import numpy as np
import scipy.interpolate
[docs]def convert_12bit_to_8bit(img):
"""Proportionally scales image values from (0, 4095) to (0, 255)
Scales input image values from (0, 4095) to (0, 255). Values in input image that
are greater than scale will be clipped to 255 in the output image
img : np.ndarray, shape (y, x), np.uint8
Input image
scaled_img : np.ndarray, shape (y, x), np.uint8
8 bit scaled version of input image
return scale_image(img, scale=(2**12) - 1)
[docs]def scale_image(img, scale=(2**12) - 1):
"""Proportionally scales image values from (0, `scale`) to (0, 255)
Scales input image values from (0, `scale`) to (0, 255). Values in input image that
are greater than `scale` will be clipped to 255 in the output image
img : np.ndarray, shape (y, x)
Input image
scale : float or int, optional
Maximum value for scaling input image. Default=4095 (max int for 12 bit)
scaled_img : np.ndarray, shape (y, x), np.uint8
8 bit scaled version of input image
# Clip the image to the max value
img_temp = np.minimum(img, scale)
# Normalize the image
img_temp = img_temp.astype(np.float64)
img_temp = img_temp / scale
# Convert to an 8 bit image
img_temp = img_temp * ((2**8) - 1)
img_temp = np.rint(img_temp).astype(np.uint8)
return img_temp
[docs]def scale_image_max_inlier(img):
"""Proportionally scales image values from (0, `max_inlier`) to (0, 255)
Scales input image values from (0, `max_inlier`) to (0, 255). Values in input image
that are greater than the max inlier will be clipped to 255 in the output image
In a sorted list of the pixel intensities, the max inlier is the largest value that
satisfies the following condition: ``intensity[i] * 0.9 <= intensity[i*0.999]``
img : np.ndarray, shape (y, x), np.unit8
Input image
scaled_img : np.ndarray, shape (y, x), np.unit8
8 bit scaled version of input image
# Get the maximum value, ignoring outliers
img_flat = img.flatten()
# Find the maximum, inlier value
# Considered an inlier if a pixel substantially far down the sorted list is still
# within 90% of the the current value
# Substantially far is defined as int_round(i * 0.999)
i = len(img_flat) - 1
while (0.9 * img_flat[i] > img_flat[min(int(np.rint(i * 0.999)), i-1)]):
i -= 1
return scale_image(img, scale=img_flat[i])
[docs]def interp(pts, img, method='nearest'):
"""Interpolate values for `pts` from `img`
Interpolates `img` at the locations defined by `pts` using the given method
pts : np.ndarray, shape (n, 2), float
n points to be interpolated
img : np.ndarray, shape (y, x), np.unit8
Input image
method : {'linear', 'nearest', 'slinear', 'cubic', 'quintic'}, optional
Interpolation method. See :class:`scipy.interpolate.RegularGridInterpolator` for
out : np.ndarray, shape (n, 2), float
Value of pts interpolated from img
# Ensure the method is one supported by scipy
assert method in ['linear', 'nearest', 'slinear', 'cubic', 'quintic']
# Define the X and Y domains
X, Y = np.arange(img.shape[1]), np.arange(img.shape[0])
# Define the scipy interpolation function
f = scipy.interpolate.RegularGridInterpolator((X, Y), img.T, method=method)
# Return the interpolated values for the points
return f(pts)