Source code for upsp.cam_cal_utils.target_bumping

import os
import numpy as np
import csv
import copy

from upsp.cam_cal_utils import parsers


debug_print_bumping = True
debug_bump_distance = True
max_bump_iterations = 10  # debug to stop infinite loops

[docs]def get_bumping_occlusion(tgt, vis_checker): """Helper function to :func:`tgts_get_internals` that finds the point on the model surface that intersects the `tgt` normal vector if the target is occluded by the model Parameters ---------- tgt : dict A dict and has, at a minimum, the keys 'tvec', 'target_type', 'norm'. 'tvec' has a :class:`numpy.ndarray` (3, 1) representing the position of the target relative to the model origin for its associated value. 'norm' has a :class:`numpy.ndarray` (3, 1) representing the normal vector of the target relative to the model origin for its associated value. 'target_type' has a string representing the type of target (most commonly 'dot') for its associated value. vis_checker : ~upsp.cam_cal_utils.visibility.VisibilityChecker BVH to check for visibilty of nodes Returns ------- occlusion : bool Whether or not there is an occlusion. True means there is, False means there is not. location : np.ndarray, shape (3,) Location where the `tgt` normal vector intersects the model surface dist : float Distance from the target position to the point of intersection """ # Set the epsilon (occlusion check bumps) distance to 0 # This way any occlusion will be returned eps = vis_checker.epsilon vis_checker.epsilon = 0 # Get the target tvec and unit normal tgt_tvec = np.array(tgt['tvec'], dtype=np.float64) tgt_norm = np.array(tgt['norm'], dtype=np.float64) tgt_norm /= np.linalg.norm(tgt_norm) # Check for occlusions of this target along its normal occlusion = vis_checker.does_intersect(tgt_tvec, tgt_norm, return_pos=True) # Reset vis_checker.epsilon to the original value vis_checker.epsilon = eps # If there is an occlusion, investigate if occlusion[0]: # Calculate the distance from the target to the occlusion location dist = np.linalg.norm(tgt_tvec - occlusion[1]) return (True, occlusion[1], dist) else: return (False, np.array([0, 0, 0]), -1)
# Helper function to check if the occlusion found is outside the tolerance
[docs]def is_real_occlusion(bumping_occlusion, tgts_tol, grid_tol): """Helper function to :func:`tgts_get_internals` that determines if an occlusion is due to real geometry, or is a numerical/processing error in generating the tgts file Parameters ---------- bumping_occlusion : tuple Return value of :func:`get_bumping_occlusion` for the target associated with the function call vis_checker : ~upsp.cam_cal_utils.visibility.VisibilityChecker BVH to check for visibilty of nodes tgts_tol : float, optional Tolerance of the tgts file. Used to determine if target internal-ness is real, or if it is an artifact due to the non-water tightness of the model grid grid_tol : float, optional Tolerance of the grid file. Used to determine if target internal-ness is real, or if it is an artifact due to the non-water tightness of the model grid Returns ------- bool True if the occlusion is due to real geometry """ # The x, y, and z of the target was rounded to 1e-4 by DOTS # So the max distance a target could be rounded was 1e-4 in all 3 axes # This is our tolerance dots_tol = np.sqrt(3) * tgts_tol # Tim Sanstrom's bvh seems to have a tolerance of 1e-3 built into it # The code is confusing intersect_tol = np.sqrt(3) * grid_tol # Calculate the total tolerance tol = np.linalg.norm([dots_tol, intersect_tol]) # Return True if the distance to the occlusion is greater than (or equal to) the # tolerance. Otherwise return False return (bumping_occlusion[2] >= tol)
[docs]def tgts_get_internals(tgts, vis_checker, tgts_tol=1e-4, grid_tol=1e-3): """Helper function to :func:`ltgt_bump_internals` that returns all internal targets Parameters ----------- tgts : list of dict Each target is a dict and has, at a minimum, the keys 'tvec', 'target_type', 'norm'. 'tvec' has a :class:`numpy.ndarray` (3, 1) representing the position of the target relative to the model origin for its associated value. 'norm' has a :class:`np.ndarray` (3, 1) representing the normal vector of the target relative to the model origin for its associated value. 'target_type' has a string representing the type of target (most commonly 'dot') for its associated value. vis_checker : ~upsp.cam_cal_utils.visibility.VisibilityChecker BVH to check for visibilty of nodes tgts_tol : float, optional Tolerance of the tgts file. Used to determine if target internal-ness is real, or if it is an artifact due to the non-water tightness of the model grid grid_tol : float, optional Tolerance of the grid file. Used to determine if target internal-ness is real, or if it is an artifact due to the non-water tightness of the model grid Returns ------- list of tuple Each tuple is an occluded targets. The first item in the tuple is the target name. The second element is a boolean to denote if it is a real occlusion (like another part of the model is blocking the target so it should not be bumped) or just some accidental occlusion due to being differentiably inside the model grid """ internals = [] for tgt in tgts: bumping_occlusion = get_bumping_occlusion(tgt, vis_checker) if bumping_occlusion[0]: internals.append((tgt['name'], bumping_occlusion[2], is_real_occlusion(bumping_occlusion, tgts_tol, grid_tol))) return internals
[docs]def tgt_bump_internals(tgts, vis_checker, bump_eps=1e-5, tgts_tol=1e-1, grid_tol=1e-3): """Bumps all internal targets along their normal to be slightly external. Slightly external defined by `bump_eps` Parameters ---------- tgts : list of dict Each target is a dict and has, at a minimum, the keys 'tvec', 'target_type', 'norm'. 'tvec' has a :class:`numpy.ndarray` (3, 1) representing the position of the target relative to the model origin for its associated value. 'norm' has a :class:`np.ndarray` (3, 1) representing the normal vector of the target relative to the model origin for its associated value. 'target_type' has a string representing the type of target (most commonly 'dot') for its associated value. vis_checker : ~upsp.cam_cal_utils.visibility.VisibilityChecker BVH to check for visibilty of nodes bump_eps : float, optional Distance to bump the targets outside the model. Should be small so targets are just barely external to the model tgts_tol : float, optional Tolerance of the tgts file. Used to determine if target internal-ness is real, or if it is an artifact due to the non-water tightness of the model grid grid_tol : float, optional Tolerance of the grid file. Used to determine if target internal-ness is real, or if it is an artifact due to the non-water tightness of the model grid Returns ------- tgts_bumped : list of dict Copy of `tgts` with some target positions bumped along their normal to be slightly external. was_bumped : bool Denotes if any targets were bumped """ # Create a new list to store the bumped targets tgts_bumped = [] # Flag for if at least one target was bumped was_bumped = False # Iterate through all targets for tgt in tgts: bumping_occlusion = get_bumping_occlusion(tgt, vis_checker) # If there was an occlusion, check the status if bumping_occlusion[0]: if debug_bump_distance: dist = np.linalg.norm(np.array(bumping_occlusion[1]) - np.array(tgt['tvec'])) print('\tInternal Target:', tgt['name'], 'Dist:', dist) # If the occlusion is artificial (differentiably inside the mode), bump the # target to be just outside the model if not is_real_occlusion(bumping_occlusion, tgts_tol, grid_tol): # Set the was_bumped flag to True was_bumped = True # Create a copy of the original target bumped_tgt = copy.copy(tgt) # Normalize the target normal vector bumped_tgt['norm'] = np.array(tgt['norm'], dtype=np.float64) bumped_tgt['norm'] /= np.linalg.norm(tgt['norm']) # Bump the target to the occlusion point plus some small tolerance along the normal bumped_tgt['tvec'] = np.array(bumping_occlusion[1]) + bump_eps * bumped_tgt['norm'] # Add the bumped target to the new list of targets tgts_bumped.append(bumped_tgt) if debug_print_bumping: print('\tInternal Target:', tgt['name']) print('\t\tOriginal tvec:', tgt['tvec']) print('\t\tNew tvec:', bumped_tgt['tvec']) # If the occlusion is real (truely occluded by some model surface), # then just add the original target to the new list of targets else: tgts_bumped.append(tgt) # If there is no occlusion, just add the original target to the original list else: tgts_bumped.append(tgt) return tgts_bumped, was_bumped
[docs]def tgt_bump_externals(tgts, vis_checker, bump_eps=1e-5): """Bumps very external targets to be slightly external. Slightly external defined by `bump_eps` Parameters ---------- tgts : list of dict Each target is a dict and has, at a minimum, the keys 'tvec', 'target_type', 'norm'. 'tvec' has a :class:`numpy.ndarray` (3, 1) representing the position of the target relative to the model origin for its associated value. 'norm' has a :class:`np.ndarray` (3, 1) representing the normal vector of the target relative to the model origin for its associated value. 'target_type' has a string representing the type of target (most commonly 'dot') for its associated value. vis_checker : ~upsp.cam_cal_utils.visibility.VisibilityChecker BVH to check for visibilty of nodes bump_eps : float, optional Distance to bump the targets outside the model. Should be small so targets are just barely external to the model Returns ------- tgts_bumped : list of dict Copy of tgts with some target positions bumped along their normal to be slightly external """ tgts_bumped = [] for tgt in tgts: # Create a copy of the target, but with an inverted normal tgt_inv_norm = {'tvec': np.array(tgt['tvec']) + 100 * bump_eps * np.array(tgt['norm']), 'norm': -np.array(tgt['norm'])} # Get the point on the model surface just behind the target bumping_occlusion = get_bumping_occlusion(tgt_inv_norm, vis_checker) # Create a copy of the original target bumped_tgt = copy.copy(tgt) # Normalize the target normal vector bumped_tgt['norm'] = np.array(tgt['norm'], dtype=np.float64) bumped_tgt['norm'] /= np.linalg.norm(tgt['norm']) # Bump the target to the occlusion point plus some small tolerance along the normal bumped_tgt['tvec'] = np.array(bumping_occlusion[1]) + bump_eps * bumped_tgt['norm'] # Add the bumped target to the new list of targets tgts_bumped.append(bumped_tgt) if debug_print_bumping: print('External Bump:', tgt['name']) print('\tOriginal tvec:', tgt['tvec']) print('\tOcclusion Site:', bumping_occlusion[1]) print('\tNew tvec:', bumped_tgt['tvec']) if debug_bump_distance: dist = np.linalg.norm(np.array(bumped_tgt['tvec']) - np.array(tgt['tvec'])) print('\tExternal Target:', tgt['name'], 'Dist:', dist) return tgts_bumped
[docs]def tgts_bumper(tgts, vis_checker, bump_eps=1e-5, tgts_tol=1e-1, grid_tol=1e-3): """Bumps all internal targets along their normal to be slightly external. Bumps any targets very external to be slightly external Parameters ---------- tgts : list of dict Each target is a dict and has, at a minimum, the keys 'tvec', 'target_type', 'norm'. 'tvec' has a :class:`numpy.ndarray` (3, 1) representing the position of the target relative to the model origin for its associated value. 'norm' has a :class:`np.ndarray` (3, 1) representing the normal vector of the target relative to the model origin for its associated value. 'target_type' has a string representing the type of target (most commonly 'dot') for its associated value. vis_checker : ~upsp.cam_cal_utils.visibility.VisibilityChecker BVH to check for visibilty of nodes bump_eps : float, optional Distance to bump the targets outside the model. Should be small so targets are just barely external to the model tgts_tol : float, optional Tolerance of the tgts file. Used to determine if target internal-ness is real, or if it is an artifact due to the non-water tightness of the model grid grid_tol : float, optional Tolerance of the grid file. Used to determine if target internal-ness is real, or if it is an artifact due to the non-water tightness of the model grid Returns ------- bumped_external_targets : list of dict Copy of tgts input with the 'tvec' values modified so that each tgt is outside the grid of `vis_checker` """ # Bump the internal targets until nothing needs to be bumped # Python doesn't have a Do-While Loop so I have to run it once then throw it into # the loop was_bumped = True internal_bump_count = 0 bumped_internal_targets = tgts if debug_print_bumping: print('Internal Bump Iteration', internal_bump_count) while was_bumped: if internal_bump_count > max_bump_iterations: print('Number of internal bumps exceeds max allowed. Skiping to external bump.' + 'Targets are still be internal. Please modify bump_eps, tgts_tol, or grid_tol') break bumped_internal_targets, was_bumped = tgt_bump_internals( bumped_internal_targets, vis_checker, bump_eps, tgts_tol, grid_tol ) internal_bump_count += 1 if was_bumped and debug_print_bumping: print('Internal Bump Iteration', internal_bump_count) # Bump the external targets and ensure all targets are external are_internal = True external_bump_count = 0 while are_internal: if external_bump_count > max_bump_iterations: print('Number of external bumps exceeds max allowed. Writing bumped file' + 'anyway. Targets are still be internal. Please modify bump_eps, ' + 'tgts_tol, or grid_tol') break # Bump the external targets bumped_external_targets = tgt_bump_externals(bumped_internal_targets, vis_checker, bump_eps) bumped_internal_targets = bumped_external_targets _, was_bumped = tgt_bump_internals( bumped_internal_targets, vis_checker, bump_eps, tgts_tol, grid_tol) # If there are no internal targets, set are_interal to False if not was_bumped: are_internal = False external_bump_count += 1 return bumped_external_targets
[docs]def tgts_file_bumper(tgts_file_path, vis_checker, bump_eps=1e-5, tgts_tol=1e-1, grid_tol=1e-3): """Creates a tgts file with all internal targets bumped along their normal to be slightly external and very external targets to be slightly external Creates a new tgts file in the same directory as tgts_file_path with the same name, but with the suffix '_bumped' attached to the filename Parameters ---------- tgts_file_path : path-like Path to the tgts file vis_checker : ~upsp.cam_cal_utils.visibility.VisibilityChecker BVH to check for visibilty of nodes bump_eps : float, optional Distance to bump the targets outside the model. Should be small so targets are just barely external to the model tgts_tol : float, optional Tolerance of the tgts file. Used to determine if target internal-ness is real, or if it is an artifact due to the non-water tightness of the model grid grid_tol : float, optional Tolerance of the grid file. Used to determine if target internal-ness is real, or if it is an artifact due to the non-water tightness of the model grid """ # Read in the targets tgts = parsers.read_tgts(tgts_file_path) # Bump the targets bumped_targets = tgts_bumper(tgts, vis_checker, bump_eps, tgts_tol, grid_tol) # Get the filepath of the new tgts file filename, file_ext = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(tgts_file_path)) new_tgts_file_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(tgts_file_path), filename + '_bumped' + file_ext) # Open the new tgts file with open(new_tgts_file_path, 'w') as f_write: csv_writer = csv.writer(f_write, delimiter=' ', quoting=csv.QUOTE_MINIMAL) # Open the old tgts file with open(tgts_file_path, 'r') as f_read: # Read the old tgts file csv_reader = csv.reader(f_read, delimiter=' ') is_in_targets_section = False # For each line in the old tgts file for row in csv_reader: line = [] for item in row: if (item != ''): line.append(item) # Check for when we enter the targets section (denoted with *Targets) # When we do, write all the bumped targets if not is_in_targets_section and (line[0] == '*Targets'): # Write the *Targets header csv_writer.writerow(line) is_in_targets_section = True # Write the bumped targets for tgt in bumped_targets: tgt_line = [str(tgt['idx']).ljust(5, ' '), "{:>14}".format("{:3.9f}".format(tgt['tvec'][0][0])), "{:>14}".format("{:3.9f}".format(tgt['tvec'][1][0])), "{:>14}".format("{:3.9f}".format(tgt['tvec'][2][0])), "{:>14}".format("{:3.9f}".format(tgt['norm'][0][0])), "{:>14}".format("{:3.9f}".format(tgt['norm'][1][0])), "{:>14}".format("{:3.9f}".format(tgt['norm'][2][0])) + ' ', str(tgt['size']).ljust(6, ' '), str(tgt['zones'][0]).ljust(5, ' '), str(tgt['zones'][1]).ljust(5, ' '), str(tgt['zones'][2]).ljust(5, ' '), str(tgt['name']).ljust(6, ' ')] for item in tgt_line: f_write.write(item) f_write.write('\n') # If we did not just enter the targets section, check if we are still # chugging through it. If we are, look for the next section break # denoted by something with a * (like *Fiducials or *Virtuals) elif is_in_targets_section and '*' in line[0]: is_in_targets_section = False # Regardless of if this is before or after the Targets section, if we # are not in the targets section, write the line verbatim if not is_in_targets_section: csv_writer.writerow(row) return