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Deploy from Windows

Deploying Cumulus, CumulusDashboard, and ORCA from Windows brings some additional challenges. The goal of this page is to provide a set of modified instructions to get around common errors.


  • Choose a PREFIX that will identify your installation when in AWS. This string will be used throughout deployment.
  • Connect to the NASA VPN to be able to connect to AWS.

    The VPN drastically slows down Terraform operations, and limits what documentation can be viewed. Switch off when applicable.

  • Commands here will use us-west-2 for region because of the current state of our sandbox and ESDIS recommendations. Replace consistently as needed.
    • Make sure any operations in AWS are done under the correct region.


This application will be used in future steps to authenticate users.

Initial Setup

  • Follow the deployment environment setup instructions.
    • You may need to install Terraform manually.
    • Only configure the default profile.
    • Keep the access keys in plain-text. You will need to run aws configure in multiple environments.
  • Create an AWS Key Value Pair by following the AWS instructions.
    • Choose the '.pem' format.
    • Naming convention is PREFIX-key-pair.pem
  • Create buckets.
    • Same OU and region would not be ideal for a real backup system, and is therefore not sufficient for testing.
    • Required buckets are PREFIX-tf-state, PREFIX-orca-primary, PREFIX-internal, PREFIX-private, PREFIX-protected, PREFIX-public, and PREFIX-orca-reports
      • PREFIX-orca-* buckets go in a separate DR account. Other buckets simulate Cumulus-managed buckets, and should be placed in the base account.

    An example command for creating a bucket in us-west-2. Remember to run aws configure for the proper account first.

    aws s3api create-bucket --bucket PREFIX-tf-state --profile default --region us-west-2 --create-bucket-configuration "LocationConstraint=us-west-2"


  • If creating a realistic setup with multiple OUs, apply Create the ORCA Archive Bucket to your PREFIX-orca-primary and PREFIX-orca-reports.

  • Run

    aws dynamodb create-table --table-name PREFIX-tf-locks --attribute-definitions AttributeName=LockID,AttributeType=S --key-schema AttributeName=LockID,KeyType=HASH --billing-mode PAY_PER_REQUEST --region us-west-2
  • Run

    aws s3api put-bucket-versioning --bucket PREFIX-tf-state --versioning-configuration Status=Enabled

    VPC and Subnets are created by NGAP. It is recommended you copy values from an existing deployment setup.

    • Go to this repo and clone it to your machine.

It is strongly recommended to use a tested release branch rather than master. These instructions have been tested with release/v9.4.0-v3.0.1

  • Unzip.

  • Remove the '.example' on and terraform.tfvars files in data-persistence-tf, cumulus-tf, and rds-cluster-tf.

  • Globally find and replace postgres_user_pw to db_admin_password and database_app_user_pw to db_user_password.

  • In each and terraform.tfvars, use your own prefix, region, vpc id, and subnet ids.


    The region and prefix are not always in simple variables. Do a global search for 'PREFIX' and 'us-east-1'.


    Only use the non-lambda subnet id in the data-persistence-tf/terraform.tfvars. In cumulus-tf use both.


    Overwrite the orca-sandbox in orca-sandbox-tf-locks with your prefix as well.

  • In rds-cluster-tf/terraform.tfvars

    • Use values of your choice for db_admin_username and db_admin_password
    • Set tags to { "Deployment" = "PREFIX" }
    • Set permissions_boundary_arn to arn:aws:iam::YOUR ACCOUNT ID:policy/NGAPShRoleBoundary
    • Add rds_user_password = "CumulusD3faultPassw0rd" and change as desired.
    • Set provision_user_database to true
    • Set cluster_identifier to "PREFIX-cumulus-db"
  • In rds-cluster-tf/

    • Set bucket to "PREFIX-tf-state"
    • Set key to "PREFIX/cumulus/terraform.tfstate"
    • Set dynamodb_table to "PREFIX-tf-locks"
  • Go to and download the file to the same folder as your downloaded repo and orca folder.


    Make sure that no extension is added.

  • Open a commandline in the same folder.

    • Run docker build -t orca . and docker run -it --rm -v pathToYourFolder:/CIRRUS-core orca /bin/bash
    • The commandline should now be inside a docker container.
      cd cumulus-orca-template-deploy/rds-cluster-tf/
      aws configure
      terraform init
      terraform plan
      terraform apply
  • In data-persistence-tf/terraform.tfvars

    • Set permissions_boundary_arn to arn:aws:iam::12345:policy/NGAPShRoleBoundary replacing the 12345 with your Account Id. Location of Account Id
    • Set rds_user_access_secret_arn to the user_credentials_secret_urn output from terraform apply.
    • Set rds_security_group to the security_group_id output from terraform apply.
    • Set vpc_id to your borrowed VPC.

cd ../data-persistence-tf/ aws configure terraform init terraform plan terraform apply

- In cumulus-tf/terraform.tfvars
- Replace 12345 in permissions_boundary_arn with the Account Id.
- Add to the buckets:

orca_default = { name = "PREFIX-orca-primary" type = "orca" }, provider = { name = "orca-sandbox-s3-provider" type = "provider" }

The "orca-sandbox-s3-provider" bucket contains test data.
If creating a separate environment, you can create your own bucket.
It is recommended that all buckets include the same test data.

- If the CMA is not deployed, follow [the deployment instructions]( and note the version used. Must match `cumulus_message_adapter_version`.
If you have already deployed your own CMA layer, it can be found using

aws lambda --profile default list-layers --query "Layers[?LayerName=='PREFIX-CMA-layer'].[LayerName, LayerArn, LatestMatchingVersion.LayerVersionArn]"


- Comment out the `ecs_cluster_instance_image_id`. This will use the latest NGAP ECS image.
- `ecs_cluster_instance_subnet_ids` and `lambda_subnet_ids` should have the same two values.
- Set `urs_client_id` and `urs_client_password` to the values from your created application.
- Add an extra property `urs_url = ""`
- Add your username to the `api_users`
- If you want all Orca developers to have access, set to

api_users = [ "bhazuka", "rizbi.hassan", "scott.saxon", ]

- Comment out the `archive_api_port` property and value.
- Uncomment the `key_name property` and set the value to `"PREFIX-key-pair"`
- Add this section to the bottom of the file and edit as desired:


ORCA Variables




ORCA application database user password.

db_user_password = "This1sAS3cr3t"

Default archive bucket to use

orca_default_bucket = PREFIX-orca-primary"

PostgreSQL database (root) user password

db_admin_password = "An0th3rS3cr3t"

The instructions in the tfvars file suggest swapping '12345' with your account ID. This may not work, depending on how your dependencies were set up.
- In cumulus-tf/
- Remove the `aws_profile` and `region` variables.
- Replace the `ORCA Variables` section with the following:
## --------------------------
## ORCA Variables
## --------------------------
orca_default_bucket = var.orca_default_bucket
db_admin_password = var.db_admin_password
db_user_password = var.db_user_password
db_host_endpoint = var.db_host_endpoint
rds_security_group_id = var.rds_security_group_id
db_admin_username = "postgres"
orca_delete_old_reconcile_jobs_frequency_cron = "cron(0 0 ? * SUN *)"
orca_ingest_lambda_memory_size = 2240
orca_ingest_lambda_timeout = 600
orca_internal_reconciliation_expiration_days = 30
orca_recovery_buckets = []
orca_recovery_complete_filter_prefix = ""
orca_recovery_expiration_days = 5
orca_recovery_lambda_memory_size = 128
orca_recovery_lambda_timeout = 300
orca_recovery_retry_limit = 3
orca_recovery_retry_interval = 1
orca_recovery_retry_backoff = 2
s3_inventory_queue_message_retention_time_seconds = 432000
s3_report_frequency = "Daily"
sqs_delay_time_seconds = 0
sqs_maximum_message_size = 262144
staged_recovery_queue_message_retention_time_seconds = 432000
status_update_queue_message_retention_time_seconds = 777600
  • Set the value of db_host_endpoint to the rds_endpoint value output from the rds-cluster deployment.
  • Set the value of rds_security_group_id to the security_group_id value output from the rds-cluster deployment.
  • You may change source to an alternate release. If local, make sure it is within the scope of the container.
cd ../cumulus-tf
terraform init
terraform plan
terraform apply