📄️ Creating a Cumulus Workflow
The Cumulus workflow module
📄️ Developing Workflow Tasks
Workflow tasks can be either AWS Lambda Functions or ECS Activities.
📄️ Develop Lambda Functions
Develop a new Cumulus Lambda
📄️ Dockerizing Data Processing
The software used for processing data amongst DAAC's is developed in a variety of languages, and with different sets of dependencies and build environments. To standardize processing, Docker allows us to provide an environment (called an image) to meet the needs of any processing software, while running on the kernel of the host server (in this case, an EC2 instance). This lightweight virtualization does not carry the overhead of any additional VM, providing near-instant startup and the ability to run any dockerized process as a command-line call.
📄️ Workflow Configuration How To's
How to specify a bucket for granules
📄️ Contributing a Task
We're tracking reusable Cumulus tasks in this list and, if you've got one you'd like to share with others, you can add it!