Source code for upsp.cam_cal_utils.visualization

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

debug_text_displays = True

[docs]def axisEqual3D(ax): """ In a 3D plot, equalizes all axes to same scale """ extents = np.array([getattr(ax, 'get_{}lim'.format(dim))() for dim in 'xyz']) sz = extents[:, 1] - extents[:, 0] centers = np.mean(extents, axis=1) maxsize = max(abs(sz)) r = maxsize / 2 for ctr, dim in zip(centers, 'xyz'): getattr(ax, 'set_{}lim'.format(dim))(ctr - r, ctr + r)
[docs]def plot_coord_sys(rmat, tvec, ax, scale=10, text=None): """ Given a pose, plots the basis of that coordinate system in the given matplotlib axis In the plot, the x axis is blue, the y axis is orange, and the z axis is green Parameters ---------- rmat : array_like, shape (3, 3) Rotation Matrix. Columns represent the basis of the coordinate system tvec : array_like, , shape (3,) Origin of the coordinate system ax : mpl_toolkits.mplot3d.axes3d.Axes3D matplotlib axis scale : int or float, optional Size of the vcoordinate system vectors text : str, optional Label of the coordinate system. If ``None`` (default), no text is added. """ s_rmat = scale * rmat # TODO: these should be drawn in the order of distance to the virtual camera # Drawing them in this order by default can cause the debug outputs to look incorrect # due to occlusions ax.plot3D([tvec[0][0], tvec[0][0] + s_rmat[0][0]], [tvec[1][0], tvec[1][0] + s_rmat[1][0]], [tvec[2][0], tvec[2][0] + s_rmat[2][0]], 'b') ax.plot3D([tvec[0][0], tvec[0][0] + s_rmat[0][1]], [tvec[1][0], tvec[1][0] + s_rmat[1][1]], [tvec[2][0], tvec[2][0] + s_rmat[2][1]], 'orange') ax.plot3D([tvec[0][0], tvec[0][0] + s_rmat[0][2]], [tvec[1][0], tvec[1][0] + s_rmat[1][2]], [tvec[2][0], tvec[2][0] + s_rmat[2][2]], 'g') if (text is not None) and debug_text_displays: ax.text(tvec[0][0], tvec[1][0], tvec[2][0], text)
[docs]def show_image_locations(img, img_locations, fig_name, scale=5, c='w'): """ Displays an image with the given image locations indicated with a marker of the given color (white by default) """ plt.figure(fig_name) plt.imshow(img) plt.scatter(img_locations[:, 0], img_locations[:, 1], s=scale, c=c) plt.savefig(str(fig_name) + '.png') plt.close(fig_name)
[docs]def show_coord_transforms(cs1_rmat, cs1_tvec, cs2_rmat, cs2_tvec, figname=None, texts=[None, None, None], compares=[False, False, False]): """ Shows the transformation from coordinate system 1 (cs1) to coordinate system 2 (cs2) Additionally, shows the origin coordinate system. Draws a line from cs1 to cs2 Texts is the label to be shown for the origin, cs1, and cs2 respectively compares is a list of booleans that determines if a line is drawn from the origin to cs1 (compares[0]), from cs1 to cs2 (compares[1]), and from cs2 to the origin (compares[2]) """ if figname is None: figname = 'coordinate system transforms' fig = plt.figure(figname) ax = fig.gca(projection='3d') # Draw the origin, cs1, and cs2 plot_coord_sys(np.eye(3), (0, 0, 0), ax, text=texts[0]) plot_coord_sys(cs1_rmat, cs1_tvec, ax, text=texts[1]) plot_coord_sys(cs2_rmat, cs2_tvec, ax, text=texts[2]) # If compares[0] is True, draw a line from the origin to cs1 if compares[0]: ax.plot3D([0, cs1_tvec[0]], [0, cs1_tvec[1]], [0, cs1_tvec[2]], 'black') # If compare[1] is True, draw a line from cs1 to cs2 if compares[1]: ax.plot3D([cs1_tvec[0], cs2_tvec[0]], [cs1_tvec[1], cs2_tvec[1]], [cs1_tvec[2], cs2_tvec[2]], 'black') # If compare[2] is True, draw a line from cs2 to the origin if compares[2]: ax.plot3D([cs2_tvec[0], 0], [cs2_tvec[1], 0], [cs2_tvec[2], 0], 'black') # Equalize and show axisEqual3D(ax) savefig_name = figname if texts[0] is not None: savefig_name += '_' + texts[0] if texts[1] is not None: savefig_name += '_' + texts[1] if texts[2] is not None: savefig_name += '_' + texts[2] savefig_name += '.png' plt.savefig(savefig_name) plt.close(figname)
[docs]def plot_pts_and_norms(pts_and_norms, ax, scale=5, c='r'): """Helper function to plot points with normals Parameters ---------- pts_and_norms : list of dict Each dictionary has keys 'tvec' and 'norm' tvec refers to the translation vector from the origin to the point norm refers to the point's normal vector ax : mpl_toolkits.mplot3d.axes3d.Axes3D matplotlib axis scale : int or float, optional Size of the normal vectors c : str, optional Color of points and normals """ for pt_and_norm in pts_and_norms: # Calculate translation vector relative to camera tvec = pt_and_norm['tvec'][:, 0] # Plot point ax.scatter([tvec[0]], [tvec[1]], [tvec[2]], marker='o', c='r', s=scale*2) # Calculate scaled normal vector in camera frame s_norm = scale * pt_and_norm['norm'][:, 0] # Plot normal vector ax.plot3D([tvec[0], tvec[0] + s_norm[0]], [tvec[1], tvec[1] + s_norm[1]], [tvec[2], tvec[2] + s_norm[2]], c=c)
[docs]def show_pts_and_norms(rmat, tvec, pts_and_norms, ax=None, c='r', texts=(None, None)): """ Helper function to plot transformation from the origin to given coordinate system, and show a set of points. Originally intended to plot the tgts frame and the targets with their normals Parameters ---------- rmat : array_like, shape (3, 3) Basis of the coordinate system to be shown tvec : array_like, shape (3,) Origin of coordinate system to be shown pts_and_norms : list of dict Each dictionary has keys 'tvec' and 'norm' tvec refers to the translation vector from the origin to the point norm refers to the point's normal vector. Points and normals are in the coordinate frame of the origin ax : matplotlib.Axes, optional matplotlib axis. If not provided, a figure and 3D axes are created. scale : int or float Size of the normal vectors c : str, optional Color of points and normals texts : tuple, optional Labels for the origin and transformed coordinate system. """ # If no axis was given, make a new one if ax is None: fig = plt.figure('Points & Normals') ax = fig.gca(projection='3d') # Plot the camera frame, the vector from the camera frame to the tgts frame # and the tgts frame plot_coord_sys(np.eye(3), (0, 0, 0), ax, text=texts[0]) ax.plot3D([0, tvec[0]], [0, tvec[1]], [0, tvec[2]], 'black') plot_coord_sys(rmat, tvec, ax, text=texts[1]) # Plot the targets and their normals plot_pts_and_norms(pts_and_norms, ax, c=c) axisEqual3D(ax) plt.savefig('unfound_visibles.png') plt.close()
[docs]def show_projection_matching(img, proj_pts, matching_points, num_matches=None, name='', bonus_pt=None, scale=10., ax=None): """Show the projected target matching. Projected points are labeled in red. Matching points are labeled in white. Line connecting point to match is drawn in black Parameters ---------- img : array_like Display image proj_pts : array_like, shape (n, 2) :rojected locations of 3D points matching_points : array_like, shape (n, 2) Image location of point name : str, optinoal Figure name prefix bonus_pt : array_like, optional Optional input. Point to be shown in blue scale : int or float, optional Scale of point labels """ if num_matches is None: num_matches = len(proj_pts) plt.figure(name + '_Matched Points') plt.imshow(img) plt.scatter(proj_pts[:, 0], proj_pts[:, 1], s=scale, c='r') plt.scatter(matching_points[:, 0], matching_points[:, 1], s=scale/4, c='w') for i, data in enumerate(zip(proj_pts, matching_points)): if i >= num_matches: break proj, match = data plt.plot([proj[0], match[0]], [proj[1], match[1]], color='black') if bonus_pt is not None: plt.scatter([bonus_pt[0]], [bonus_pt[1]], s=scale, c='b') plt.savefig(name + '_Matched_Points.png', dpi=400) plt.close()