Data point: A single wind tunnel test condition
External calibration: Also called “extrinsic” calibration; parameters that quantify the position and orientation of a camera coordinate frame relative to another frame (for example, relative to a test model-fixed frame or a wind tunnel-fixed frame)
Internal calibration: Also called “intrinsic” calibration; parameters that quantify the physical properties of the camera system such as focal length and sensor center offset.
Javascript Object Notation (JSON): Text-based file format used for storage of structured data, used throughout uPSP software for configuration files.
Outer Mold Line (OML): The wetted surface area of an aerodynamic body (to be painted with PSP)
NASA Advanced Supercomputing Division (NAS): Division at NASA Ames Research Center that houses the HECC.
Pleaides Front End (PFE): Systems in the NAS HECC enclave for user login to interact with the HECC clusters.
Portable Batch Scheduler (PBS): System service that handles scheduling jobs on NAS HECC clusters.
Wind Tunnel Data (WTD) file: File format for storage of wind tunnel test conditions such as Mach number, Reynolds number, model angle of attack, model sideslip angle, and model sting support position.
Wind tunnel test model (“test model”, or “model”): The physical body installed in the wind tunnel for test purposes
Wind tunnel test model grid (“model grid”, or “grid”): The 3D representation of a wind tunnel test model in a digital file format