Source code for upsp.cam_cal_utils.visibility

import logging
import os
import numpy as np

import upsp.processing.p3d_utilities as p3d
import upsp.processing.p3d_conversions as p2g
import upsp.raycast

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class VisibilityChecker: """Visibilty object class for occlusion and viewing angle checking This class creates an object for checking visibility of a list of points with associated normals. The intended use is for the external calibration to check target visibility, and to check visibility of the the model mesh nodes for node-pixel mapping. For the visibility check, it is assumes that the entire model is within the field of view of the camera. This simplifies the check for 2 reasons: 1. We don't need to check if a node is within the field of view 2. We don't need to check if an intersection is behind the camera - A ray is drawn from a given point to the camera. If that ray intersects a node, it is deemed not visible. However, if there is a node behind the camera that intersects with the ray, this will still be seen as an intersection and flagged as not visible. Even though the intersection behind the camera does not truly occlude the given point. Parameters ---------- grid_path : str Filepath to the grid file oblique_angle : float, optional Maximum allowable oblique viewing angle. Viewing angle for a node pointed directly at the camera and in the center of the field of view of the camera is 0 degrees epsilon : float, optional Intersection tolerance. For the ray tracing intersection check, the origin of the ray is offset from the model by a distance of epsilon in the direction of the normal debug : bool, optional Debug parameter to speed up grid loading. It is suggested to use this debug for all development, and to leave it False for all non-development case. If True, looks for ``'{{filename}}_primitives.npy'`` in '.cache', where ``filename`` is the filename from `grid_path`. If it finds it, loads from the ``.npy`` file rather than reading and processing the grid file. If it doesn't find it, it will read and process the grid file as normal, and save the numpy array as ``'{{filename}}_primitives.npy'`` in '.cache' debug_nogrid : bool, optional Debug parameter to speed up computation. It is suggested to use this debug for development if occlusions are not needed for development work. There is no reason to leave this parameter for any non-development work. If True, instead of loading a real grid file, it loads a fake one with a single, extremely small primitive (effectively having 'no grid'). This makes BVH operations much faster. """ def __init__(self, grid_path, oblique_angle=70, epsilon=1e-4, debug=False, debug_nogrid=False): # If debug_nogrid is used, create a fake BVH with one very small primitive if debug_nogrid: primitives = np.array([0.00001, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.00001, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.00001]) # When debug is True (and debug_nogrid is False), we are allowed to cache & load # the grid. This makes debugging faster, but cached items can become stale elif debug: # Get the filename that we can save the primitives as filename = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(grid_path))[0] filename = filename + '_primitives.npy' # If the primitives are available, load them CACHE_DIR = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'), '.cache', 'upsp') CACHE_FILENAME = os.path.join(CACHE_DIR, filename) if os.path.exists(CACHE_FILENAME): primitives = np.load(CACHE_FILENAME) log.debug('Loaded BVH primitives cache "%s"', CACHE_FILENAME) # If the primitives are not available, load the grid from scratch and cache it else: t = self.load_mesh(grid_path) # Since the primitives weren't available, package the vertices # and indices into the primitives. Then save them primitives = self.package_primitives(t) os.makedirs(CACHE_DIR, exist_ok=True), primitives) log.debug('Cached BVH primitives in "%s"', CACHE_FILENAME) # When debug and debug_nogrid are False, load and calculate everything from # scratch. Don't cache any of the results else: # Load the mesh t = self.load_mesh(grid_path) primitives = self.package_primitives(t) # Store the grid path used for this object self.grid_path = grid_path # Convert primitives to a list (potentially from a np array) primitives = primitives.tolist() # Save the epsilon for occlusion checks self.epsilon = epsilon # Save the square of the cosine of the oblique angle # This will be used for back face culling self.update_oblique_angle(oblique_angle) # Save the BVH to the instance # Simple scene with several triangle primitives # [t0p0x, t0p0y, t0p0z, t0p1x, t0p1y, t0p1z, t0p2x, t0p2y, t0p2z, ...] # t0 = [0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1] # t1 = [0, 0, 2, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 2] # primitives = t0 + t1 self.scene = upsp.raycast.CreateBVH(primitives, 3)
[docs] def update_oblique_angle(self, oblique_angle): """Updates object elements related to the oblique viewing angle Parameters ---------- oblique_angle : float Maximum allowable oblique viewing angle. Viewing angle for a node pointed directly at the camera and in the center of the field of view of the camera is 0 degrees """ self.oblique_angle = oblique_angle self.squared_cos_angle = np.cos(np.deg2rad(oblique_angle))**2
[docs] def load_mesh(self, grid_path): """Loads the grid file into vertices and indices Parameters ---------- grid_path : string Filepath to the grid file Returns ------- t : dict Dict with keys "vertices" and "indices". ``t["vertices"]`` is a (N, 3) array of the model vertices. ``t["indices"]`` is a (N, 3) array of ints where each row refers to a model face ``i``. The vertices that make up face ``i`` are ``t["vertices"][n]``, where ``n`` is (3, 1) from ``t["indices"][i]`` """ grd = p3d.read_p3d_grid(grid_path) t = p2g.p3d_to_gltf_triangles(grd) t["vertices"] = np.array(t["vertices"]) t["indices"] = np.array(t["indices"]) return t
[docs] def package_primitives(self, t): """Packages the primitives of the grid file into the BVH format Converts the vertices and indices into a list of primitives in the form:: [t0p0x, t0p0y, t0p0z, t0p1x, t0p1y, t0p1z, t0p2x, t0p2y, t0p2z, ...] Parameters ---------- t : dict Dict with keys "vertices" and "indices" from :meth:`load_mesh`. Returns ------- primitives : np.ndarray Packaged primitives """ # Get vertex and face information nverts = int(t["vertices"].size / 3) nfaces = int(t["indices"].size / 3) verts = np.reshape(t["vertices"], (nverts, 3)) # This is the faces, with the indexes corresponding to the elements of verts # Note: faces are counter-clockwise ordered so normals are implicit in faces faces_v_idx = np.reshape(t["indices"], (nfaces, 3)) # Packaged for the BVH primitives = [] for face_v_idx in faces_v_idx: # Get the face of the primitive tri face = np.array([verts[face_v_idx[0]], verts[face_v_idx[1]], verts[face_v_idx[2]]]) # If the face does not have 3 unique points, do not include it if len(np.unique(face, axis=0)) != 3: continue # Append the face to the primitive primitives.extend(face.ravel().tolist()) # Convert the list of primitives to a numpy array primitives = np.array(primitives) return primitives
[docs] def unit_vector(self, vector): """Returns the unit vector of the vector Helper function for :meth:`angle_between` Parameters ---------- vector : np.ndarray, shape (n, 3) float Array of vectors Returns ------- unit_vector : np.ndarray Unit vector(s) corresponding to `vector` See Also -------- angle_between : Returns the angle in radians between vectors 'v1' and 'v2' """ return np.divide(vector, np.expand_dims(np.linalg.norm(vector, axis=1), 1))
[docs] def angle_between(self, v1, v2): """Returns the angle in radians between vectors `v1` and `v2` Parameters ---------- v1 : np.ndarray, shape (n, 3), float Vector 1 v2 : np.ndarray, shape (n, 3), float Vector 2 Returns ------- angle : float Angle (in radians) between `v1` and `v2` See Also -------- unit_vector : Returns the unit vector of the vector is_back_facing : This is the 'slow' version of the back face culling check """ v1_u = self.unit_vector(v1) v2_u = self.unit_vector(v2) return np.rad2deg(np.arccos(np.clip(np.sum(np.multiply(v1_u, v2_u), axis=1), -1.0, 1.0)))
[docs] def is_back_facing(self, t, n): """This is the 'slow' version of the back face culling check This function is mostly for legacy/regression purposes TODO: This does not filter points on the horizon of the model (~90 degrees oblique viewing angle). It does seem to filter those above 70 degrees (might not though, very little testing was done). It might have something to do with the clip in angle between Parameters ---------- t : np.ndarray, shape (3,) or (3, n), float Translation vector from camera to node n : np.ndarray, shape (3,) or (3, n), float Normal of the node Returns ------- back_facing : bool True if the node is back facing. False if it is not back facing See Also -------- angle_between : Returns the angle in radians between vectors 'v1' and 'v2' is_back_facing : This is the 'slow' version of the back face culling check is_back_facing_fast_vectorized : Returns array of booleans for which nodes are back facing """ if self.angle_between(t, n) > self.oblique_angle: return True else: return False
[docs] def is_back_facing_fast(self, t, n): r"""Returns True if the node is back facing, otherwise returns False This re-write is significantly faster than the naive approach, but not as fast as the vectorized approach. This function is mostly for legacy/regression purposes The node is back facing if angle between vectors < oblique angle Mathematically this is done as: .. math:: \arccos\left(\frac{t \cdot n}{\|t\| \|n\|}\right) < \textrm{oblique angle} Since ``arccos`` is an expensive operation, re-write as: .. math:: \frac{t \cdot n}{\|t\| \|n\|} < \cos(\textrm{oblique angle}) Since division is more expensive than multiplication, re-write as: .. math:: t \cdot n < \|t\| \|n\| \cos(\textrm{oblique angle}) Using :math:`\|a\|^2 = a \cdot a`, we get: .. math:: (t \cdot n) (|t \cdot n|) < (t \cdot t) (n \cdot n) \cos^2(\textrm{oblique angle}) Where the absolute value is required on the LHS to preserve sign. All elements of RHS are positive since ``t`` and ``n`` contain only real numbers :math:`\cos^2(\textrm{oblique angle})` is calculated and cached when the oblique angle changes, giving an additional speedup Parameters ---------- t : np.ndarray, shape (3, 1) or (3,), float Translation vector from camera to node n : np.ndarray, shape (3, 1) or (3,), float Normal of the node Returns ------- back_facing : bool True if input is back facing (viewing angle > maximum oblique angle). False if input is not back facing (viewing angle <= maximum oblique angle) See Also -------- is_back_facing : This is the 'slow' version of the back face culling check is_back_facing_fast_vectorized : Returns array of booleans for which nodes are back facing """ proj =, n) # The RHS is always positive, so if dot(t, n) < 0, then the node is # back-facing if (proj < 0): return True # If the viewing angle is less than 90 degrees, check if it is less than the # max allowable viewing angle # Since proj is now non-negative, we can neglect the alsolute sign from step #6 else: return proj * proj < self.squared_cos_angle *, t) *, n)
[docs] def is_back_facing_fast_vectorized(self, t, n): """Returns array of booleans for which nodes are back facing See :meth:`is_back_facing_fast` for explaination of math. To vectorize :math:`a \\cdot b` we use ``np.sum(a*b, axis=1)`` Parameters ---------- t : np.ndarray, shape (N, 3), float Array of translation vectors from camera to nodes n : np.ndarray, shape (N, 3), float Array of normal vectors of the nodes Returns ------- back_facing : np.ndarray, bool ``output[i]`` is True if ``node[i]`` is backfacing (viewing angle > maximum oblique angle). ``output[i]`` is False if ``node[i]`` is not backfacing (viewing angle <= maximum oblique angle). See Also -------- is_back_facing : This is the 'slow' version of the back face culling check is_back_facing_fast : Returns True if the node is back facing, otherwise returns False """ proj = np.sum(t*n, axis=-1) return np.where(proj * np.abs(proj) < self.squared_cos_angle * np.sum(t*t, axis=-1) * np.sum(n*n, axis=-1), True, False)
[docs] def does_intersect(self, origin, direction, return_pos=False): """Function that determines if a point is occluded by the object mesh Creates a ray from origin with given direction. Checks for intersection of ray with the BVH Parameters ---------- origin : np.ndarray, shape (3, 1), float start of ray direction : np.ndarray, shape (3, 1), float direction of ray Returns ------- result : bool True if node is occluded and False if node is not occluded """ r = upsp.raycast.Ray(*origin, *direction) h = upsp.raycast.Hit() result = self.scene.intersect(r, h) # If the position was requested, return it if return_pos: return (result, np.expand_dims(h.pos, 1)) # Otherwise just return the boolean else: return result
[docs] def is_visible(self, tvec_model_to_camera, nodes, normals, return_angles=False): """Returns list of nodes that are visible Currently only checks for oblique viewing angle and occlusion, assumes all nodes are within FOV of camera Parameters ---------- tvec_model_to_camera : np.ndarray, shape (3, 1), float translation vector from model to camera nodes : np.ndarray, shape (N, 3), float X, Y, Z position of nodes to be checked. ``nodes[i]`` is associated with ``normals[i]`` normals : np.ndarray, shape (N, 3), float Normal vectors. ``normals[i]`` is associated with ``nodes[i]`` return_angles : bool, optional If True, return angles for each visible node as well. Returns ---------- visible : np.ndarray Numpy array of the indices of the nodes that are visible angles : np.ndarray Angles of visible nodes. Only returned when ``return_angles=True`` See Also ---------- is_back_facing_fast_vectorized : Returns array of booleans for which nodes are back facing does_intersect : Function that determines if a point is occluded by the object mesh """ # Get the tvecs from the camera to each node tvecs = tvec_model_to_camera.T - nodes # Get the unit_tvecs and unit_normals tvec_norms = np.linalg.norm(tvecs, axis=-1) unit_tvecs = tvecs / np.expand_dims(tvec_norms, 1) normal_norms = np.linalg.norm(normals, axis=1) unit_normals = normals / np.expand_dims(normal_norms, 1) # Determine what nodes are back-facing # or nearly back-facing based on oblique_angle # If the angles values are not needed, use is_back_facing_fast_vectorized # If angles are needed, use the slower if not return_angles: back_facings = self.is_back_facing_fast_vectorized(unit_tvecs, unit_normals) else: angles = self.angle_between(unit_tvecs, unit_normals) back_facings = np.where(angles > self.oblique_angle, True, False) # Get the offset node positions epsilon_normals = self.epsilon * unit_normals origins = nodes + epsilon_normals visible = [] for i in range(len(nodes)): # If it is back-facing, move on to the next node if back_facings[i]: continue # If there is an occlusion, move on to the next node # origin is the ray origin offset so it is close to, but not on the model # tvecs[i] is the ray direction vector that goes from the camera to node i if self.does_intersect(origins[i], unit_tvecs[i]): continue # If the node was not back-facing, and was not occluded, mark it visible visible.append(i) if return_angles: return np.array(visible), np.array(angles[visible]) return np.array(visible)
[docs] def tri_normal(self, face): """Returns the normal of a face with vertices ordered counter-clockwise Parameters ---------- face : np.ndarray, shape (3, 3), float X, Y, Z positions of the face vertices. ``face[i]`` contains x, y, z of vertex ``i`` Returns ---------- normal : np.ndarray, shape (3,) Normal vector of input face """ # A = face[1] - face[0] # Edge 1 B = face[2] - face[1] # Edge 2 C = np.cross(A, B) return C.reshape(3, 1)
[docs] def get_faces_and_face_normals(self): """Returns the faces and face normals of all grid nodes Returns ------- faces : np.ndarray, shape (n, 3, 3) Each face is a (3, 3) with (i, 3) corresponding to a node, and each node having an (x, y, z). Faces are ordered counter-clockwise. face_normals : np.ndarray, shape (n, 3) The face normal is (x, y, z). ``face_normals[i]`` corresponds to ``face[i]`` """ # Get the mesh t = self.load_mesh(self.grid_path) # Get vertex and face information nverts = int(t["vertices"].size / 3) nfaces = int(t["indices"].size / 3) verts = np.reshape(t["vertices"], (nverts, 3)) # This is the faces, with the indexes corresponding to the elements of verts # Note: faces are counter-clockwise ordered so normals are implicit in faces faces_v_idx = np.reshape(t["indices"], (nfaces, 3)) # Get all the faces and the face normals faces = [] face_normals = [] for face_v_idx in faces_v_idx: #[np.random.choice(range(len(faces_v_idx)), 25000)]: face = np.array([verts[face_v_idx[0]], verts[face_v_idx[1]], verts[face_v_idx[2]]]) if ((face[0] == face[1]).all() or (face[0] == face[2]).all() or (face[1] == face[2]).all()): continue faces.append(face) face_normals.append(self.tri_normal(face)) return np.array(faces), np.array(face_normals).reshape(-1, 3)
[docs] def get_tvecs_and_norms(self): """Returns the tvecs and tvec normals of all grid nodes Returns ------- tvecs : np.ndarray, shape (n, 3) Each tvec is corresponds to the (x, y, z) of a node. norms : np.ndarray, shape (n, 3) Each norm is an (x, y, z) of the node's normal vector ``norms[i]`` corresponds to ``tvecs[i]``. The norm is the normal of the first face to contain the tvec. Each tvec can appear in multiple faces, so the first is used. In practice, each face that contains the node will have a different normal vector, but in general the difference is a relatively small angle. """ # Get the faces and face normals from the vis_checker faces, face_normals = self.get_faces_and_face_normals() # Calculate a normal for every node. If a node is on several faces, assume the # normals of all those faces are close enough and pick any one of them tvecs, norms = [], [] node_set = set() for face, normal in zip(faces, face_normals): for node in face: if not tuple(node.tolist()) in node_set: node_set.add(tuple(node.tolist())) tvecs.append(np.array(node)) norms.append(np.array(normal)) # Save the nodes and normals as np arrays tvecs = np.array(tvecs) norms = np.array(norms) return tvecs, norms