Source code for upsp.intensity_mapping.patching

import numpy as np
import copy
import cv2

from upsp.cam_cal_utils import photogrammetry

np.set_printoptions(linewidth=180, precision=4, threshold=np.inf)

# Degree of polynomial fit for patch
degree = 3

# TODO: Another potential method to look into is a 2D taylor expansion
#   F(t_0 + delta_t) = sum n from 0 to inf: 1/n! (n-th derivative of F w.r.t. t) * delta_t^n
#   Where F(t) = f(x_o + t * delta_x, y_o + t * delta_y)
#   (f is the function we want, F(t) is easy to take a taylor series of)
#   n-th derivative of F(t):
#       sum m from 0 to n:
#           (n choose m) * (m-th partial derivative w.r.t. x and (n-m)-th partial
#           derivative w.r.t. y of f) evaluated at (x_o, y_o) * delta_x^m * delta_y^(n-m)

# TODO: Another thing to try (with the current method or Taylor expansion) is weighting
#   Each pixel gets exponentially less weight on the current patch based on distance
#   Typically exp(-d^2) where d is distance

[docs]def get_target_node_idxs(nodes, tgts, buffer_thickness_in): """Returns the indices of all nodes that are inside of targets Returns list of indices of nodes that fall within the patch of a target. This is calculated by finding the distance from every node to every target. All nodes that are a distance less than ``tgt['size']`` from the target are marked as 'invalid' and the indices of those nodes are returned This is calculated in a two step procedure for a speedup. It is based on the fact that Euclidean distance <= Manhattan distance <= sqrt(3) * euclidean distance, and that Manhattan distance is much faster to calculate than Euclidean distance since there is no square or square root operation. Step 1 calculates the Manhattan distance (L1 norm) from every node to every target. If the Manhattan distance is greater than ``sqrt(3) * tgt['size']``, we know for certain that the node is at least ``tgt['size']`` units of Euclidean distance from the target. This will be the vast majority of nodes (all but ~300 for example launch vehicle w/ ~1 million nodes). Step 2 checks the Euclidean distance of each node that failed the Manhattan distance check. Nodes that fall within ``tgt['size']`` of any target are marked as invalid and their index is returned. If a large portion of the nodes are near a target, this process would be slow since it is effectively double calculating any node near a target. However, since the targets are relatively small compared to the surface area of the model, it results in a roughly 2X speedup. Parameters ---------- nodes : np.ndarray, shape (N, 3), float A numpy array of the X, Y, and Z values of the nodes tgts : list Each target is a dictionary with (at a minimum) a 'tvec' and 'size' attribute. The 'tvec' attribute gives the target's location and the 'size' gives the Euclidean distance from the center of the target to the perimeter buffer_thickness_in : float Buffer (in inches) to add to fiducials when determining internals applied radially (increases effective radius of fiducial by `buffer_thickness_in`) Returns ------- nodes_in_targets : np.ndarray Sorted array of the indices (``np.int32``) of the nodes that are inside of a target """ # Heuristic - Nodes within np.sqrt(3) * tgt['size'] units of manhattan distance are # flagged as potential invalid nodes heuristic_invalid_nodes = set() for tgt in tgts: manhattan_dist = np.linalg.norm(np.absolute(nodes - tgt['tvec'].T), ord=1, axis=1) heuristic_invalid_nodes.update(np.squeeze(np.argwhere(manhattan_dist < (np.sqrt(3) * (tgt['size'] / 2 + buffer_thickness_in))), axis=1).tolist()) heuristic_invalid_nodes = list(heuristic_invalid_nodes) # Final Check - Of the nodes flagged, check if any are within of euclidean distance invalid_nodes = set() for tgt in tgts: dist = np.linalg.norm(nodes[heuristic_invalid_nodes] - tgt['tvec'].T, axis=1) invalid_nodes.update(set(heuristic_invalid_nodes[i] for i in np.squeeze(np.argwhere(dist < (tgt['size'] / 2 + buffer_thickness_in)), axis=1))) return np.array(sorted(invalid_nodes), dtype=np.int32)
[docs]def patchFiducials(fiduals_visible, inp_img, rmat, tvec, cameraMatrix, distCoeffs, boundary_thickness, buffer_thickness_in): """Patches clusters in the `inp_img` Parameters ---------- fiduals_visible : list Each fiducial is a dict with (at a minimum) 'tvec' and 'target_type' attributes. The 'tvec' attribute gives the fiducial's location and 'target_type' is a string denoting the type of fiducial (most commonly 'dot' or 'kulite') inp_img : np.ndarray, np.uint8 Input image to be patched. `rmat` and `tvec` should be aligned to image rmat : np.ndarray, shape (3, 3), float Rotation matrix from camera to object tvec : np.ndarray, shape (3, 1), float Translation vector from camera to object cameraMatrix : np.ndarray, shape (3x3), float The (openCV formatted) camera matrix for the camera distCoeffs : np.ndarray, shape (5, 1) or (5,), float The (openCV formatted) distortion coefficients for the camera boundary_thickness : int Thickness of boundary (in pixels) buffer_thickness_in : float Buffer (in inches) to add to fiducials when determining internals applied radially (increases effective radius of fiducial by `buffer_thickness_in`) Returns ------- out_img : np.ndarray, float Image with patched fiducials See Also -------- get_fiducial_internal_and_boundary : Return internal and boundary pixel positions for the input fiducial get_cluster_internal_and_boundary : Returns a list of internal and boundary pixels for the input cluster polyfit2D : Finds the polynomial fit using the boundary pixels polyval2D : Finds the value for the internal pixels using the polynomial fit """ # Create an output copy of the input image to work with out_img = copy.deepcopy(inp_img).astype(np.float32) # Cluster the fiducials clusters = clusterFiducials(fiduals_visible, rmat, tvec, cameraMatrix, distCoeffs, boundary_thickness, buffer_thickness_in) # Patch every cluster in the output image for cluster in clusters: # Get the internal and boundary points of the cluster if (len(cluster) == 1): internals, bounds = get_fiducial_internal_and_boundary(cluster[0], rmat, tvec, cameraMatrix, distCoeffs, boundary_thickness, buffer_thickness_in) else: internals, bounds = get_cluster_internal_and_boundary(cluster, rmat, tvec, cameraMatrix, distCoeffs, boundary_thickness, buffer_thickness_in) # Skip if there are too few points to perform patching if (len(bounds) < ((degree+2)*(degree+1)/2)): continue # Convert the positions to local positions min_bounds = (np.min(bounds[:,0]), np.min(bounds[:,1])) local_internals = internals - min_bounds local_bounds = bounds - min_bounds # Get the intensities of the boundary intensities Is = [inp_img[bound[1]][bound[0]] for bound in bounds] # Fit a 2D polynomial to the boundary intensities coeffs = polyfit2D(local_bounds, Is) # Using the fit, find values for the internal intensities new_internal_intensities = polyval2D(local_internals, coeffs) # Enter the new intensity values into the array internals = internals[:, [1, 0]] out_img[tuple(internals.T)] = new_internal_intensities return out_img
[docs]def clusterFiducials(fiduals_visible, rmat, tvec, cameraMatrix, distCoeffs, boundary_thickness, buffer_thickness_in): """Clusters input fiducials based on image location and image size A cluster is made of all fiducials with a path of overlap between them, i.e. A is overlapping B which is overlapping C and D, therefore A, B, C, and D are all in the same cluster. It is considered overlap if the internal pixels to one fiducial overlap the internal or boundary pixels of another fiducial. A cluster can be a single fiducial if there is no overlap. This function clusters targets, then returns the clusters. Parameters ---------- fiduals_visible : list Each fiducial is a dict with (at a minimum) 'tvec' and 'target_type' attributes. The 'tvec' attribute gives the fiducial's location and 'target_type' is a string denoting the type of fiducial (most commonly 'dot' or 'kulite') rmat : np.ndarray, shape (3, 3), float Rotation matrix from camera to object tvec : np.ndarray, shape (3, 1), float Translation vector from camera to object cameraMatrix : np.ndarray, shape (3, 3), float The (openCV formatted) camera matrix for the camera distCoeffs : np.ndarray, shape (5, 1) or (5,), float The (openCV formatted) distortion coefficients for the camera boundary_thickness : int Thickness of boundary (in pixels) buffer_thickness_in : float Buffer (in inches) to add to fiducials when determining internals applied radially (increases effective radius of fiducial by `buffer_thickness_in`) Returns ------- clusters : list List of clusters, where each cluster is a list of fiducials from `fiducials_visible`. """ # Represent fiducials as circles with center and radius unclustered_fiducial_sets = [] #deleteme? # unclustered_image_fiducials = [] #deleteme? for fiducial in fiduals_visible: internals, bounds = get_fiducial_internal_and_boundary(fiducial, rmat, tvec, cameraMatrix, distCoeffs, boundary_thickness, buffer_thickness_in) internal_set = set(tuple(internal) for internal in internals) internal_and_boundary_set = set(set(tuple(boundary) for boundary in bounds)).union(internal_set) unclustered_fiducial_sets.append([internal_set, internal_and_boundary_set]) # tgt_proj, targ_size_px, __, __ = get_fiducial_pixel_properties(fiducial, rmat, tvec, cameraMatrix, distCoeffs, boundary_thickness, buffer_thickness_in) # # tgt_proj['proj'] is center, targ_size_px is diameter # unclustered_image_fiducials.append((tgt_proj['proj'], targ_size_px / 2)) # unclustered_image_fiducials_orig = copy.deepcopy(unclustered_image_fiducials) unclustered_fiducial_sets_orig = copy.deepcopy(unclustered_fiducial_sets) # Represent fiducals as nodes on a graph (the abstract data structure) # Nodes are connected if the set of pixels internal to the fiducial overlap with the # set of internal or set of boundary pixels of another # Clusters are connected components of that graph clusters = [] # 1) Add the an unclustered fiducal to a cluster. Remove it from the # unclustered list # 2) For each unclusted fiducial, find the distance to each fiducial in the # cluster (not the center of the fidcual, the perimieter of the fiducial) # 3) If any of the distances is small enough that the boundaries of one can overlap # with the internals of another, add it to the cluster. Additionally, remove # it from the unclustered and go back to step 2. # (This is defined as the distance being less than the boundary_thickness plus # sqrt(2). If the distance is larger than this it cannot overlap. Anything # less than that is possible) # 4) Once an iteration has been completed without adding an unclustered fiducial, # add this cluster to the clusters list. If there are unclustered fiducials, # go back to step 1. while len(unclustered_fiducial_sets): cluster = [unclustered_fiducial_sets.pop(-1)] # Repeat until nothing is added to the cluster was_added = True while was_added: was_added = False for unclustered in unclustered_fiducial_sets: for clustered in cluster: # If the internals of the targets overlap, add the unclustered to # the cluster if clustered[0].intersection(unclustered[0]): cluster.append(unclustered) unclustered_fiducial_sets.remove(unclustered) was_added = True break # If the boundaries of one overlap the internals of thee other, add # the unclustered to the cluster if clustered[1].intersection(unclustered[0]) or clustered[0].intersection(unclustered[1]): cluster.append(unclustered) unclustered_fiducial_sets.remove(unclustered) was_added = True break if was_added: break clusters.append(cluster) # Repackage as fiducial cluster fiducial_clusters = [] for cluster in clusters: fiducial_cluster = [] for image_fiducial in cluster: i = unclustered_fiducial_sets_orig.index(image_fiducial) fiducial_cluster.append(fiduals_visible[i]) fiducial_clusters.append(fiducial_cluster) return fiducial_clusters
# TODO: automatically find fiducials that are close together to group into clusters
[docs]def get_cluster_internal_and_boundary(cluster, rmat, tvec, cameraMatrix, distCoeffs, boundary_thickness, buffer_thickness_in): """Returns a list of internal and boundary pixels for the input cluster An internal pixel is either directly a part of the fiducials or in between fiducials. A boundary pixel is any pixel within buffer pixels of an internal pixel and is not an internal itself Parameters ---------- cluster : list List of fiducials in the cluster. Each fiducial is a dict with (at a minimum) 'tvec' and 'target_type' attributes. The 'tvec' attribute gives the fiducial's location and 'target_type' is a string denoting the type of fiducial (most commonly 'dot' or 'kulite') rmat : np.ndarray, shape (3, 3), float Rotation matrix from camera to object tvec : np.ndarray, shape (3, 1), float Translation vector from camera to object cameraMatrix : np.ndarray, shape (3x3), float The (openCV formatted) camera matrix for the camera distCoeffs : np.ndarray, shape (5, 1) or (5,), float The (openCV formatted) distortion coefficients for the camera boundary_thickness : int thickness of boundary (in pixels) buffer_thickness_in : float Buffer (in inches) to add to fiducials when determining internals applied radially (increases effective radius of fiducial by `buffer_thickness_in`) Returns ------- internals : np.ndarray, shape (n, 2) Positions (x, y) of the ``n`` internal points bounds : np.ndarray, shape (m, 2) Positions (x, y) of the ``m`` boundary pixels See Also -------- get_fiducial_boundary_map_from_internal_map : Determines boundary pixels from bit mask of internal pixels get_fiducial_pixel_properties : Returns the pixel properties of the input fiducial """ # First stage: Get the minimum, axis aligned rectangle that contains all fiducials # of this cluster t_min = np.array([np.iinfo(np.int32).max, np.iinfo(np.int32).max], dtype=np.int32) t_max = np.array([0, 0], dtype=np.int32) # Iterate over every fiducial, and take the leftmost, topmost, rightmost, and # bottommost fiducial point. Save them in t_min and t_max respectively for tgt in cluster: # Get the minimum, axis-aligned bounding box for this fiducial tgt_proj, targ_size_px, t_min_temp, t_max_temp = get_fiducial_pixel_properties(tgt, rmat, tvec, cameraMatrix, distCoeffs, boundary_thickness, buffer_thickness_in) # Update t_min and t_max t_min = np.minimum(t_min, t_min_temp) t_max = np.maximum(t_max, t_max_temp) # Second Stage: make a mini images the size of that minimum axis aligned rectangle # and mark internal and boundary pixels. An internal pixel is either directly a # part of the fiducials or in between fiducials. A boundary pixel is any pixel within # buffer pixels of an internal pixel and is not an internal itself # Mini image to contain the internal points internal_map = np.zeros((t_max[1] - t_min[1], t_max[0] - t_min[0])) # Mark all points that are directly a part of the fiducials as internal for tgt in cluster: internal_points, __ = get_fiducial_internal_and_boundary(tgt, rmat, tvec, cameraMatrix, distCoeffs, boundary_thickness, buffer_thickness_in) # Mark every internal point as internal for x, y in internal_points: internal_map[y - t_min[1]][x - t_min[0]] = 1 # Mark all points between fiducials as internal # Start with a dilation then erosion to fill in any small gaps between fiducials # that might not otherwise get filled. If there are no gaps, this is an identity # operation kernel = np.full((3, 3), 1) internal_map = cv2.dilate(internal_map, kernel) internal_map = cv2.erode(internal_map, kernel) # For each column, find the topmost and bottommost internal pixel. Fill in # everything between them for x in range(t_max[0] - t_min[0]): min_y = t_max[1] - 1 max_y = 0 # Find the topmost internal pixel of this row for y in range(t_max[1] - t_min[1]): if internal_map[y][x]: min_y = y break # Find the bottommost internal pixel of this row for y in reversed(range(t_max[1] - t_min[1])): if internal_map[y][x]: max_y = y break # Fill in everything in between for y in range(min_y, max_y): internal_map[y][x] = 1 # For each row, find the leftmost and rightmost internal pixel. Fill in everything # between them for y in range(t_max[1] - t_min[1]): min_x = t_max[0] - 1 max_x = 0 # Find the topmost internal pixel of this row for x in range(t_max[0] - t_min[0]): if internal_map[y][x]: min_x = x break # Find the bottommost internal pixel of this row for x in reversed(range(t_max[0] - t_min[0])): if internal_map[y][x]: max_x = x break # Fill in everything in between for x in range(min_x, max_x): internal_map[y][x] = 1 # Get all pixels that are not internal and are within boundary_thickness of an internal boundary_map = get_fiducial_boundary_map_from_internal_map(internal_map, boundary_thickness) # Third Stage: Turn those maps into a list of points # Get all internal and boundary points internals = np.argwhere(internal_map == 1)[:, [1,0]] bounds = np.argwhere(boundary_map == 1)[:, [1,0]] # Offset by the region corner to get absolute image coordinates internals += (t_min[0], t_min[1]) bounds += (t_min[0], t_min[1]) return internals, bounds
[docs]def get_fiducial_internal_and_boundary(tgt, rmat, tvec, cameraMatrix, distCoeffs, boundary_thickness, buffer_thickness_in): """Return internal and boundary pixel positions for the input fiducial An internal pixel a part of the fiducials (minimum axis aligned bounding rectangle). A boundary pixel is any pixel within buffer pixels of an internal pixel and is not an internal itself Parameters ---------- tgt : dict dict with (at a minimum) 'tvec' and 'target_type' attributes. The 'tvec' attribute gives the fiducial's location and 'target_type' is a string denoting the type of fiducial (most commonly 'dot' or 'kulite') rmat : np.ndarray, shape (3, 3), float Rotation matrix from camera to object tvec : np.ndarray, shape (3, 1), float Translation vector from camera to object cameraMatrix : np.ndarray, shape (3x3), float The (openCV formatted) camera matrix for the camera distCoeffs : np.ndarray, shape (5, 1) or (5,), float The (openCV formatted) distortion coefficients for the camera boundary_thickness : int thickness of boundary (in pixels) buffer_thickness_in : float Buffer (in inches) to add to fiducials when determining internals applied radially (increases effective radius of fiducial by `buffer_thickness_in`) Returns ------- internals : np.ndarray, shape (n, 2) Positions (x, y) of the ``n`` internal points bounds : np.ndarray, shape (m, 2) Positions (x, y) of the ``m`` boundary pixels See Also -------- get_fiducial_boundary_map_from_internal_map : Determines boundary pixels from bit mask of internal pixels get_fiducial_pixel_properties : Returns the pixel properties of the input fiducial """ assert type(boundary_thickness) is int # delteme # Get the tgt_proj and the minimum, axis-aligned bounding box for this fiducial tgt_proj, targ_size_px, t_min, t_max = get_fiducial_pixel_properties(tgt, rmat, tvec, cameraMatrix, distCoeffs, boundary_thickness, buffer_thickness_in) # Make a mini image the size of the region covered by the fiducial # In this image, 0 is safe and 1 is internals internal_map = np.zeros([t_max[1] - t_min[1], t_max[0] - t_min[0]]) # Get the fiducial center location within the local map tgt_proj_local = [tgt_proj['proj'][0]-t_min[0], tgt_proj['proj'][1]-t_min[1]] # For each pixel, find the point on the pixel closest to the center of the fiducial # The expression to find the x coordinate of that point is max(X1, min(Xc, X2)) # where X1 is the left edge of the pixel, X2 is the right edge, and Xc is the # center of the circle. Similar for the y coordinate # The x coordinate of that point can be one of three things: # 1) If the center of the fiducial is to the right of the pixel, then # min(Xc, X2) will return X2 and max(X1, X2) will also return X2 # 2) If the center of the fiducial is inside pixel, then min(Xc, X2) will return # Xc and max(X1, Xc) will also return Xc # 3) If the center of the fiducial is to the left of the pixel, then min(Xc, X2) # will return Xc but max(X1, Xc) will return X1 nx = t_max[0] - t_min[0] ny = t_max[1] - t_min[1] xs, ys = np.meshgrid(np.arange(nx), np.arange(ny)) xs, ys = xs.ravel(), ys.ravel() Xns = np.maximum(xs - 0.5, np.minimum(tgt_proj_local[0], xs + 0.5)) Yns = np.maximum(ys - 0.5, np.minimum(tgt_proj_local[1], ys + 0.5)) # For each of the closest points, if it is within the radius of the center it is # internal and needs to be marked as such in the internal_map closest_distances = np.linalg.norm([Xns - tgt_proj_local[0], Yns - tgt_proj_local[1]], axis=0) internals_idxs = np.argwhere(closest_distances < (targ_size_px / 2))[:, 0] internals = np.stack((ys[internals_idxs], xs[internals_idxs]), axis=1) internal_map[tuple(internals.T)] = 1 # Get all pixels that are not internal and are within boundary_thickness of an internal boundary_map = get_fiducial_boundary_map_from_internal_map(internal_map, boundary_thickness) # Get all internal and boundary points internals = np.argwhere(internal_map == 1)[:, [1,0]] bounds = np.argwhere(boundary_map == 1)[:, [1,0]] # Offset by the region corner to get absolute image coordinates internals += (t_min[0], t_min[1]) bounds += (t_min[0], t_min[1]) return internals, bounds
[docs]def get_fiducial_boundary_map_from_internal_map(internal_map, boundary_thickness): """Determines boundary pixels from bit mask of internal pixels `internal_map` is a bitwise mask (image) where 1 is an internal and 0 is not. `internal_map` needs to be big enough to contain all boundary pixels. That means it needs to have a buffer of 0's around it that is `boundary_thickness` thick on all sides (a number of columns of 0's left of leftmost internal equal to `boundary_thickness`. Same for rightmost. And similarly rows above and below) Performs ``n`` dilation operations on the internal_map with a 3x3 square kernel where ``n`` is equal to boundary_thickness. `boundary_map` (return value) is the result minus `internal_map` Parameters ---------- internal_map : np.ndarray Bitwise mask of internal pixels boundary_thickness : int thickness of boundary (in pixels) Returns ------- boundary_map : np.ndarray Bitmask of boundary pixels. Same shape as `internal_map` input See Also -------- get_fiducial_internal_and_boundary : Return internal and boundary pixel positions for the input fiducial get_cluster_internal_and_boundary : Returns a list of internal and boundary pixels for the input cluster """ # Dilate the internals image to get an image of the internals and boundary kernel = np.full((3, 3), 1) internals_and_boundary_map = copy.deepcopy(internal_map).astype(dtype=np.uint8) for i in range(boundary_thickness): internals_and_boundary_map = cv2.dilate(internals_and_boundary_map, kernel) # Get the boundary by subtracting the internals boundary_map = internals_and_boundary_map - internal_map return boundary_map
[docs]def get_fiducial_pixel_properties(tgt, rmat, tvec, cameraMatrix, distCoeffs, boundary_thickness, buffer_thickness_in): """Returns the pixel properties of the input fiducial Pixel properties refers to projected location, pixel size (adjusted for focal length, distance to camera, and diameter), and minimum axis-aligned bounding box Parameters ---------- tgt : dict dict with (at a minimum) 'tvec' and 'target_type' attributes. The 'tvec' attribute gives the fiducial's location and 'target_type' is a string denoting the type of fiducial (most commonly 'dot' or 'kulite') rmat : np.ndarray, shape (3, 3), float Rotation matrix from camera to object tvec : np.ndarray, shape (3, 1), float Translation vector from camera to object cameraMatrix : np.ndarray, shape (3, 3), float The (openCV formatted) camera matrix for the camera distCoeffs : np.ndarray, shape (5, 1) or (5,), float The (openCV formatted) distortion coefficients for the camera boundary_thickness : int thickness of boundary (in pixels) buffer_thickness_in : float Buffer (in inches) to add to fiducials when determining internals applied radially (increases effective radius of fiducial by `buffer_thickness_in`) Returns ------- tgt_proj : dict Fiducial projection which is a dict with keys 'target_type', and 'proj' which map to a string and list of positions (length 2, (x, y)) respectively. 'target_type' matches the input 'target_type'. targ_size_px : float Fiducial size in pixels accounting for the focal length, distance to camera, and diameter. Does not take model geometry into account, and is either exactly accurate or an over estimate (likely a mild overestimate). t_min : np.ndarray, shape (2,), int Upper left corner of the minimum axis aligned bounding box of the fiducial plus boundary pixels. t_max : np.ndarray, shape (2,), int Bottom right corner for the bounding box. See Also -------- get_fiducial_internal_and_boundary : Return internal and boundary pixel positions for the input fiducial get_cluster_internal_and_boundary : Returns a list of internal and boundary pixels for the input cluster """ # Effective size of fiducial in inches targ_size_in = tgt['size'] + 2 * buffer_thickness_in # Calculate pixel size of fiducial (assuming planar fiducial normal to camera) # This pixel size is >= the actual pixel size (likely a mild overestimate) rmat_model2camera, tvec_model2camera = photogrammetry.invTransform(rmat, tvec) cam2tgt_dist = np.linalg.norm(tvec_model2camera - tgt['tvec']) targ_size_px = cameraMatrix[1][1] * targ_size_in / cam2tgt_dist # Get the tgt projection tgt_proj = photogrammetry.project_targets(rmat, tvec, cameraMatrix, distCoeffs, [tgt])[0] # Get the an axis aligned minimum rectangle for this fiducial (plus buffer) t_min = [tgt_proj['proj'][0] - 0.5 * targ_size_px - boundary_thickness - 1, tgt_proj['proj'][1] - 0.5 * targ_size_px - boundary_thickness - 1] t_max = [tgt_proj['proj'][0] + 0.5 * targ_size_px + boundary_thickness + 1, tgt_proj['proj'][1] + 0.5 * targ_size_px + boundary_thickness + 1] # Take the floor and ceiling respectively to convert to an integer t_min = np.floor(t_min).astype(np.int32) t_max = np.ceil(t_max).astype(np.int32) return tgt_proj, targ_size_px, t_min, t_max
[docs]def polyfit2D(bounds, Is): """Finds the polynomial fit using the boundary pixels Parameters ---------- bounds : np.ndarray, shape (n, 2) of floats (x, y) position of boundary pixels in local coordinates (i.e. leftmost boundary pixel has x coordinate of 0. Topmost has coordinate of 0). ``bounds[n]`` corresponds to ``Is[n]`` Is : np.ndarray, shape (n,) of floats Intensity value of boundary pixels pixels. ``Is[n]`` corresponds to ``bounds[n]`` Returns ------- coeffs : np.ndarray, shape (n, 1) Polynomial fit coefficients See Also -------- polyval2D : Finds the value for the internal pixels using the polynomial fit """ assert((len(bounds) == len(Is))) # Determine the number of coefficients # Terms are 1 constant, 2 linear (x, y), 3 quadratic (xx, xy, yy), ... # Equivalent to 1 + 2 + ... + degree + (degree+1) = (degree+2)*(degree+1)/2 num_coeffs = int((degree + 2) * (degree + 1) / 2) # Number of boundary terms must be greater than or equal to the number of coefficients assert(len(bounds) >= num_coeffs), "Not enough boundary terms, please increase boundary_thickness or decrease degree" # Initialize the least squares input matrix # Ax ~= b where ~= is least squares solution # Can turn least squares polynomial fit into linear solution by solving linearly # w.r.t. poly terms. I.e. [1, x, xx, xy, yy, ...] where (x, y) is pixel position # and b is pixel intensity A = np.zeros((len(bounds), num_coeffs), dtype=np.float32) count = 0 for i in range(degree + 1): for j in range(degree + 1): if (i + j) <= degree: A[:, count] = pow(bounds[:, 1], i) * pow(bounds[:, 0], j) count += 1 # Solution to linear equation is just pixel values b = np.array(Is) # Initialize polynomial coefficient output vector poly = np.zeros(num_coeffs, dtype=np.float32) # Solve least squares problem coeffs = np.linalg.lstsq(A, b, rcond=None)[0] return np.array(coeffs)
[docs]def polyval2D(internals, coeffs): """ Finds the value for the internal pixels using the polynomial fit Parameters ---------- internals : np.ndarray, shape (n, 2) of floats (x, y) position of internal pixels in local coordinates (i.e. leftmost boundary pixel has x coordinate of 0. Topmost has y coordinate of 0) coeffs : np.ndarray, shape (n,) Polynomial fit coefficients Returns ------- Is : np.ndarray, shape (n,) Estimated intensity for internals See Also -------- polyfit2D : Finds the polynomial fit using the boundary pixels """ # Determine the number of coefficients # Terms are 1 constant, 2 linear (x, y), 3 quadratic (xx, xy, yy), ... # Equivalent to 1 + 2 + ... + degree + (degree+1) = (degree+2)*(degree+1)/2 num_coeffs = int((degree + 2) * (degree + 1) / 2) # Initialize the input matrix # Ax = b where A is the polynomial terms, x is the coefficients, and b are the # resulting intensity estimates # Can polynomial function into linear solution by solving linearly w.r.t. poly terms # I.e. [1, x, xx, xy, yy, ...] where (x, y) is pixel position A = np.zeros((len(internals), num_coeffs), dtype=np.float32) count = 0 for i in range(degree + 1): for j in range(degree + 1): if (i + j) <= degree: A[:, count] = pow(internals[:, 1], i) * pow(internals[:, 0], j) count += 1 Is = np.matmul(A, coeffs) return Is