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Deploying ORCA with Cumulus


Prior to following this document, make sure that your deployment environment is setup and an ORCA archive bucket is created.

ORCA is meant to be deployed with Cumulus. To deploy ORCA add and/or modify the files in the Cumulus cumulus-tf deployment.

The general steps to deploy and use ORCA are:

  1. Configure the ORCA deployment.
  2. Define the ORCA Ingest and Recovery workflows.
  3. Deploy ORCA using terraform.
  4. Configure ORCA in the collection configuration of the running Cumulus instance.

Configuring the ORCA Deployment

Follow the instructions for deploying Cumulus on the Cumulus website through the configuration of the Cumulus module cumulus-tf.

Prior to deploying the cumulus-tf module, the following files need to be added and/or modified to deploy ORCA with Cumulus.

  • terraform.tfvars

Creating cumulus-tf/

Create the file in the cumulus-tf directory and copy the code below into the new file. Update the source variable with the preferred ORCA version.

Only change the value of source

Only change the value of source in the code example below to point to the proper ORCA version. The ORCA version is specified right after download in the URL path to the release. In the example below the release being used is v3.0.2.

Deploying a local version

If you wish to deploy code cloned locally from Github instead of a release zip, run ./bin/ This will crawl the tasks directory and build a .zip file (currently by just zipping all python files and dependencies) in each of it's sub-directories. You may then set source to the root folder of your cloned Orca repository.

## ORCA Module
## =============================================================================
module "orca" {
source = ""
## --------------------------
## Cumulus Variables
## --------------------------
aws_region = var.region
buckets = var.buckets
lambda_subnet_ids = var.lambda_subnet_ids
permissions_boundary_arn = var.permissions_boundary_arn
prefix = var.prefix
system_bucket = var.system_bucket
vpc_id = var.vpc_id

tags = var.tags

## --------------------------
## ORCA Variables
## --------------------------
db_admin_password = var.db_admin_password
db_host_endpoint = var.db_host_endpoint
db_user_password = var.db_user_password
dlq_subscription_email = var.dlq_subscription_email
orca_default_bucket = var.orca_default_bucket
orca_reports_bucket_name = var.orca_reports_bucket_name
rds_security_group_id = var.rds_security_group_id

# archive_recovery_queue_message_retention_time_seconds = 777600
# db_admin_username = "postgres"
# default_multipart_chunksize_mb = 250
# log_level = "INFO"
# metadata_queue_message_retention_time = 777600
# orca_default_recovery_type = "Standard"
# orca_default_storage_class = "GLACIER"
# orca_delete_old_reconcile_jobs_frequency_cron = "cron(0 0 ? * SUN *)"
# orca_ingest_lambda_memory_size = 2240
# orca_ingest_lambda_timeout = 600
# orca_internal_reconciliation_expiration_days = 30
# orca_reconciliation_lambda_memory_size = 128
# orca_reconciliation_lambda_timeout = 720
# orca_recovery_buckets = []
# orca_recovery_complete_filter_prefix = ""
# orca_recovery_expiration_days = 5
# orca_recovery_lambda_memory_size = 128
# orca_recovery_lambda_timeout = 720
# orca_recovery_retry_limit = 3
# orca_recovery_retry_interval = 1
# orca_recovery_retry_backoff = 2
# s3_inventory_queue_message_retention_time_seconds = 432000
# s3_report_frequency = "Daily"
# sqs_delay_time_seconds = 0
# sqs_maximum_message_size = 262144
# staged_recovery_queue_message_retention_time_seconds = 432000
# status_update_queue_message_retention_time_seconds = 777600


Required Values Unique to the ORCA Module

The following variables are unique to the ORCA module and required to be set by the user. More information about these required variables, as well as the optional variables can be found in the variables section.

  • db_admin_password
  • orca_default_bucket
  • orca_reports_bucket_name
  • db_user_password
  • db_host_endpoint
  • rds_security_group_id
  • dlq_subscription_email

Required Values Retrieved from Cumulus Variables

The following variables are set as part of your Cumulus deployment and are required by the ORCA module. More information about setting these variables can be found in the Cumulus variable definitions. The variables must be set with the proper values in the terraform.tfvars file.

  • buckets
  • lambda_subnet_ids
  • permissions_boundary_arn
  • prefix
  • system_bucket
  • vpc_id
Optional Cumulus Values

The tags value automatically adds a Deployment tag like the Cumulus deployment.

Creating cumulus-tf/

In the cumulus-tf directory create the file. Copy the contents below into the file so that the ORCA unique variables are defined. For more information on the variables, see the variables section.

## Variables unique to ORCA
variable "db_admin_password" {
description = "Password for RDS database administrator authentication"
type = string

variable "db_user_password" {
description = "Password for RDS database user authentication"
type = string

variable "db_host_endpoint" {
type = string
description = "Database host endpoint to connect to."

variable "dlq_subscription_email" {
type = string
description = "The email to notify users when messages are received in dead letter SQS queue due to restore failure. Sends one email until the dead letter queue is emptied."

variable "orca_default_bucket" {
type = string
description = "Default archive bucket to use."

variable "orca_reports_bucket_name" {
type = string
description = "The name of the bucket to store s3 inventory reports."

variable "rds_security_group_id" {
type = string
description = "Cumulus' RDS Security Group's ID."

Modifying cumulus-tf/terraform.tfvars

At the end of the terraform.tfvars file, add the following code. Update the required and optional variable values to the values needed for your particular environment.


The example below shows the minimum variables to set for the module and accepting default values for all of the optional items. The ORCA variables section provides additional information on variables that can be set for the ORCA application.

## =============================================================================
## ORCA Variables
## =============================================================================

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

## ORCA application database user password.
db_user_password = "my-super-secret-orca-application-user-password"

## Default archive bucket to use
orca_default_bucket = "orca-archive-primary"

## The name of the bucket to store s3 inventory reports.
orca_reports_bucket_name = "PREFIX-orca-reports"

## PostgreSQL database (root) user password
db_admin_password = "my-super-secret-database-owner-password"

## PostgreSQL database host endpoint to connect to.
db_host_endpoint = ""

## Cumulus' RDS Security Group's ID.
rds_security_group_id = "sg-01234567890123456"

## Dead letter queue SNS topic subscription email.
dlq_subscription_email = ""

Below describes the type of value expected for each variable.

  • db_user_password (string) - the password for the application user.
  • orca_default_bucket (string) - default S3 archive bucket to use for ORCA data.
  • db_admin_password (string) - password for the admin user.
  • db_host_endpoint(string) - Database host endpoint to connect to.
  • db_user_password (string) - the password for the application user.
  • dlq_subscription_email(string) - "The email to notify users when messages are received in dead letter SQS queue due to restore failure. Sends one email until the dead letter queue is emptied."
  • orca_default_bucket (string) - Default S3 archive bucket to use for ORCA data.
  • orca_reports_bucket_name (string) - The name of the bucket to store s3 inventory reports.
  • rds_security_group_id(string) - Cumulus' RDS Security Group's ID. Output as security_group_id from the rds-cluster deployment.

Additional variable definitions can be found in the ORCA variables section of the document.


The cumulus buckets variable will have to be modified to include the disaster recovery buckets with a type of orca. An example can be seen below. This addition is required for ORCA to have the proper bucket permissions to work with Cumulus.

buckets = {
orca_default = {
name = "orca-archive-primary"
type = "orca"
internal = {
name = "orca-internal"
type = "internal"
private = {
name = "orca-private"
type = "private"
protected = {
name = "orca-protected"
type = "protected"
public = {
name = "orca-public"
type = "public"

Define the ORCA Workflows

The ORCA Ingest Workflows follows each step listed below. Adding the MoveGranuleStep and the CopyToArchive Step are detailed in their respective sections.

ORCA Ingest Workflow SyncGranule FilesToGranuleStep MoveGranuleStep CopyToArchive

Add the Move Granule Step to an Ingest Workflow

Navigate to cumulus-tf/ then add the following step anywhere after the FilesToGranuleStep step being sure to change the FilesToGranuleStep's "Next" parameter equal to "MoveGranuleStep".


Adjust the "Next" step in the example below to point to the proper step in the ingest workflow.

"MoveGranuleStep": {
"Parameters": {
"cma": {
"event.$": "$",
"task_config": {
"bucket": "{$}",
"buckets": "{$.meta.buckets}",
"distribution_endpoint": "{$.meta.distribution_endpoint}",
"collection": "{$.meta.collection}",
"duplicateHandling": "{$.meta.collection.duplicateHandling}",
"s3MultipartChunksizeMb": "{$.meta.collection.meta.s3MultipartChunksizeMb}",
"cumulus_message": {
"outputs": [
{ "source": "{$}", "destination": "{$.payload}" },
{ "source": "{$.granules}", "destination": "{$.meta.processed_granules}" }
"Type": "Task",
"Resource": "${move_granules_task_arn}",
"Retry": [
"ErrorEquals": [
"IntervalSeconds": 2,
"MaxAttempts": 6,
"BackoffRate": 2
"Catch": [
"ErrorEquals": [
"ResultPath": "$.exception",
"Next": "WorkflowFailed"

Add the CopyToArchive Step to an Ingest Workflow

Navigate to cumulus-tf/ then add the following step anywhere after the MoveGranuleStep step being sure to change the MoveGranuleStep's "Next" parameter equal to "CopyToArchive".


Adjust the "Next" step in the example below to point to the proper step in the ingest workflow.

Since ORCA is decoupling from Cumulus starting in ORCA v8.0, users will now run the same ORCA copy_to_archive workflow but must need to update the existing workflow configuration to point to copy_to_archive_adapter lambda (owned by Cumulus) which then runs our existing copy_to_archive lambda.


Make sure to replace <CUMULUS_COPY_TO_ARCHIVE_ADAPTER_ARN> under Resource property below. See cumulus terraform modules for additional details on how to add this.

"task_config": {
"excludedFileExtensions": "{$.meta.collection.meta.orca.excludedFileExtensions}",
"s3MultipartChunksizeMb": "{$.meta.collection.meta.s3MultipartChunksizeMb}",
"providerId": "{$}",
"providerName": "{$}",
"executionId": "{$.cumulus_meta.execution_name}",
"collectionShortname": "{$}",
"collectionVersion": "{$.meta.collection.version}",
"defaultBucketOverride": "{$.meta.collection.meta.orca.defaultBucketOverride}"
"Retry": [
"ErrorEquals": [
"IntervalSeconds": 2,
"MaxAttempts": 3,
"BackoffRate": 2

As part of the Cumulus Message Adapter configuration for copy_to_archive, the excludedFileExtensions, s3MultipartChunksizeMb, providerId, executionId, collectionShortname, collectionVersion, defaultBucketOverride, and defaultStorageClassOverride keys must be present under the task_config object as seen above. Per the config schema, the values of the keys are used the following ways. The provider key should contain an id key that returns the provider id from Cumulus. The cumulus_meta key should contain an execution_name key that returns the step function execution ID from AWS. The collection key value should contain a name key and a version key that return the required collection shortname and collection version from Cumulus respectively. The collection key value should also contain a meta key that includes an orca key having an optional excludedFileExtensions key that is used to determine file patterns that should not be sent to ORCA. In addition, the orca key also contains optional defaultBucketOverride key that overrides the ORCA_DEFAULT_BUCKET set on deployment and optional defaultStorageClassOverride key that overrides the storage class to use when storing files in Orca. The optional s3MultipartChunksizeMb is used to override the default setting for the lambda s3 copy maximum multipart chunk size value when copying large files to ORCA. These settings can often be derived from the collection configuration in Cumulus. See the copy_to_archive_adapter json schema configuration file, input file and output file for more information.

Modify the Recovery Workflow

Since ORCA is decoupling from Cumulus starting in ORCA v8.0, users will now need to deploy a recovery_workflow_adapter workflow that triggers the recovery_adapter lambda (owned by Cumulus) which then runs our existing orca recovery workflow. As part of the Cumulus Message Adapter configuration, several properties must be passed into the adapter lambda. See input and config schemas for more information.

Here is an example of a recovery adapter workflow step function definition and the terraform code provided by Cumulus that can be used to deploy the step function workflow in AWS. Once deployed, you can run that workflow to test ORCA recovery.


Users should reach out to Cumulus team if they want to automate this adapter workflow in Cumulus deployment since Cumulus owns the adapter lambdas.

Workflow Failures

Failures within ORCA break through to the Cumulus workflow they are a part of. More information on addressing workflow failures can be found on the ORCA Best Practices page.

ORCA Variables

The following sections detail the variables used by the ORCA module.

Required Variables

The following variables are required for the ORCA module and must be set to valid values.

Cumulus Required Variables

The following variables should be present already in the cumulus-tf/terraform.tfvars file. The variables must be set with proper values for your environment in the cumulus-tf/terraform.tfvars file.

VariableDefinitionExample Value
bucketsMapping of all S3 buckets used by Cumulus and ORCA that contains a S3 name and type. A bucket with a type of orca is required.buckets = { orca_default = { name = "PREFIX-orca-primary", type = "orca", ...}}
lambda_subnet_idsA list of subnets that the Lambda's and the database have access to for working with Cumulus.["subnet-12345", "subnet-abc123"]
permissions_boundary_arnAWS ARN value of the permission boundary for the VPC account."arn:aws:iam::1234567890:policy/NGAPShRoleBoundary"
prefixPrefix that will be pre-pended to resource names created by terraform."daac-sndbx"
system_bucketCumulus system bucket used to store internal files and configurations for deployments."PREFIX-internal"
vpc_idID of VPC to place resources in - recommended that this be a private VPC (or at least one with restricted access)."vpc-abc123456789"

ORCA Required Variables

The following variables should be present in the cumulus-tf/ file. The variables must be set with proper values for your environment in the cumulus-tf/terraform.tfvars file.

VariableDefinitionExample Value
aws_regionAWS Region to create resources in."us-west-2"
db_admin_passwordPassword for RDS database administrator authentication"My_Sup3rS3cr3t_admin_Passw0rd"
db_host_endpointDatabase host endpoint to connect to.""
db_user_passwordPassword for RDS database user authentication"My_Sup3rS3cr3tuserPassw0rd"
dlq_subscription_emailThe email to notify users when messages are received in dead letter SQS queue""
orca_default_bucketDefault archive bucket to use."PREFIX-orca-primary"
orca_reports_bucket_nameThe Name of the bucket to store s3 inventory reports."PREFIX-orca-reports"
rds_security_group_idCumulus' RDS Security Group's ID."sg-01234567890123456"

Optional Variables

The following variables are optional for the ORCA module and can be set by the end user to better adjust ORCA for their specific environment.

Cumulus Optional Variables

The following variables should be present already in the cumulus-tf/terraform.tfvars file. The variables can be set with proper values for your environment in the cumulus-tf/terraform.tfvars file. It is recommended that the region variable is set to the proper AWS region for deployments.

VariableDefinitionExample Value
tagsTags to be applied to resources that support tags.{ environment = "development", developer = "me" }

ORCA Optional Variables

The following variables should be present in the cumulus-tf/ file. The variables can be set with proper values for your environment in the cumulus-tf/terraform.tfvars file. The default setting for each of the optional variables is shown in the table below.

archive_recovery_queue_message_retention_time_secondsstringThe number of seconds archive-recovery-queue SQS retains a message in seconds.777600
db_admin_usernamestringUsername for RDS database administrator authentication."postgres"
default_multipart_chunksize_mbnumberThe default maximum size of chunks to use when copying. Can be overridden by collection config.250
internal_report_queue_message_retention_time_secondsnumberNumber of seconds the internal-report-queue SQS retains a message.432000
metadata_queue_message_retention_time_secondsnumberNumber of seconds the metadata-queue fifo SQS retains a message.777600
db_namestringThe name of the Orca database within the RDS cluster. Any - in prefix will be replaced with _.PREFIX_orca
db_user_namestringThe name of the application user for the Orca database. Any - in prefix will be replaced with _.PREFIX_orcauser
log_levelstringsets the verbose of PowerTools logger. Must be one of 'INFO', 'DEBUG', 'WARN', 'ERROR'. Defaults to 'INFO'."INFO"
orca_default_recovery_typestringThe Tier for the restore request. Valid values are 'Standard', 'Bulk', 'Expedited'"Standard"
orca_default_storage_classstringThe class of storage to use when ingesting files. Can be overridden by collection config."GLACIER"
orca_delete_old_reconcile_jobs_frequency_cronstringFrequency cron for running the delete_old_reconcile_jobs lambda."cron(0 0 ? * SUN *)"
orca_ingest_lambda_memory_sizenumberAmount of memory in MB the ORCA copy_to_archive lambda can use at runtime.2240
orca_ingest_lambda_timeoutnumberTimeout in number of seconds for ORCA copy_to_archive lambda.600
orca_internal_reconciliation_expiration_daysnumberOnly reports updated before this many days ago will be deleted.30
orca_reconciliation_lambda_memory_sizenumberAmount of memory in MB the ORCA reconciliation lambda can use at runtime.128
orca_reconciliation_lambda_timeoutnumberTimeout in number of seconds for ORCA reconciliation lambdas.720
orca_recovery_bucketsList (string)List of bucket names that ORCA has permissions to restore data to. Default is all in the buckets map.[]
orca_recovery_complete_filter_prefixstringSpecifies object key name prefix by the archive Bucket trigger.""
orca_recovery_expiration_daysnumberNumber of days a recovered file will remain available for copy.5
orca_recovery_lambda_memory_sizenumberAmount of memory in MB the ORCA recovery lambda can use at runtime.128
orca_recovery_lambda_timeoutnumberTimeout in number of seconds for ORCA recovery lambdas.720
orca_recovery_retry_limitnumberMaximum number of retries of a recovery failure before giving up.3
orca_recovery_retry_intervalnumberNumber of seconds to wait between recovery failure retries.1
orca_recovery_retry_backoffnumberThe multiplier by which the retry interval increases during each attempt.2
s3_inventory_queue_message_retention_time_secondsnumberThe number of seconds s3-inventory-queue fifo SQS retains a message in seconds. Maximum value is 14 days.432000
s3_report_frequencystringHow often to generate s3 reports for internal reconciliation. Daily or WeeklyDaily
sqs_delay_time_secondsnumberNumber of seconds that the delivery of all messages in the queue will be delayed.0
sqs_maximum_message_sizenumberThe limit of how many bytes a message can contain before Amazon SQS rejects it.262144
staged_recovery_queue_message_retention_time_secondsnumberNumber of seconds the staged-recovery-queue fifo SQS retains a message.432000
status_update_queue_message_retention_time_secondsnumberNumber of seconds the status_update_queue fifo SQS retains a message.777600

ORCA Module Outputs

The orca module provides the outputs seen below in the table. Outputs are accessed using terraform dot syntax in the format of module.orca.variable_name.

Output VariableDescription
orca_api_deployment_invoke_urlThe URL to invoke the ORCA Cumulus reconciliation API gateway. Excludes the resource path
orca_graphql_load_balancer_dns_nameThe DNS Name of the Application Load Balancer that handles access to ORCA GraphQL.
orca_lambda_copy_to_archive_arnAWS ARN of the ORCA copy_to_archive lambda.
orca_lambda_extract_filepaths_for_granule_arnAWS ARN of the ORCA extract_filepaths_for_granule lambda.
orca_lambda_orca_catalog_reporting_arnAWS ARN of the ORCA orca_catalog_reporting lambda.
orca_lambda_request_from_archive_arnAWS ARN of the ORCA request_from_archive lambda.
orca_lambda_copy_from_archive_arnAWS ARN of the ORCA copy_from_archive lambda.
orca_lambda_request_status_for_granule_arnAWS ARN of the ORCA request_status_for_granule lambda.
orca_lambda_request_status_for_job_arnAWS ARN of the ORCA request_status_for_job lambda.
orca_lambda_post_copy_request_to_queue_arnAWS ARN of the ORCA post_copy_request_to_queue lambda.
orca_lambda_orca_catalog_reporting_arnAWS ARN of the ORCA orca_catalog_reporting lambda.
orca_secretsmanager_arnThe Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the AWS secretsmanager
orca_sfn_recovery_workflow_arnThe ARN of the recovery step function.
orca_sqs_archive_recovery_queue_arnThe ARN of the archive-recovery-queue SQS
orca_sqs_archive_recovery_queue_idThe URL of the archive-recovery-queue SQS
orca_sqs_metadata_queue_arnThe ARN of the metadata-queue SQS
orca_sqs_metadata_queue_idThe URL ID of the metadata-queue SQS
orca_sqs_staged_recovery_queue_arnThe ARN of the staged-recovery-queue SQS
orca_sqs_staged_recovery_queue_idThe URL ID of the staged-recovery-queue SQS
orca_sqs_status_update_queue_arnThe ARN of the status-update-queue SQS
orca_sqs_status_update_queue_idThe URL ID of the status-update-queue SQS
orca_subnet_group_idThe ORCA database subnet group name
orca_subnet_group_arnThe ARN of the ORCA database subnet group

Deploy ORCA with Terraform

In the proper module directory, initialize and apply changes using the commands below.

  1. Run terraform init.
  2. Run terraform plan #optional, but allows you to preview the deploy.
  3. Run terraform apply.

This commands above will create and deploy ORCA. To delete the created objects, run terraform destroy.

Collection Configuration

To configure a collection to enable ORCA, add the line "granuleRecoveryWorkflow": "OrcaRecoveryWorkflow" to the collection configuration as seen below.

Optionally, you can exclude files by adding values to an excludedFileExtensions variable as seen below. In addition, when dealing with large files, the s3MultipartChunksizeMb variable can also be set to override the default setting set during ORCA installation. If the file should be stored in a storage class other than the default set in orca_default_storage_class during installation, specify it using defaultStorageClassOverride. For more information, see the documentation on the copy_to_archive task.

"queriedAt": "2019-11-07T22:49:46.842Z",
"name": "L0A_HR_RAW",
"version": "1",
"sampleFileName": "L0A_HR_RAW_product_0001-of-0420.h5",
"dataType": "L0A_HR_RAW",
"granuleIdExtraction": "^(.*)((\\.cmr\\.json)|(\\.iso\\.xml)|(\\.tar\\.gz)|(\\.h5)|(\\.h5\\.mp))$",
"reportToEms": true,
"granuleId": "^.*$",
"provider_path": "L0A_HR_RAW/",
"meta": {
"s3MultipartChunksizeMb": 400,
"granuleRecoveryWorkflow": "OrcaRecoveryWorkflow",
"orca": {
"excludedFileExtensions": [".cmr", ".xml", ".met"],
"defaultBucketOverride": "prod_orca_worm",
"defaultRecoveryTypeOverride": "Standard",
"defaultStorageClassOverride": "DEEP_ARCHIVE"

Enable Recover Granule Button

To enable the Recover Granule button on the Cumulus Dashboard (available at, set the environment variable ENABLE_RECOVERY=true.

Here is an sample command to run the Cumulus Dashboard locally.

APIROOT= ENABLE_RECOVERY=true npm run serve