Included Models#

The progpy package is distributed with a few pre-constructed models that can be used in simulation or prognostics. These models are summarized in the following sections.

Battery Model#

class progpy.models.BatteryElectroChemEOD(**kwargs)#

Vectorized prognostics model for a battery, represented by an electrochemical equations as described in [Daigle2013]. This model predicts the end of discharge event.

The default model parameters included are for Li-ion batteries, specifically 18650-type cells. Experimental discharge curves for these cells can be downloaded from the Prognostics Center of Excellence Data Repository [DataRepo].

Events: (1)

EOD: End of Discharge

Inputs/Loading: (1)

i: Current draw on the battery

States: (8)
tb: Battery temperature (K)
Vo: Voltage Drops due to Solid-Phase Ohmic Resistances
Vsn: Negative Surface Voltage (V)
Vsp: Positive Surface Voltage (V)
qnB: Amount of Negative Ions at the Battery Bulk
qnS: Amount of Negative Ions at the Battery Surface
qpB: Amount of Positive Ions at the Battery Bulk
qpS: Amount of Positive Ions at the Battery Surface
Outputs: (2)
t: Temperature of battery (°C)
v: Voltage supplied by battery
Performance Metrics: (1)
max_i : The maximum current (amps) that can be sustained before steady-state voltage falls below VEOD. Decreases with discharge
Keyword Arguments
  • process_noise (Optional, float or dict[str, float]) – Process noise (applied at dx/next_state). Can be number (e.g., .2) applied to every state, a dictionary of values for each state (e.g., {‘x1’: 0.2, ‘x2’: 0.3}), or a function (x) -> x

  • process_noise_dist (Optional, str) – distribution for process noise (e.g., normal, uniform, triangular)

  • measurement_noise (Optional, float or dict[str, float]) – Measurement noise (applied in output eqn). Can be number (e.g., .2) applied to every output, a dictionary of values for each output (e.g., {‘z1’: 0.2, ‘z2’: 0.3}), or a function (z) -> z

  • measurement_noise_dist (Optional, str) – distribution for measurement noise (e.g., normal, uniform, triangular)

  • qMobile (float) –

  • xnMax (float) – Maximum mole fraction (neg electrode)

  • xpMax (float) – Maximum mole fraction (pos electrode). Typically 1.

  • Ro (float) – for Ohmic drop (current collector resistances plus electrolyte resistance plus solid phase resistances at anode and cathode)

  • alpha (float) – anodic/cathodic electrochemical transfer coefficient

  • Sn (float) – Surface area (- electrode)

  • Sp (float) – Surface area (+ electrode)

  • kn (float) – lumped constant for BV (- electrode)

  • kp (float) – lumped constant for BV (+ electrode)

  • Vol (float) – total interior battery volume/2 (for computing concentrations)

  • VolSFraction (float) – fraction of total volume occupied by surface volume

  • tDiffusion (float) – diffusion time constant (increasing this causes decrease in diffusion rate)

  • to (float) – for Ohmic voltage

  • tsn (float) – for surface overpotential (neg)

  • tsp (float) – for surface overpotential (pos)

  • U0p (float) – Redlich-Kister parameter (+ electrode)

  • Ap (float) – Redlich-Kister parameter (+ electrode)

  • U0n (float) – Redlich-Kister parameter (- electrode)

  • An (float) – Redlich-Kister parameter (- electrode)

  • VEOD (float) – End of Discharge Voltage Threshold

  • x0 (dict[str, float]) – Initial state


  1. Daigle and C. Kulkarni, “Electrochemistry-based Battery Modeling for Prognostics,” Annual Conference of the Prognostics and Health Management Society 2013, pp. 249-261, New Orleans, LA, October 2013.


Prognostics Center of Excellence Data Repository

Pump Model#

There are two variants of the pump model based on if the wear parameters are estimated as part of the state. The models are described below

class progpy.models.CentrifugalPumpBase(**kwargs)#

Prognostics model for a Centrifugal Pump as described in [DaiglePump2013].

Events: (4)
ImpellerWearFailure: Failure of the impeller due to wear
PumpOilOverheat: Overheat of the pump oil
RadialBearingOverheat: Overheat of the radial bearing
ThrustBearingOverheat: Overhead of the thrust bearing
Inputs/Loading: (5)
Tamb: Ambient Temperature (K)
V: Voltage
pdisch: Discharge Pressure (Pa)
psuc: Suction Pressure (Pa)
wsync: Synchronous Rotational Speed of Supply Voltage (rad/sec)
States: (9)
A: Impeller Area (m^2)
Q: Flow Rate into Pump (m^3/s)
To: Oil Temperature (K)
Tr: Radial Bearing Temperature (K)
Tt: Thrust Bearing Temperature (K)
rRadial: Radial (thrust) Friction Coefficient
rThrust: Rolling Friction Coefficient
w: Rotational Velocity of Pump (rad/sec)
QLeak: Leak Flow Rate (m^3/s)
Outputs: (5)
Qout: Discharge Flow (m^3/s)
To: Oil Temperature (K)
Tr: Radial Bearing Temperature (K)
Tt: Thrust Bearing Temperature (K)
w: Rotational Velocity of Pump (rad/sec)
Keyword Arguments
  • process_noise (Optional, float or dict[str, float]) – Process noise (applied at dx/next_state). Can be number (e.g., .2) applied to every state, a dictionary of values for each state (e.g., {‘x1’: 0.2, ‘x2’: 0.3}), or a function (x) -> x

  • process_noise_dist (Optional, str) – distribution for process noise (e.g., normal, uniform, triangular)

  • measurement_noise (Optional, float or dict[str, float]) – Measurement noise (applied in output eqn). Can be number (e.g., .2) applied to every output, a dictionary of values for each output (e.g., {‘z1’: 0.2, ‘z2’: 0.3}), or a function (z) -> z

  • measurement_noise_dist (Optional, str) – distribution for measurement noise (e.g., normal, uniform, triangular)

  • pAtm (float) – Atmospheric pressure

  • a0 (float) – empirical coefficient for flow torque eqn

  • a1 (float) – empirical coefficient for flow torque eqn

  • a2 (float) – empirical coefficient for flow torque eqn

  • A (float) – impeller blade area

  • b (float) –

  • n (float) – Pole Phases

  • p (float) – Pole Pairs

  • I (float) – impeller/shaft/motor lumped inertia

  • r (float) – lumped friction parameter (minus bearing friction)

  • R1 (float) –

  • R2 (float) –

  • L1 (float) –

  • FluidI (float) – Pump fluid inertia

  • c (float) – Pump flow coefficient

  • cLeak (float) – Internal leak flow coefficient

  • ALeak (float) – Internal leak area

  • mcThrust (float) –

  • HThrust2 (HThrust1,) –

  • mcRadial (float) –

  • HRadial2 (HRadial1,) –

  • mcOil (float) –

  • HOil3 (HOil1, HOil2,) –

  • wA (float) – Wear rates. See also CentrifugalPumpWithWear

  • wRadial (float) – Wear rates. See also CentrifugalPumpWithWear

  • wThrust (float) – Wear rates. See also CentrifugalPumpWithWear

  • lim (dict) – Parameter limits

  • x0 (dict[str, float]) – Initial state


  1. Daigle and K. Goebel, “Model-based Prognostics with Concurrent Damage Progression Processes,” IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems, vol. 43, no. 4, pp. 535-546, May 2013.

Pneumatic Valve#

There are two variants of the valve model based on if the wear parameters are estimated as part of the state. The models are described below

class progpy.models.PneumaticValveBase(**kwargs)#

Prognostics model for a Pneumatic Valve model as described in [DaigleValve2011].

Events: (5)
Bottom Leak: Failure due to a leak at the bottom pneumatic port
Top Leak: Failure due to a leak at the top pneumatic port
Internal Leak: Failure due to an internal leak at the seal surrounding the piston
Spring Failure: Failure due to spring weakening with use
Friction Failure: Failure due to increase in friction along the piston with wear
Inputs/Loading: (4)
pL: Fluid pressure at the left side of the plug (Pa)
pR: Fluid pressure at the right side of the plug (Pa)
uBot: input pressure at the bottom pneumatic port (Pa)
uTop: input pressure at the botton pneumatic port (Pa)
States: (10)
Aeb: Area of the leak at the bottom pneumatic port
Aet: Area of the leak at the top pneumatic port
Ai: Area of the internal leak
k: Spring Coefficient
mBot: Mass on bottom of piston (kg)
mTop: Mass on top of the piston (kg)
r: Friction Coefficient
v: Velocity of the piston (m/s)
x: Poisition of the piston (m)
pDiff: Difference in pressure between the left and the right
Outputs: 6
Q: Flowrate
iB: Is the piston at the bottom (bool)
iT: Is the piston at the top (bool)
pB: Pressure at the bottom (Pa)
pT: Pressure at the top (Pa)
x: Position of piston (m)
Keyword Arguments
  • process_noise (Optional, float or dict[str, float]) – Process noise (applied at dx/next_state). Can be number (e.g., .2) applied to every state, a dictionary of values for each state (e.g., {‘x1’: 0.2, ‘x2’: 0.3}), or a function (x) -> x

  • process_noise_dist (Optional, str) – distribution for process noise e.g., normal, uniform, triangular

  • measurement_noise (Optional, float or dict[str, float]) – Measurement noise (applied in output eqn). Can be number (e.g., .2) applied to every output, a dictionary of values for each output (e.g., {‘z1’: 0.2, ‘z2’: 0.3}), or a function (z) -> z

  • measurement_noise_dist (Optional, str) – distribution for measurement noise e.g., normal, uniform, triangular

  • g (float) – Acceleration due to gravity (m/s^2)

  • pAtm (float) – Atmospheric pressure (Pa)

  • m (float) – Plug mass (kg)

  • offsetX (float) – Spring offset distance (m)

  • Ls (float) – Stroke Length (m)

  • Ap (float) – Surface area of piston for gas contact (m^2)

  • Vbot0 (float) – Below piston “default” volume (m^3)

  • Vtop0 (float) – Above piston “default” volume (m^3)

  • indicatorTol (float) – tolerance bound for open/close indicators

  • pSupply (float) – Supply Pressure (Pa)

  • Av (float) – Surface area of plug end (m^2)

  • Cv (float) – flow coefficient assuming Cv of 1300 GPM

  • rhoL (float) – density of LH2 in kg/m^3

  • gas_mass (float) – Molar mass of supply gas (kg/mol)

  • gas_temp (float) – Temperature of supply gas (K)

  • gas_R (gas_gamma, gas_z,) – Supply gas parameters

  • At (float) –

  • Ct (float) –

  • Ab (float) –

  • Cb (float) –

  • AbMax (float) – Max limit for state Aeb

  • AtMax (float) – Max limit for state Aet

  • AiMax (float) – Max limit for state Ai

  • kMin (float) – Min limit for state k

  • rMax (float) – Max limit for state r

  • x0 (Dict[str, float]) – Initial state

  • wb (float) – Wear parameter for bottom leak

  • wi (float) – Wear parameter for internal leak

  • wt (float) – Wear parameter for top leak

  • wk (float) – Wear parameter for spring

  • wr (float) – Wear parameter for friction


Supply gas parameters (gas_mass, gas_temp, gas_gamme, gas_z, gas_R) are for Nitrogen by default



M. Daigle and K. Goebel, “A Model-based Prognostics Approach Applied to Pneumatic Valves,” International Journal of Prognostics and Health Management, vol. 2, no. 2, August 2011.

DC Motor#

class progpy.models.DCMotorSP(**kwargs)#

New in version 1.4.0.

Model of single-phase brushless DC Motor, as defined by the following equations:

\[\dfrac{di}{dt} = \dfrac{1}{L1}*(V-E-R*i)\]
\[\dfrac{d{\omega}}{dt} = \dfrac{1}{J_t} * (T_e - T_l - B * \omega)\]


  • i current, A

  • \(\omega\) rotor speed, \(\dfrac{rad}{s}\)

  • V input voltage, V

  • E back-emf voltage, V

  • R armature resistance, Ohm

  • \(J_t\) total inertia (rotor + propeller or load), \(kg*m^2\)

  • \(T_e\) driving torque (electrical), \(N*m\)

  • \(T_l\) load torque (mechanical), \(N*m\)

  • B friction coefficient, \(\dfrac{N*m}{rad/s}\)

  • t time, \(s\)

Events: (0)
Inputs/Loading: (2)
v: Voltage
t_l: Torque from load
States: (2)
i: current (A)
v_rot: Rotational velocity (rad/sec)
Outputs: (1)
v_rot: Rotational velocity (rad/sec)
Keyword Arguments
  • process_noise (Optional, float or dict[str, float]) – Process noise (applied at dx/next_state). Can be number (e.g., .2) applied to every state, a dictionary of values for each state (e.g., {‘x1’: 0.2, ‘x2’: 0.3}), or a function (x) -> x

  • process_noise_dist (Optional, str) – distribution for process noise (e.g., normal, uniform, triangular)

  • measurement_noise (Optional, float or dict[str, float]) – Measurement noise (applied in output eqn). Can be number (e.g., .2) applied to every output, a dictionary of values for each output (e.g., {‘z1’: 0.2, ‘z2’: 0.3}), or a function (z) -> z

  • measurement_noise_dist (Optional, str) – distribution for measurement noise (e.g., normal, uniform, triangular)

  • L (float) – Self-inductance (H)

  • M (float) – Mutual inductance (H)

  • R (float) – Armature Resistance (Ohm)

  • Kt (float) – back emf constant / Torque constant (V/rad/sec)

  • B (float) – Friction in motor / Damping (Not a function of thrust) (Nm/(rad/s))

  • J (float) – Total load moment of inertia (motor shaft + load) (Kg*m^2) - alternately, you can set these separately as Js and Jl

  • Js (float) – Moment of inertia of motor shaft (kg*m^2) - one component of J

  • Jl (float) – Moment of inertia from load (kg*m^2) - one component of J. Note load is whatever the motor is attached to (e.g., propeller, valve, axil, etc.)

  • x0 (dict[str, float]) – Initial state


class progpy.models.ESC(**kwargs)#

New in version 1.3.0.

Simple Electronic-Speed Controller (ESC) model for powertrain modeling. This model replicates the behavior of the speed controller with pulse-width modulation (PWM) and commutation matrix. Duty cycle simulated with a square wave using scipy signal.square function.

References: [0]_, [1]_.

This model was developed by NASA’s System Wide Safety (SWS) Project.

Events: (0)
Inputs/Loading: (3)
duty : Duty cycle (unitless), percentage the input is “on” (i.e., voltage is supplied). 0 = no voltage supply (always closed), 1 = 100% voltage supply (always open).
theta : rotor position (rad).
v : voltage (V), voltage input from Battery (after DC converter, should be constant).
States: (4)
v_a : 3-phase voltage value, first phase, (V), motor input
v_b : 3-phase voltage value, second phase, (V), motor input
v_c : 3-phase voltage value, third phase (V), motor input
t : time value (s).
Outputs: (4)
v_a : 3-phase voltage value, first phase, (V), motor input
v_b : 3-phase voltage value, second phase, (V), motor input
v_c : 3-phase voltage value, third phase (V), motor input
t : time value (s).
Keyword Arguments
  • process_noise (Optional, float or dict[str, float]) – Process noise (applied at dx/next_state). Can be number (e.g., .2) applied to every state, a dictionary of values for each state (e.g., {‘x1’: 0.2, ‘x2’: 0.3}), or a function (x) -> x

  • process_noise_dist (Optional, str) – distribution for process noise (e.g., normal, uniform, triangular)

  • measurement_noise (Optional, float or dict[str, float]) – Measurement noise (applied in output eqn). Can be number (e.g., .2) applied to every output, a dictionary of values for each output (e.g., {‘z1’: 0.2, ‘z2’: 0.3}), or a function (z) -> z

  • measurement_noise_dist (Optional, str) – distribution for measurement noise (e.g., normal, uniform, triangular)

  • sawtooth_freq (float) – Frequency of PWM signal [Hz], default value in default_parameters.

  • x0 (dict[str, float]) – Initial state



Matteo Corbetta, Chetan S. Kulkarni. An approach for uncertainty quantification and management of unmanned aerial vehicle health.

Annual Conference of the PHM Society, Scottsdale, AZ, 2019. .. [1] George E. Gorospe Jr, Chetan S. Kulkarni, Edward Hogge, Andrew Hsu, and Natalie Ownby. A Study of the Degradation of Electronic Speed Controllers forBrushless DC Motors. Asia Pacific Conference of the Prognostics and Health Management Society, 2017.


class progpy.models.Powertrain(esc, motor, **kwargs)#

New in version 1.3.0.

Powertrain model composed of ESC and DC motor (with the option to add propeller load using parameter Cq). The powertrain model is used to simulate the motor dynamics including the effect of the speed controller and pulse-width modulation.

Parameters for a standard propeller for commercial UAV are also added to the powertrain model, so that the load torque acting on the motor can be computed. At this stage, the propeller is modeled simply as a load torque proportional to the square of the rotor speed. When simulating the full PWM signal, this model needs a very small time step size (e.g., dt=1e-5) to show the full dynamics. Faster simulations can be achieved by ignoring the PWM square wave and acting directing on the input voltage. For example, modulating the input voltage to replicate the behavior of a throttle.

References: Matteo Corbetta, Chetan S. Kulkarni. An approach for uncertainty quantification and management of unmanned aerial vehicle health. Annual Conference of the PHM Society, Scottsdale, AZ, 2019.

George E. Gorospe Jr, Chetan S. Kulkarni, Edward Hogge, Andrew Hsu, and Natalie Ownby. A Study of the Degradation of Electronic Speed Controllers forBrushless DC Motors. Asia Pacific Conference of the Prognostics and Health Management Society, 2017.

R.P. Palanisamy C. Kulkarni, M. Corbetta, P. Banerjee “Fault Detection and Performance Monitoring of Propellers in Electric UAV”, 2022 IEEE Aerospace

This model was developed by NASA’s System Wide Safety (SWS) Project.

Events: (0)
Inputs/Loading: (2)
duty : Duty cycle [-], percentage the input is “on” (i.e., voltage is supplied). 0 = no voltage supply (always closed), 1 = 100% voltage supply (always open).
v : voltage [V], voltage input from Battery (after DC converter, should be constant).
States: (5)
v_a : 3-phase voltage value, first phase, [V], input to the motor
v_b : 3-phase voltage value, second phase, [V], input to the motor
v_c : 3-phase voltage value, third phase [V], input to the motor
t : time value [s].
i_a : 3-phase current value, first phase [A], motor state
i_b : 3-phase current value, second phase [A], motor state
i_c : 3-phase current value, third phase [A], motor state
v_rot : Motor angular velocity [rad/s]
theta : Motor rotor position [rad]
Outputs: (2)
v_rot : Motor angular velocity [rad/s]
theta : Motor rotor position [rad]
Keyword Arguments
  • process_noise (Optional, float or dict[str, float]) – Process noise (applied at dx/next_state). Can be number (e.g., .2) applied to every state, a dictionary of values for each state (e.g., {‘x1’: 0.2, ‘x2’: 0.3}), or a function (x) -> x

  • process_noise_dist (Optional, str) – distribution for process noise (e.g., normal, uniform, triangular)

  • measurement_noise (Optional, float or dict[str, float]) – Measurement noise (applied in output eqn). Can be number (e.g., .2) applied to every output, a dictionary of values for each output (e.g., {‘z1’: 0.2, ‘z2’: 0.3}), or a function (z) -> z

  • measurement_noise_dist (Optional, str) – distribution for measurement noise (e.g., normal, uniform,

  • c_q (float) – Dimensionless coefficient of torque of the propeller [-], (APC data, derived).

  • rho (float) – Air density [Kg/m^3].

  • D (float) – Propeller diameter [m].


This model is known to be sensitive to noise. The process noise and measurement noise should be set to low values.


Powertrain is added on top of any noise in the underlying esc and motor models. To update the esc or motor parameters, access m.esc.parameters and m.motor.paramters, respectively.


class progpy.models.PropellerLoad(**kwargs)#

New in version 1.5.0.

This is a simple model of a propeller load. This model estimates load torque as a function of the rotational velocity. When the propeller is spinning faster, drag increases, and the propeller load on the torque increases.

This model is typically used with the esc and dcmotor models to simulate a motor and propeller system.

Events: (0)

Inputs/Loading: (1):

v_rot: Rotational Velocity (rad/sec)

States: (1)

t_l: Load Torque

Outputs: (1):

t_l: Load Torque

Aircraft Models#

Aircraft model simulate the flight of an aircraft. All aircraft models inherit from progpy.models.aircraft_model.AircraftModel. Included models are listed below:

class progpy.models.aircraft_model.SmallRotorcraft(**kwargs)#

New in version 1.5.0.

Vectorized prognostics model to generate a predicted trajectory for a small rotorcraft using a n=6 degrees-of-freedom dynamic model with feedback control loop. The model follows the form:

\[ \begin{align}\begin{aligned}u = h(x, x_{ref})\\dx/dt = f(x, \theta, u)\end{aligned}\end{align} \]

x is a 2n state vector containing position, attitude and corresponding derivatives \(\theta\) is a vector of model parameters including rotorcraft mass, inertia moment, aerodynamic coefficients, etc. u is the input vector: thrust along the body vertical axis, and three moments along the UAV body axis to follow the desired trajectory. \(x_{ref}\) is the desired state vector at that specific time step, with dimension 2n f(.) is growth rate function of all vehicle state h(.) is the feedback-loop control function that returns the necessary thrust and moments (u vector) to cover the error between desired state \(x_{ref}\) and current state x dx/dt is the state-increment per unit time.

Model generates cartesian positions and velocities, pitch, roll, and yaw, and angular velocities throughout time to satisfy some user-define waypoints.

See [0]_ for modeling details.

Events: (1)

TrajectoryComplete: The final time of the reference trajectory has been reached

Inputs/Loading: (0)
T: thrust
mx: moment in x
my: moment in y
mz: moment in z
mission_complete: progression throughout time to final time point in reference trajectory, where 0 is no progress and 1 is mission completed
States: (14)
x: first position in cartesian reference frame East-North-Up (ENU), i.e., East in fixed inertia frame, center is at first waypoint
y: second position in cartesian reference frame East-North-Up (ENU), i.e., North in fixed inertia frame, center is at first waypoint
z: third position in cartesian reference frame East-North-Up (ENU), i.e., Up in fixed inertia frame, center is at first waypoint
phi: Euler’s first attitude angle
theta: Euler’s second attitude angle
psi: Euler’s third attitude angle
vx: velocity along x-axis, i.e., velocity along East in fixed inertia frame
vy: velocity along y-axis, i.e., velocity along North in fixed inertia frame
vz: velocity along z-axis, i.e., velocity Up in fixed inertia frame
p: angular velocity around UAV body x-axis
q: angular velocity around UAV body y-axis
r: angular velocity around UAV body z-axis
t: time
mission_complete: progression throughout time to final time point in reference trajectory, where 0 is no progress and 1 is mission completed
Outputs: (12)
x: first position in cartesian reference frame East-North-Up (ENU), i.e., East in fixed inertia frame, center is at first waypoint
y: second position in cartesian reference frame East-North-Up (ENU), i.e., North in fixed inertia frame, center is at first waypoint
z: third position in cartesian reference frame East-North-Up (ENU), i.e., Up in fixed inertia frame, center is at first waypoint
phi: Euler’s first attitude angle
theta: Euler’s second attitude angle
psi: Euler’s third attitude angle
vx: velocity along x-axis, i.e., velocity along East in fixed inertia frame
vy: velocity along y-axis, i.e., velocity along North in fixed inertia frame
vz: velocity along z-axis, i.e., velocity Up in fixed inertia frame
p: angular velocity around UAV body x-axis
q: angular velocity around UAV body y-axis
r: angular velocity around UAV body z-axis
Keyword Arguments
  • process_noise (Optional, float or dict[str, float]) – Process noise (applied at dx/next_state). Can be number (e.g., .2) applied to every state, a dictionary of values for each state (e.g., {‘x1’: 0.2, ‘x2’: 0.3}), or a function (x) -> x

  • process_noise_dist (Optional, str) – distribution for process noise (e.g., normal, uniform, triangular)

  • measurement_noise (Optional, float or dict[str, float]) – Measurement noise (applied in output eqn). Can be number (e.g., .2) applied to every output, a dictionary of values for each output (e.g., {‘z1’: 0.2, ‘z2’: 0.3}), or a function (z) -> z

  • measurement_noise_dist (Optional, str) – distribution for measurement noise (e.g., normal, uniform, triangular)

  • dt (Optional, float) – Time step in seconds for trajectory generation

  • gravity (Optional, float) – m/s^2, gravity magnitude

  • air_density (Optional, float) – kg/m^3, atmospheric density

  • steadystate_input (Optional, float) – Input vector to maintain the vehicle in a stable position that is used to build the linearized model for the controller.

  • x0 (dict[str, float]) – Initial state

  • vehicle_model (Optional, str) – String to specify vehicle type. ‘tarot18’ and ‘djis1000’ are supported

  • vehicle_payload (Optional, float) – kg, payload mass

  • vehicle_max_speed (Optional, float) – m/s, maximum vehicle speed

  • vehicle_max_roll (Optional, float) – rad, maximum roll angle

  • vehicle_max_pitch (Optional, float) – rad, maximum pitch angle


[0] M. Corbetta et al., “Real-time UAV trajectory prediction for safely monitoring in low-altitude airspace,” AIAA Aviation 2019 Forum, 2019.


class progpy.models.ThrownObject(**kwargs)#

Simple Non-Linear model that similates an object thrown into the air with air resistance

Events: (2)
falling: The object is falling
impact: The object has hit the ground

Inputs/Loading: (0)

States: (2)
x: Position in space (m)
v: Velocity in space (m/s)
Outputs: (1)
x: Position in space (m)
Keyword Arguments
  • process_noise (Optional, float or dict[str, float]) – Process noise (applied at dx/next_state). Can be number (e.g., .2) applied to every state, a dictionary of values for each state (e.g., {‘x1’: 0.2, ‘x2’: 0.3}), or a function (x) -> x

  • process_noise_dist (Optional, str) – distribution for process noise (e.g., normal, uniform, triangular)

  • measurement_noise (Optional, float or dict[str, float]) – Measurement noise (applied in output eqn). Can be number (e.g., .2) applied to every output, a dictionary of values for each output (e.g., {‘z1’: 0.2, ‘z2’: 0.3}), or a function (z) -> z

  • measurement_noise_dist (Optional, str) – distribution for measurement noise (e.g., normal, uniform, triangular)

  • g (Optional, float) – Acceleration due to gravity (m/s^2). Default is 9.81 m/s^2 (standard gravity)

  • rho (Optional, float) – Air density (kg/m^3). Default is 1.225 (air density at sea level). Used in drag calculation

  • A (Optional, float) – Cross sectional area of object (m^2)

  • m (Optional, float) – Mass of object (kg)

  • cd (Optional, float) – Coefficient of drag

  • thrower_height (Optional, float) – Height of the thrower (m). Default is 1.83 m

  • throwing_speed (Optional, float) – Speed at which the ball is thrown (m/s). Default is 40 m/s