documents can be created from within an existing document because each document will have its own buildPDF.py script, it is always best to create new documents from the latest version of nasa-latex-docs as found on the Github Repository. This way it ensures that all new documents are up to date with the latest features and improvements from the core nasa-latex-docs.

A new document can be simply created as follows using the buildPDF.py found within the nasa-latex-docs repository:

path/to/nasa-latex-docs/support/buildPDF.py --new <PATH TO NEW DOCUMENT>

So, for example:

path/to/nasa-latex-docs/support/buildPDF.py --new ~/Desktop/MyDocument

This will create the MyDocument/ directory in the specified path by the user. Within MyDocument/ you will find:

    ├── MyDocument.tex
    │     The main .tex file for entire document
    ├── bib/
    │     Folder to house document bibliography entries
    ├── fig/
    │     Folder to house all document figures and images
    ├── tex/
    │      Folder to house all document .tex files
    └── support/
          The nasa-latex-docs tool and logic directory
          Users should not need to touch this directory

The purpose of this directory is to get users started with a template document and folder structure to begin working. This makes it incredibly easy to get started on new documents with little to no setup overhead.

Build Document

Now with the document created, we can navigate to the document location and build it! All new documents have sample content so they should be ready to build right away with no user modification:

cd ~/Desktop/MyDocument

From here, we can build the document:

./support/buildPDF.py MyDocument.tex

Once this completes you will notice the built MyDocument.pdf file right next to the main MyDocument.tex file at the root of the MyDocument/ directory.


Please refer to Build Script: buildPDF.py page for details on all the various script options and how to use them.

Temporary Build Artifacts

During the document build process a tmp/ directory is generated to house all of the temporary build artifacts and LaTeX log files. This directory is not to be tracked into any version control software. Advanced LaTeX users might need to go into this folder to interrogate the log files, but most users should not need to worry about any files within the tmp/ directory.

There is really no reason to ever delete the tmp/ directory unless the document is complete or you suspect that some of the files have become stale and are causing erroneous build failures or unexpected build behavior. When the tmp/ directory is deleted, the document will be re-built from scratch which typically takes longer the first time around - often requiring several passes.

Modify the Document

From here, you can start to modify your LaTeX document with your content and configuration and start adding new .tex files. The rest of the NASA-LaTeX-Docs documentation provides details on how to: