Source code for upsp.processing.p3d_conversions

import base64
import json
import struct
import os
import subprocess

from pathlib import Path

from . import plot3d

[docs]def convert_to_obj(p3d_file, obj_file, zones_map_file): grd = plot3d.read_p3d_grid(p3d_file) grd.write_zones_mapping(zones_map_file) tris = p3d_to_obj_triangles(grd) v = tris["vertices"] f = tris["faces"] obj_path = os.path.dirname(obj_file) Path(obj_path).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) # Write obj file by listing vertices, vertex normals then faces fp = open(obj_file, "w+") fp.write("o Mesh_0\n") vList = map(lambda x: x + "\n", v) fp.writelines(vList) fp.write("usemtl None\n") fp.write("s off\n") fList = map(lambda x: x + "\n", f) fp.writelines(fList)["chmod", "750", obj_file])
[docs]def p3d_to_obj_triangles(grd): vertices = [] faces = [] idx0 = 0 for imax, jmax, kmax in for ii in range(imax * jmax): line = ( "v " + str(grd.x[idx0 + ii]) + " " + str(grd.y[idx0 + ii]) + " " + str(grd.z[idx0 + ii]) ) vertices.append(line) for ii in range(imax - 1): for jj in range(jmax - 1): p0 = idx0 + jj * imax + ii p1 = idx0 + jj * imax + ii + 1 p2 = idx0 + (jj + 1) * imax + ii + 1 p3 = idx0 + (jj + 1) * imax + ii # obj files assume counter-clockwise vertex order; # assume normals have identical index to vertex f0 = "f " + str(p0 + 1) + " " + str(p1 + 1) + " " + str(p2 + 1) f1 = "f " + str(p0 + 1) + " " + str(p2 + 1) + " " + str(p3 + 1) faces.append(f0) faces.append(f1) idx0 += imax * jmax return {"vertices": vertices, "faces": faces}
[docs]def convert_to_gltf(p3d_file, gltf_file, zones_mapping_file): grd = plot3d.read_p3d_grid(p3d_file) grd.write_zones_mapping(zones_mapping_file) tris = p3d_to_gltf_triangles(grd) v = tris["vertices"] vmax = [float(max(v[0::3])), float(max(v[1::3])), float(max(v[2::3]))] vmin = [float(min(v[0::3])), float(min(v[1::3])), float(min(v[2::3]))] f = tris["indices"] fmax = int(max(f)) fmin = int(min(f)) npad = (len(f) * 4) % 4 fbuff = struct.pack("<" + len(f) * "I" + npad * "x", *f) vbuff = struct.pack("<" + len(v) * "f", *v) data = fbuff + vbuff data_uri = "data:application/octet-stream;base64," + base64.b64encode(data).decode( "utf-8" ) buff = {"uri": data_uri, "byteLength": len(data)} SCALAR = "SCALAR" VEC2 = "VEC2" # noqa VEC3 = "VEC3" VEC4 = "VEC4" # noqa MAT2 = "MAT2" # noqa MAT3 = "MAT3" # noqa MAT4 = "MAT4" # noqa BYTE = 5120 # noqa UNSIGNED_BYTE = 5121 # noqa SHORT = 5122 # noqa UNSIGNED_SHORT = 5123 # noqa UNSIGNED_INT = 5125 FLOAT = 5126 # MESH PRIMITIVE MODES POINTS = 0 # noqa LINES = 1 # noqa LINE_LOOP = 2 # noqa LINE_STRIP = 3 # noqa TRIANGLES = 4 TRIANGLE_STRIP = 5 # noqa TRIANGLE_FAN = 6 # noqa ARRAY_BUFFER = 34962 # eg vertex data ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER = 34963 # eg index data indices_view = { "buffer": 0, "byteOffset": 0, "byteLength": len(fbuff), "target": ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, } vertices_view = { "buffer": 0, "byteOffset": len(fbuff), "byteLength": len(vbuff), "target": ARRAY_BUFFER, } indices_accessor = { "bufferView": 0, "byteOffset": 0, "componentType": UNSIGNED_INT, "count": int(len(f)), "type": SCALAR, "max": [fmax], "min": [fmin], } vertices_accessor = { "bufferView": 1, "byteOffset": 0, "componentType": FLOAT, "count": int(len(v) / 3), "type": VEC3, "max": vmax, "min": vmin, } material = { "pbrMetallicRoughness": { "baseColorTexture": {"index": 0}, "metallicFactor": 0.5, "roughnessFactor": 0.1, "alphaMode": "OPAQUE", "alphaCutoff": 0.5, } } texture = {"sampler": 0, "source": 0} sampler = {"magFilter": 9729, "minFilter": 9987, "wrapS": 33648, "wrapT": 33648} primitive = { "attributes": { "POSITION": 1, }, "indices": 0, "mode": TRIANGLES, } gltf = { "asset": {"version": "2.0"}, "scenes": [{"nodes": [0]}], "nodes": [{"mesh": 0}], "meshes": [{"primitives": [primitive]}], "buffers": [buff], "bufferViews": [indices_view, vertices_view], "accessors": [indices_accessor, vertices_accessor], "textures": [texture], "samplers": [sampler], "materials": [material], } gltf_path = os.path.dirname(gltf_file) Path(gltf_path).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) with open(gltf_file, "w+") as fp: json.dump(gltf, fp, indent=True)["chmod", "750", gltf_file])
[docs]def p3d_to_gltf_triangles(grd): vertices = [] indices = [] idx0 = 0 for imax, jmax, kmax in for ii in range(imax * jmax): vertices.append(grd.x[idx0 + ii]) vertices.append(grd.y[idx0 + ii]) vertices.append(grd.z[idx0 + ii]) for ii in range(imax - 1): for jj in range(jmax - 1): p0 = idx0 + jj * imax + ii p1 = idx0 + jj * imax + ii + 1 p2 = idx0 + (jj + 1) * imax + ii + 1 p3 = idx0 + (jj + 1) * imax + ii t0 = [p0, p1, p2] t1 = [p0, p2, p3] indices.extend(t0) indices.extend(t1) idx0 += imax * jmax return {"vertices": vertices, "indices": indices}