import cv2
import numpy as np
import copy
from scipy.spatial.transform import Rotation as scipy_Rotation
np.set_printoptions(linewidth=180, precision=4, threshold=np.inf)
# General Photogrammetry Utility Functions
[docs]def rot(angle, axis):
"""Rotation matrix for angle-axis transformation
An identity matrix is rotated about the given axis by the given angle (in degrees)
angle : float
angle of rotation (in degrees) about the given axis
axis : {'x', 'y', 'z'}
axis to rotate about
np.ndarray, shape (3, 3), float
Rotation matrix of an identity matrix rotated about the given axis by the given
assert_error_msg = "Error in photogrammetry.rot. Axis must be 'x', 'y', or 'z'."
assert axis in ['x', 'y', 'z'], assert_error_msg
angle_rad = np.deg2rad(angle)
if axis == 'x':
return np.array([[1, 0, 0],
[0, np.cos(angle_rad), -np.sin(angle_rad)],
[0, np.sin(angle_rad), np.cos(angle_rad)]])
if axis == 'y':
return np.array([[np.cos(angle_rad), 0, np.sin(angle_rad)],
[0, 1, 0],
[-np.sin(angle_rad), 0, np.cos(angle_rad)]])
if axis == 'z':
return np.array([[np.cos(angle_rad), -np.sin(angle_rad), 0],
[np.sin(angle_rad), np.cos(angle_rad), 0],
[0, 0, 1]])
[docs]def isRotationMatrix(R):
"""Checks if a matrix is a valid rotation matrix
R : np.ndarray, shape (3, 3), float
Rotation Matrix
True if R is a valid rotation matrix, and False if it is not
Rt = np.transpose(R)
shouldBeIdentity =, R)
n = np.linalg.norm(np.identity(3, dtype=R.dtype) - shouldBeIdentity)
return n < 1e-6
[docs]def isRotationMatrixRightHanded(R):
""" Returns True if matrix is right handed, and False it is not
R : np.ndarray (3, 3), float
Rotation Matrix
True if R is a right handed rotation matrix, and False if it is not
return[:,0], R[:,1]), R[:,2]) > 0.
[docs]def rotationMatrixToTunnelAngles(R):
"""Converts rotation matrix to tunnel angles
R : np.ndarray, shape (3, 3), float
Rotation Matrix
np.ndarray (3, 1), float
Array of tunnel angle (alpha, beta, phi)
See Also
isRotationMatrix : Checks if a matrix is a valid rotation matrix
# Check that the given matrix is a valid roation matrix
# Use scipy to convert to yzx euler angles
r = scipy_Rotation.from_matrix(R)
alpha, beta, neg_phi = np.array(r.as_euler('yzx', degrees=True))
# Return the tunnel angles
return np.expand_dims([alpha, beta, -neg_phi], 1)
[docs]def project_3d_point(rmat, tvec, cameraMatrix, distCoeffs, obj_pts, ret_jac=False, ret_full_jac=False):
"""Projects targets into an image.
rmat : np.ndarray, shape (3, 3), float
Rotation matrix from camera to object
tvec : np.ndarray, shape (3, 1), float
Translation vector from camera to object
cameraMatrix : np.ndarray, shape (3, 3), float
The (openCV formatted) camera matrix for the camera
distCoeffs : np.ndarray (1, 5), float
The (openCV formatted) distortion coefficients for the camera
obj_pts : np.ndarray, shape (n, 3), float
The 3D position of the points on the object (relative to the object frame) to
be projected
ret_jac : bool, optional, default=False
If True, returns the Jacobian. If False only the projection is returned
ret_full_jac : bool, optional, default=False
If True, returns full 15 term Jacobian (delta rvec, delta tvec, delta focal
length, delta principal point, delta distortion). If False, returns the 6 term
Jacobian (delta rvec, delta tvec)
projs, np.ndarray, shape (n, 2), float
Projected pixel positions
jacs : np.ndarray, shape (n, 2, 6) or (n, 2, 15), float
Jacobian of the projected pixel location. Only returned if `ret_jac` is True.
``jacs[i]`` is associated with ``projs[i]``. ``jacs[:, 0, :]`` is the x axis,
``jacs[:, 1, :]`` is the y axis. Axis 2 of `jacs` is the partial derivative
related to the inputs (delta rvec, delta tvec, etc).
if not len(obj_pts):
return np.array([])
# Convert the rmat into an rvec
rvec, _ = cv2.Rodrigues(rmat)
# Project the points onto the image
obj_pts = np.array(obj_pts).astype(np.float64)
projs, jacs = cv2.projectPoints(obj_pts,
rvec=rvec, tvec=tvec,
cameraMatrix=cameraMatrix, distCoeffs=distCoeffs)
# Squeeze the extra dimension out
projs = projs.squeeze(axis=1)
# Add the jacobian if desired
if ret_jac:
if not ret_full_jac:
# Crop just the delta-rotation-vector and delta-translation-vector terms
jacs = jacs[:, :6]
# Reshape jac so it has a dimension for pixel (u, v)
jacs = jacs.reshape(jacs.shape[0]//2, 2, jacs.shape[1])
return projs, jacs
# If the jacobian is not required, return just he projected pixel locations
return projs
# Target Functions
[docs]def project_targets(rmat, tvec, cameraMatrix, distCoeffs, tgts, dims=None):
"""Projects targets into an image.
rmat : np.ndarray, shape (3, 3), float
Rotation matrix from camera to object
tvec : np.ndarray (3, 1), float
Translation vector from camera to object
cameraMatrix : np.ndarray, shape (3, 3), float
The (openCV formatted) camera matrix for the camera
distCoeffs : np.ndarray, shape (5, 1) or (5,), float
The (openCV formatted) distortion coefficients for the camera
tgts : list of dict
Each target is a dict with (at a minimum) 'tvec' and 'target_type' attributes.
The 'tvec' attribute gives the target's location and 'target_type' is a string
denoting the type of target (most commonly 'dot' or 'kulite')
dims : array_like, length 2, optional
Dimensions of image in (width, height). If not None, any targets that get
projected outside the image (x < 0, x > dims[1], y < 0, y > dims[0]) will be
None rather than having a value
list of dict
List of target projections. Each target projections is a dict with the
attributes 'target_type' and 'proj'. If `dims` is not None, some target
projections may be None instead
if (len(tgts) == 0):
return []
# Package the 3D point translation vectors
obj_pts = np.array([tgt['tvec'] for tgt in tgts])
# Project the points onto the image
projs = project_3d_point(rmat, tvec, cameraMatrix, distCoeffs, obj_pts)
# Repackage the projected points with their target type
tgt_projs = []
for proj, tgt, in zip(projs, tgts):
tgt_projs.append({'target_type': tgt['target_type'], 'proj': proj})
# If dims is given, filter projections outside the image
if dims is not None:
tgt_projs_temp = []
for tgt_proj in tgt_projs:
pt = tgt_proj['proj']
# If the point is within the image bounds given, add it to the temp list
if (0.0 <= pt[0] <= dims[1] - 1) and (0.0 <= pt[1] <= dims[0] - 1):
tgt_projs = tgt_projs_temp
return tgt_projs
[docs]def get_occlusions_targets(rmat, tvec, tgts, vis_checker):
"""Wrapper around :mod:`~upsp.cam_cal_utils.visibility` methods
rmat : np.ndarray, shape (3, 3), float
Rotation matrix from camera to object
tvec : np.ndarray (3, 1), float
Translation vector from camera to object
tgts : list of dict
Each target is a dict with (at a minimum) a 'tvec', and 'norm' attribute. The
'tvec' attribute gives the target's location and the 'norm' attribute gives the
target's normal vector
vis_checker : ~upsp.cam_cal_utils.visibility.VisibilityChecker
Visibility checker object with the relevant BVH and oblique viewing angle
occlusions : list of tuple
The first element of each tuple is a boolean. This boolean denotes if there was
an occlusion or not. The second element of each tuple is the point that the
occlusion happens. If there was no occlusion (the boolean from the first element
would be False), the value [0, 0, 0] is returned.
# Get the position and orientation of the camera in the tgts frame
rmat_model2camera, tvec_model2camera = invTransform(rmat, tvec)
# Package the tvecs and normals of the targets
tvecs = []
norms = []
for tgt in tgts:
occlusions = []
for i, node_data in enumerate(zip(tvecs, norms)):
# Unpackage the data
node, normal = node_data
# Check for occlusion
# Get the direction of the ray
direction = tvec_model2camera - node
direction /= np.linalg.norm(direction)
# Get the origin at a point differentiably close the the vertex
origin = node + vis_checker.epsilon * normal
# If it is occluded, mark it occluded and move on to the next node
occlusions.append(vis_checker.does_intersect(origin, direction, return_pos=True))
return occlusions
[docs]def get_visible_targets(rmat, tvec, tgts, vis_checker):
"""Wrapper around :meth:`~upsp.cam_cal_utils.visibility.VisibilityChecker.is_visible`
rmat : np.ndarray, shape (3, 3), float
Rotation matrix from camera to object
tvec : np.ndarray (3, 1), float
Translation vector from camera to object
tgts : list of dict
Each target is a dict with (at a minimum) a 'tvec', and 'norm' attribute. The
'tvec' attribute gives the target's location and the 'norm' attribute gives the
target's normal vector. Both are np.ndarrays (n, 3) of floats. Returned targets
will have the same additionalk attributes as the input targets
vis_checker : ~upsp.cam_cal_utils.visibility.VisibilityChecker
Visibility checker object with the relevant BVH and oblique viewing angle
list of dict
List of visible targets. Returned targets are references to input targets.
Returned list is the subset of the input targets that are visible to the camera
# Get the position and orientation of the camera in the tgts frame
rmat_model2camera, tvec_model2camera = invTransform(rmat, tvec)
# Package the tvecs and normals of the targets
tvecs = []
norms = []
for tgt in tgts:
tvecs = np.squeeze(np.array(tvecs), 2)
norms = np.squeeze(np.array(norms), 2)
# Get the visible targets and return
visible_indices = vis_checker.is_visible(tvec_model2camera, tvecs, norms)
tgts_visibles = [tgts[x] for x in visible_indices]
return tgts_visibles
[docs]def reprojection_error(rmat, tvec, cameraMatrix, distCoeffs, tgts, img_targets):
"""Calculates RMS reprojection error
rmat : np.ndarray, shape (3, 3), float
Rotation matrix from camera to object
tvec : np.ndarray, shape (3, 1), float
Translation vector from camera to object
cameraMatrix : np.ndarray, shape (3, 3), float
The (openCV formatted) camera matrix for the camera
distCoeffs : np.ndarray, shape (1, 5), float
The (openCV formatted) distortion coefficients for the camera
tgts : list of dict
Each target is a dict with (at a minimum) 'tvec', 'norm', and 'target_type'
attributes. The 'tvec' attribute gives the target's location and the 'norm'
attribute gives the target's normal vector. 'target_type' is a string denoting
the type of target (most commonly 'dot' or 'kulite')
img_targets : list of dict
Each ``img_target`` is a dict with (at a minimum) a 'center' attribute. The
'center' attribute gives the pixel position of the target's center in the image.
``img_targets[i]`` is associated with ``tgts[i]``
rms, max_dist : float
RMS distance and maximum distance
if len(tgts) == 0:
return np.inf, np.inf
# Project inlier targets into image
tgt_projs = project_targets(
rmat, tvec, cameraMatrix, distCoeffs, tgts)
# Calculate the reprojection error
rms = 0
max_dist = -np.inf
for proj, img_pt in zip(tgt_projs, img_targets):
# Get the Euclidean distance between the projection and detection img target
dist = np.linalg.norm([proj['proj'][0] - img_pt['center'][0],
proj['proj'][1] - img_pt['center'][1]])
# Check if this is the largest distance thus far
max_dist = max(dist, max_dist)
# Add the square of the distance to the sum
rms += dist**2
# Divide by the number of targets to get the mean of the squares
rms /= len(tgts)
# Take the square root to get the room mean square error
rms = np.sqrt(rms)
return rms, max_dist