
  • Data point: A single wind tunnel test condition

  • External calibration: Also called “extrinsic” calibration; parameters that quantify the position and orientation of a camera coordinate frame relative to another frame (for example, relative to a test model-fixed frame or a wind tunnel-fixed frame)

  • Internal calibration: Also called “intrinsic” calibration; parameters that quantify the physical properties of the camera system such as focal length and sensor center offset.

  • Javascript Object Notation (JSON): Text-based file format used for storage of structured data, used throughout uPSP software for configuration files.

  • Outer Mold Line (OML): The wetted surface area of an aerodynamic body (to be painted with PSP)

  • NASA Advanced Supercomputing Division (NAS): Division at NASA Ames Research Center that houses the HECC.

  • Pleaides Front End (PFE): Systems in the NAS HECC enclave for user login to interact with the HECC clusters.

  • Portable Batch Scheduler (PBS): System service that handles scheduling jobs on NAS HECC clusters.

  • Wind Tunnel Data (WTD) file: File format for storage of wind tunnel test conditions such as Mach number, Reynolds number, model angle of attack, model sideslip angle, and model sting support position.

  • Wind tunnel test model (“test model”, or “model”): The physical body installed in the wind tunnel for test purposes

  • Wind tunnel test model grid (“model grid”, or “grid”): The 3D representation of a wind tunnel test model in a digital file format