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Postgres Tests


Run through the steps in Setting Up a Dev Environment prior to modifying/testing code.

Preparing to Run Postgres Tests

Test files ending in '' require a postgres database to be accessible.

  1. Make sure you have Docker running on your machine.
  2. Open a command prompt and run
    docker run -it --rm --name some-postgres -v [path to repository]/database/ddl/base:/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/ -p 5432:5432 -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=[your db password here] postgres
  3. The running database can now be accessed at localhost:5432
  4. Use the username 'postgres', and your new db password to access the db, and set the password for 'druser'.
    docker run -it --rm --network host -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=[your user password here] postgres psql -h localhost -U postgres`
  5. Place a file called 'private_config.json' in the postgres' test folder and give it the information for your database.
    {"DATABASE_HOST": "localhost",
    "DATABASE_PORT": "5432",
    "DATABASE_NAME": "orca",
    "DATABASE_USER": "druser",
    "DATABASE_PW": "[your user password here]",
    "MASTER_USER_PW": "[your db password here]"}
    These values will be injected into your environment variables before the test is run.
  6. You may now run postgres tests the same way you would unit tests.