import numpy as np
import os
import json
from upsp.cam_cal_utils import (
debug_show_3D_targets = False
debug_show_img_targets = False
debug_show_matches = True
[docs]def camera_to_tunnel_calibrate(
imgs, # Camera specific
internal_cals, # Camera specific
manual_detections, # Camera specific
tunnel_vals, # Datapoint specific
tgts_all, # Test specific
test_config, # Test specific
vis_checker, # Test specific
match_thresh=0.8, # Optional
"""Performs camera to tunnel calibration for the given cameras
Generates ``camera_to_tunnel`` json files for each given camera and saved in
Any number of cameras can be given to this function. Each camera needs its own entry
in `imgs`, `internal_cals`, and `manual_detections`. If there are 10 cameras, each
of those inputs will be a list of length 10.
If `debug_show_matches` or `debug_show_img_targets` are True, the debug images will
be saved to the current directory. Each image will be appended with '_?' where ? is
the index of the camera (If ? is 0, it corresponds to ``imgs[0]``,
``internal_cals[0]``, and ``manual_detections[0]``)
All inputs should correspond to the same test configuration. The inputs
`tunnel_vals`, `tgts_all`, `test_config`, and `vis_checker` will be used across all
ctc_dir : string
Directory to save the camera-to-tunnel calibrations
imgs : list
Each image should be ``np.array`` of shape (height, width) and 8-bit.
``imgs[i]`` should correspond to ``internal_cals[i]`` and
internal_cals : list
Each internal calibration should be of the form::
[cameraMatrix, distCoeffs, sensor_resolution, sensor_size]
- ``cameraMatrix`` is the (openCV formatted) camera matrix for the camera
- ``distCoeffs`` is the (openCV formatted) distortion coefficients for the
- ``sensor_resolution`` is a tuple of the full pixel resolution of the camera
(which can be larger than the images of the `imgs` input)
- ``sensor_size`` is a tuple of the physical sensor size in inches
``internal_cals[i]`` should correspond to ``imgs[i]`` and
manual_detections : list
Each manual detection using PASCAL VOC format. Each manual detection is a
dict with following the keys:
- 'class' denoting the target_type
- 'x1' denoting the left edge of the bounding box
- 'y1' denoting the top edge of the bounding box
- 'x2' denoting the right edge of the bounding box
- 'y2' denoting the bottom edge of the bounding box
``manual_detections[i]`` should correspond to ``imgs[i]`` and
tunnel_vals : dict
`tunnel_vals` has the keys ALPHA, BETA, PHI, and STRUTZ which denote the model's
commanded position in the UPWT. For tests without this type of model positioning
mechanism, set all values to 0.0
tgts_all : list
Each target is a dict with (at a minimum) a 'target_type', 'tvec', and 'norm'
attribute. The 'target_type' is a string for the type of target, usually 'dot'.
Currently, only targets with the 'dot' type are used. The 'tvec' attribute gives
the target's location and the 'norm' attribute gives the target's normal vector
Both are ``np.array`` vectors with shape (3, 1)
test_config : dict
The dict must contain the following keys and values:
- 'oblique_angle' : maximum allowable oblique viewing angle
- 'max_match_dist' : maximum allowable matching distance between tgt
projection and image target
- 'dot_pad' : pixel padding distance around center of dot target to use for
sub-pixel localization
- 'tunnel-cor_to_tgts_tvec' : translation vector from center of rotation to
tgts origin. For tests that do not have a center of rotation like the
UPWT, set this value to [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
- 'tunnel-cor_to_tgts_rmat' : rotation matrix from center of rotation to
tgts origin. For tests that do not have a center of rotation like the
UPWT, set this value to [[1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1]]
- 'tunnel-cor_to_tunnel-origin_tvec' : translation vector from center of
rotation to tunnel origin. This can be [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
- 'tunnel-cor_to_tunnel-origin_rmat' : rotation matrix from center of
rotation to tunnel origin. This can be [[1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1]]
vis_checker : ~upsp.cam_cal_utils.visibility.VisibilityChecker
Visibility checker object with the relevant BVH and oblique viewing angle
match_thresh : int or float, default = 0.80
Proportion of matched needed to form a consensus, optional default=0.8
# Make the camera-to-tunnel directory if it does not exist
os.makedirs(ctc_dir, exist_ok=True)
# For this optimization, only take only the dots from the target inputs if possible
target_type = "dot"
tgts = []
for tgt in tgts_all:
if tgt["target_type"] == "dot":
# If there were not enough dots, use kulites
if len(tgts) < 4:
# Set the dot_found flag to False
target_type = "kulite"
for tgt in tgts_all:
if tgt["target_type"] == "kulite":
if debug_show_3D_targets:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import target_bumping
fig = plt.figure("3D Targets")
ax = fig.add_subplot(projection="3d")
tvecs, norms = vis_checker.get_tvecs_and_norms()
ax.scatter(tvecs[:, 0], tvecs[:, 1], tvecs[:, 2])
internals = target_bumping.tgts_get_internals(tgts, vis_checker)
internal_names = [internal[0] for internal in internals]
external_tgts = []
for tgt in tgts:
if tgt["name"] not in internal_names:
visualization.plot_pts_and_norms(external_tgts, ax)
ax.view_init(elev=45, azim=-90)
plt.close("3D Targets")
# Get transformation from tunnel frame to tgts frame
rmat_tunnel_tgts, tvec_tunnel_tgts = tunnel_transform(
**tunnel_vals, tvec__cor_tgts__tgts_frame=test_config["tunnel-cor_to_tgts_tvec"]
rmat_tgts_tunnel, tvec_tgts_tunnel = photogrammetry.invTransform(
rmat_tunnel_tgts, tvec_tunnel_tgts
# Run the camera-tunnel calibration for each camera
for num, img, internal_cal, manual_detection in zip(
list(range(1, len(imgs) + 1)), imgs, internal_cals, manual_detections
# Unpackage the internal calibration
cameraMatrix, distCoeffs, sensor_resolution, sensor_size = internal_cal
# Get the sub-pixel localized imag_targets
img_targets = []
for bbox in manual_detection:
# If it is a target of the appropriate class, and not flagged as difficult
# add it to the targets list
if (bbox["class"] == target_type) and not bbox["difficult"]:
x1, y1, x2, y2 = bbox["x1"], bbox["y1"], bbox["x2"], bbox["y2"]
center = ((x1 + x2) / 2, (y1 + y2) / 2)
img_target = {"target_type": target_type, "center": center}
# Sub-pixel localize the manual img_targets
__, img_targets = external_calibrate.subpixel_localize(
img, img_targets, img_targets, test_config
# If debug_show_img_targets is turned on, generate the debug image
if debug_show_img_targets:
img_centers = np.array([img_target["center"] for img_target in img_targets])
img_centers = np.squeeze(img_centers)
img, img_centers, str(num) + "_Image_Center_Locations"
# Using RANSAC, find the external calibration
rmat_opt, tvec_opt = external_calibrate.external_calibrate_RANSAC(
[cameraMatrix, distCoeffs],
# If debug_show_matches is turned on, generate the debug image
if debug_show_matches:
visible_init_tgts = photogrammetry.get_visible_targets(
rmat_opt, tvec_opt, tgts, vis_checker
debug=[img, str(num), None],
# Transform from camera to tgts to tunnel -> Get camera to tunnel transformation
rmat_camera_tunnel = np.matmul(rmat_opt, rmat_tgts_tunnel)
tvec_camera_tunnel = tvec_opt + np.matmul(rmat_opt, tvec_tgts_tunnel)
# Package the camera calibration data
uPSP_cameraMatrix = parsers.convert_cv2_cm_to_uPSP_cm(cameraMatrix, img.shape)
datum = {
"uPSP_cameraMatrix": uPSP_cameraMatrix.tolist(),
"distCoeffs": distCoeffs.tolist(),
"rmat": rmat_camera_tunnel.tolist(),
"tvec": tvec_camera_tunnel.reshape(3,).tolist(),
"sensor_resolution": sensor_resolution.tolist(),
"sensor_size": sensor_size.tolist(),
# Export the calibration as a json file
cal_file = "camera" + str(num).rjust(2, "0") + ".json"
with open(os.path.join(ctc_dir, cal_file), "w") as f:
json.dump(datum, f)
# TODO: need to implement use of rmat__cor_tgts__tgts_frame as an input
# TODO: This refers specifically to a model on the sting. We will need a function for
# a floor mounted model, and ideally something in the test_config file to specify
# TODO: need to implement use of tunnel-cor_to_tgts_rmat from test_config
[docs]def tf_camera_tgts_thru_tunnel(camera_tunnel_cal, wtd, test_config):
"""Returns the transformation from the camera to the model (tgts frame)
camera_cal : list
camera calibration in the form::
[rmat__camera_tunnel, tvec__camera_tunnel, cameraMatrix, distCoeffs]
wtd : dict
wind tunnel data as a dict with (at a minimum) the keys 'ALPHA', 'BETA', 'PHI',
and 'STRUTZ'. ALPHA, BETA, and PHI are tunnel angles in degrees. STRUTZ is the
offset of the tunnel center of rotation for the z axis in inches
test_config : dict
test configuration data as a dict with (at a minimum) the key
'tunnel-cor_to_tgts_tvec' representing the translation vector from the tunnel
center of rotation to the model frame
rmat__camera_tgts : np.ndarray, shape (3, 3)
Rotation matrix
tvec__camera_tgts : np.ndarray, shape (3, 1)
Translation vector
# Turn the wind tunnel data into the transformation from tunnel to targets
wtd_transform = tunnel_transform(
rmat_tunnel_tgts, tvec_tunnel_tgts = wtd_transform
# Transformation from tgts frame to tunnel frame
rmat_tgts_tunnel = np.linalg.inv(rmat_tunnel_tgts)
tvec_tgts_tunnel = -np.matmul(rmat_tgts_tunnel, tvec_tunnel_tgts)
# Decompose the camera calibration into its parts
) = camera_tunnel_cal
# Combine the transformations to get the transformation from `camera to tgts frame
rmat__camera_tgts = np.matmul(rmat__camera_tunnel, np.linalg.inv(rmat_tgts_tunnel))
tvec__camera_tgts = tvec__camera_tunnel + np.matmul(
rmat__camera_tunnel, tvec_tunnel_tgts
return rmat__camera_tgts, tvec__camera_tgts