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Version: v18.4.0

Discovery Filtering

Discovery filtering is an advanced feature of the discover-granules and discover-pdrs tasks. It is a configurable option for discovery that allows an operator to manipulate which parts of a remote file system Cumulus will attempt discovery in.

This is useful when operators want to limit run time or network load when attempting discovery on a very large remote file system for a small subset of files.

Using discovery filtering

This feature is available for certain ingest protocols (see below), and allows operators to filter which paths on a remote file system are explored by interpreting each segment of the task's config.provider_path as a regular expression to filter contents listed recursively, starting from the default directory.

Items that fail the filter are ignored. An item that passes the filter is handled depending on its type:

  • Directories that pass the filter are recurred into for further recursive listing.
  • Files that pass the filter are appended to the final output returned by the discovery.

Two example values for provider_path are provided below to help explain the recursive filtering algorithm:

"provider_path": "(MOD0.*)/PDR/"

The path shown above will:

  • list contents of the default directory,
  • append or recur into any item matching MOD0.*, e.g. MOD09GQ,
  • append or recur into any item in directories from the previous step named PDR,
  • append and recur into everything in PDR without filtering anything out.
"provider_path": "daily/(199.)/data/(.*.nc)"

The path shown above will:

  • list contents of the default directory,
  • append or recur into any item named daily,
  • append or recur into any item in daily that matches 199., e.g. '1997',
  • append or recur into any item in directories from the previous step named data,
  • append or recur into all items that end in .nc,
  • append or recur into everything in any directories that ended in .nc without filtering anything out.

Each discovery task performs its own post-discovery filtering on some relevant value, e.g. granuleIdExtraction for discover-granules, so discovery filtering is intended to be used primarily to limit unnecessary exploration of large file systems, not to filter for specific files.


An error during recursive filtering causes the algorithm to back out and default to attempting to directly list the provider_path. If the path contains regular expression components, this may fail.

It is recommended that operators diagnose any failures by checking error logs and ensuring that permissions on the remote file system allow reading of the default directory and any subdirectories that match the filter.

Supported protocols

Currently support for this feature is limited to the following protocols:

  • ftp
  • sftp