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Version: v18.4.0

Share S3 Access Logs

It is possible through Cumulus to share S3 access logs across multiple S3 packages using the S3 replicator package.

S3 Replicator

The S3 Replicator is a Node.js package that contains a simple Lambda function, associated permissions, and the Terraform instructions to replicate create-object events from one S3 bucket to another.

First, ensure that you have enabled S3 Server Access Logging.

Next, configure your terraform.tfvars as described in the s3-replicator/ to correspond to your deployment. The source_bucket and source_prefix are determined by how you enabled the S3 Server Access Logging.

In order to deploy the s3-replicator with Cumulus you will need to add the module to your terraform definition as the example below:

module "s3-replicator" {
source = "<path to>"
prefix = var.prefix
vpc_id = var.vpc_id
subnet_ids = var.subnet_ids
permissions_boundary = var.permissions_boundary_arn
source_bucket = var.s3_replicator_config.source_bucket
source_prefix = var.s3_replicator_config.source_prefix
target_bucket = var.s3_replicator_config.target_bucket
target_prefix = var.s3_replicator_config.target_prefix

The Terraform source package can be found on the Cumulus GitHub Release page under the asset tab

ESDIS Metrics

In the NGAP environment, the ESDIS Metrics team has set up an ELK stack to process logs from Cumulus instances. To use this system, you must deliver any S3 Server Access logs that Cumulus creates.

Configure the S3 Replicator as described above using the target_bucket and target_prefix provided by the Metrics team.

The Metrics team has taken care of setting up Logstash to ingest the files that get delivered to their bucket into their Elasticsearch instance.


For a more in-depth overview regarding ESDIS Metrics view the Cumulus Distribution Metrics section.