
The DataModel class is the base class for all data-based models. It is a subclass of PrognosticsModel, allowing it to be used interchangeably with physics-based models.


Training DataModels#

There are a few ways to construct a DataModel object, described below.

From Data#

This is the most common way to construct a DataModel object, using the DataModel.from_data() method. It involves using one or more runs of data to train the model. Each DataModel class expects different data from the following set: times, inputs, states, outputs, and event_states. See documentation for the specific algorithm to see what it expects. Below is an example if it’s use with the LSTMStateTransitionModel, which expects inputs and outputs.

From Another PrognosticsModel (i.e., Surrogate)#

Surrogate models are constructed using the DataModel.from_model() Class Method. These models are trained using data from the original model, i.e., as a surrogate for the original model. The original model is not modified. Below is an example if it’s use. In this example a surrogate (m2) of the original ThrownObject Model (m) is created, and can then be used interchangeably with the original model.


Surrogate models are generally less accurate than the original model. This method is used either to create a quicker version of the original model (see DMDModel) or to test the performance of a DataModel approach.

See also


Using Constructor#

This method is the least frequently used, and it is very specific to the DataModel class being constructed. For example: DMDModel classes are constructed using the DMD Matrix, and LSTMStateTransitionModel classes are constructed using a trained Keras Model.

See example examples.custom_model

Included DataModels#

The following DataModels are included in the package. A new DataModel can be created by subclassing DataModel, implementing the abstract methods of both DataModel and PrognosticsModel.


class progpy.data_models.DMDModel(dmd_matrix, *_, **kwargs)#

New in version 1.3.0.

A subclass of progpy.LinearModel and progpy.data_models.DataModel that uses Dynamic Mode Decomposition to simulate a system throughout time.

Given an initial state of the system and the expected input throughout time, this class defines a model that can approximate the dynamics of the system throughout time until threshold is met. This model can be fully data-driven (using from_data) or a surrogate of another model (using from_model) where internal states of a high-fidelity model augment the purely data-driven method.


dmd_matrix (np.ndarray) – Matrix used by DMD

Keyword Arguments
  • input_keys (list[str]) – List of input keys

  • dt (float) – Time step

  • output_keys (list[str]) – List of output keys

  • x0 (StateContainer) – Initial state of the system

  • state_keys (list[str]) – List of state keys

  • event_keys (list[str]) – List of event keys


DMD does not generate accurate approximations for all models, especially highly non-linear sections, and can be sensitive to the training data time step.

In general, the approximation is less accurate if the DMD matrix is unstable. Additionally, this implementation does not yet include all functionalities of DMD (e.g. reducing the system’s dimensions through SVD). Further functionalities will be included in future releases.

classmethod from_data(times, inputs, outputs, states=None, event_states=None, **kwargs)#

Create a DMD model from data

  • times (list[list]) – list of input data for use in data. Each element is the times for a single run of size (n_times)

  • inputs (list[np.array]) – list of input data for use in data. Each element is the inputs for a single run of size (n_times, n_inputs)

  • outputs (list[np.array]) – list of output data for use in data. Each element is the outputs for a single run of size (n_times, n_outputs)

  • states (list[np.array], optional) – list of state data for use in data. Each element is the states for a single run of size (n_times, n_states)

  • event_states (list[np.array], optional) – list of event state data for use in data. Each element is the event states for a single run of size (n_times, n_event_states)

Keyword Arguments
  • trim_data_to (float, optional) –

    Fraction (0-1) of data resulting from progpy.PrognosticsModel.simulate_to_threshold() used to train DMD surrogate model e.g. if trim_data_to = 0.7 and the simulated data spans from t=0 to 100, the surrogate model is trained on the data from t=0 to 70

    Note: To trim data to a set time, use the ‘horizon’ parameter

  • stability_tol (float, optional) – Value that determines the tolerance for DMD matrix stability

  • training_noise (float, optional) – Noise added to the training data sampled from a standard normal distribution with standard deviation of training_noise. Adding noise to the training data results in a slight perturbation that removes any linear dependencies among the data

  • input_keys (list[str], optional) – List of input keys

  • state_keys (list[str], optional) – List of state keys

  • output_keys (list[str], optional) – List of output keys

  • event_keys (list[str], optional) – List of event keys

Additionally, other keyword arguments from progpy.PrognosticsModel.simulate_to_threshold()


Dynamic Mode Decomposition Matrix




Time step of data




Model generated from data

Return type


classmethod from_model(m, load_functions, **kwargs)#

Create a Data Model from an existing PrognosticsModel (i.e., a surrogate model). Generates data through simulation with supplied load functions. Then calls from_data() to generate the model.

  • m (PrognosticsModel) – Model to generate data from

  • load_functions (list[function]) – Each index is a callable loading function of (t, x = None) -> z used to predict future load at a given time (t) and state (x)

Keyword Arguments

add_dt (bool) – If the timestep should be added as an input

Addditional configuration parameters from progpy.PrognosticsModel.simulate_to_threshold(). These can be an array (of same length as load_functions) of config for each individual sim, or one value to apply to all Additional configuration parameters from from_data


Trained PrognosticsModel

Return type



class progpy.data_models.LSTMStateTransitionModel(output_model, state_model=None, event_state_model=None, t_met_model=None, **kwargs)#

New in version 1.4.0.

A State Transition Model with no event using an Keras LSTM Model. State transition models map from the input at time t and output at time t-1 plus historical data from a set window to the output at time t.

Most users will use the LSTMStateTransitionModel.from_data() method to create a model, but the model can be created by passing in a model directly into the constructor. The LSTM model in this method maps from [u_t-n+1, z_t-n, …, u_t, z_t-1] to z_t. Past input are stored in the model internal state. Actual calculation of output is performed when LSTMStateTransitionModel.output() is called. When using in simulation that may not be until the simulation results are accessed.

  • output_model (keras.Model) – If a state model is present, maps from the state_model outputs to model output. Otherwise, maps from model inputs to model output

  • state_model (keras.Model, optional) – Keras model to use for state transition

  • event_state_model (keras.Model, optional) – If a state model is present, maps from the state_model outputs to event state. Otherwise, maps from model inputs to event state

  • t_met_model (keras.Model, optional) – If a state model is present, maps from the state_model outputs to if the threshold has been met. Otherwise, maps from model inputs to if the threshold has not been met

Keyword Arguments
  • input_keys (list[str]) – List of input keys

  • output_keys (list[str]) – List of output keys

  • event_keys (list[str]) – List of event keys


Keras model to use for state transition



See also

LSTMStateTransitionModel.from_data LSTMStateTransitionModel.from_model examples.lstm_model

classmethod from_data(inputs, outputs, event_states=None, t_met=None, **kwargs)#

Generate a LSTMStateTransitionModel from data

  • inputs (list[np.array]) – list of input data for use in data. Each element is the inputs for a single run of size (n_times, n_inputs)

  • outputs (list[np.array]) – list of output data for use in data. Each element is the outputs for a single run of size (n_times, n_outputs)

  • event_states (list[np.array], optional) – list of event state data for use in data. Each element is the event state for a single run of size (n_times, n_events)

  • t_met (list[np.array], optional) – list of threshold met data for use in data. Each element is if the threshold has been met for a single run of size (n_times, n_events)

Keyword Arguments
  • window (int) – Number of historical points used in the model. I.e, if window is 3, the model will map from [t-3, t-2, t-1] to t

  • input_keys (list[str]) – List of keys to use to identify input. If not supplied u[#] will be used to idenfiy inputs

  • output_keys (list[str]) – List of keys to use to identify output. If not supplied z[#] will be used to idenfiy outputs

  • event_keys (list[str]) – List of keys to use to identify events for event state and threshold met. If not supplied event[#] will be used to identify events

  • validation_percentage (float) – Percentage of data to use for validation, between 0-1

  • epochs (int) – Number of epochs (i.e., iterations) to train the model. More epochs means better results (to a point), but more time to train. Note: large numbers of epochs may result in overfitting.

  • layers (int) – Number of LSTM layers to use. More layers can represent more complex systems, but are less efficient. Note: 2 layers is typically enough for most complex systems. Default: 1

  • units (int or list[int]) – number of units (i.e., dimensionality of output state) used in each lstm layer. Using a scalar value will use the same number of units for each layer.

  • activation (str or list[str]) – Activation function to use for each layer

  • dropout (float) – Dropout rate to be applied. Dropout helps avoid overfitting

  • normalize (bool) – If the data should be normalized. This is recommended for most cases.

  • early_stopping (bool) – If early stopping is desired. Default is True

  • early_stop.cfg (dict) – Configuration to pass into early stopping callback (if enabled). See keras documentation ( for options. E.g., {‘patience’: 5}

  • workers (int) – Number of workers to use when training. One worker indicates no multiprocessing


Generated Model

Return type


classmethod from_model(m: progpy.prognostics_model.PrognosticsModel, load_functions: list, **kwargs) progpy.data_models.data_model.DataModel#

Create a Data Model from an existing PrognosticsModel (i.e., a surrogate model). Generates data through simulation with supplied load functions. Then calls from_data() to generate the model.

  • m (PrognosticsModel) – Model to generate data from

  • load_functions (list[function]) – Each index is a callable loading function of (t, x = None) -> z used to predict future load at a given time (t) and state (x)

Keyword Arguments

add_dt (bool) – If the timestep should be added as an input

Addditional configuration parameters from progpy.PrognosticsModel.simulate_to_threshold(). These can be an array (of same length as load_functions) of config for each individual sim, or one value to apply to all Additional configuration parameters from from_data


Trained PrognosticsModel

Return type



class progpy.data_models.PolynomialChaosExpansion(models, times, input_keys, **kwargs)#

New in version 1.5.0.

Polynomial Chaos Expansion direct data model. Uses chaospy to generate a polynomial chaos expansion from data or a model to learn the relationship between future inputs and time of event.

Generally this is used as a surrogate for a model that is too expensive to simulate. This is done using the PolynomialChaosExpansion.from_model() method. The model is used to generate data, which is then used to train the polynomial chaos expansion. The polynomial chaos expansion can then be used to predict the time of event for future inputs.

  • models (List[chaospy.Poly]) – Polynomial chaos expansion models (one for each event)

  • times (list[float]) – List of times to use for the polynomial chaos expansion

  • input_keys (list[str]) – List of input keys for the inputs

Keyword Arguments

event_keys (list[str], optional) – List of event keys for the events. If not provided, will be generated as e0, e1, e2, etc.

See also

progpy.data_models.DataModel PolynomialChaosExpansion.from_data PolynomialChaosExpansion.from_model


The generated model is only valid for the intial state at which the data was generated. If the initial state is different, the model will not be valid.

classmethod from_data(times, inputs, time_of_event, input_keys, **kwargs)#

Create a PolynomialChaosExpansion from data.

  • times (list[float]) – list of times data for use in data. Each element is the time such that inputs[i] is the inputs at time[i]

  • inputs (np.array) – list of input data for use in data. Each eelement is the inputs for a single run of size (n_samples, n_inputs*n_times)

  • time_of_event (np.array) – Array of time of event data for use in data. Each element is the time of event for a single run of size (n_samples, n_events)

  • input_keys (list[str]) – List of input keys for the inputs

Keyword Arguments
  • J (chaospy.Distribution, optional) – Joint distribution to sample from. Must include distribution for each timepoint for each input [u0_t0, u0_t1, …, u1_t0, …]. If not included, input_dists must be provided

  • input_dists (list[chaospy.Distribution], optional) – List of chaospy distributions for each input for each timepoint

  • order (int, optional) – Order of the polynomial chaos expansion

classmethod from_model(m, x, input_dists, times, **kwargs)#

Create a PolynomialChaosExpansion from a model.

  • m (Model) – Model to create PolynomialChaosExpansion from

  • x (StateContainer) – Initial state to use for simulation

  • input_dists (dict[key, chaospy.Distribution]) –

    ” List of chaospy distributions for each input

  • times (list[float]) – List of coordinates along the time axis used to estimate the expansion coefficients (collocation points).

Keyword Arguments
  • N (int, optional) – Number of samples to use for training

  • dt (float, optional) – Time step to use for simulation

  • order (int, optional) – Order of the polynomial chaos expansion

DataModel Interface#

class progpy.data_models.DataModel(**kwargs)#

Bases: progpy.prognostics_model.PrognosticsModel, abc.ABC

New in version 1.4.0.

Abstract Base Class for all Data Models (e.g., LSTMStateTransitionModel). Defines the interface and all common tools. To create a new Data-Driven model, first subclass this, then define the abstract methods from this class and progpy.PrognosticsModel.

See also


calc_error(times: List[float], inputs: List[progpy.utils.containers.DictLikeMatrixWrapper], outputs: List[progpy.utils.containers.DictLikeMatrixWrapper], _loc=None, **kwargs) float#

Calculate Error between simulated and observed data using selected Error Calculation Method

  • times (list[float]) – array of times for each sample

  • inputs (list[InputContainer]) – array of input dictionaries where input[x] corresponds to time[x]

  • outputs (list[OutputContainer]) – array of output dictionaries where output[x] corresponds to time[x]

Keyword Arguments
  • method (str, optional) –

    Error method to use when calculating error. Supported methods include:

    • MSE (Mean Squared Error) - DEFAULT

    • RMSE (Root Mean Squared Error)

    • MAX_E (Maximum Error)

    • MAE (Mean Absolute Error)

    • MAPE (Mean Absolute Percentage Error)

    • DTW (Dynamic Time Warping)

  • x0 (StateContainer, optional) – Initial state

  • dt (float, optional) – Maximum time step in simulation. Time step used in simulation is lower of dt and time between samples. Defaults to time between samples.

  • stability_tol (double, optional) –

    Configurable parameter. Configurable cutoff value, between 0 and 1, that determines the fraction of the data points for which the model must be stable. In some cases, a prognostics model will become unstable under certain conditions, after which point the model can no longer represent behavior. stability_tol represents the fraction of the provided argument times that are required to be met in simulation, before the model goes unstable in order to produce a valid estimate of mean squared error.

    If the model goes unstable before stability_tol is met, a ValueError is raised. Else, model goes unstable after stability_tol is met, the mean squared error calculated from data up to the instability is returned.

  • aggr_method (func, optional) – When multiple runs are provided, users can state how to aggregate the results of the errors. Defaults to taking the mean.



Return type


See also

calc_error.MSE() calc_error.RMSE() calc_error.MAX_E() calc_error.MAPE() calc_error.MAE() :func:’calc_error.DTW’

estimate_params(runs: List[tuple] = None, keys: List[str] = None, times: List[float] = None, inputs: List[progpy.utils.containers.DictLikeMatrixWrapper] = None, outputs: List[progpy.utils.containers.DictLikeMatrixWrapper] = None, method: str = 'nelder-mead', **kwargs) None#

Estimate the model parameters given data. Overrides model parameters

Keyword Arguments
  • keys (list[str]) – Parameter keys to optimize

  • times (list[float]) – Array of times for each sample

  • inputs (list[InputContainer]) – Array of input containers where input[x] corresponds to time[x]

  • outputs (list[OutputContainer]) – Array of output containers where output[x] corresponds to time[x]

  • method (str, optional) – Optimization method- see scipy.optimize.minimize for options

  • tol (int, optional) – Tolerance for termination. Depending on the provided minimization method, specifying tolerance sets solver-specific options to tol

  • error_method (str, optional) – Method to use in calculating error. See calc_error for options

  • bounds (tuple or dict, optional) – Bounds for optimization in format ((lower1, upper1), (lower2, upper2), …) or {key1: (lower1, upper1), key2: (lower2, upper2), …}

  • options (dict, optional) – Options passed to optimizer. see scipy.optimize.minimize for options

  • runs (list[tuple], depreciated) – data from all runs, where runs[0] is the data from run 0. Each run consists of a tuple of arrays of times, input dicts, and output dicts. Use inputs, outputs, states, times, etc. instead


Scipy minimize Optimization Result from estimating parameters. See scipy’s scipy.optimize.OptimizeResult documentation for details.

Return type


See: examples.param_est

abstract classmethod from_data(**kwargs) progpy.data_models.data_model.DataModel#

Create a Data Model from data. This class is overwritten by specific data-driven classes (e.g., LSTMStateTransitionModel)

Keyword Arguments
  • times (list[list]) – list of input data for use in data. Each element is the times for a single run of size (n_times)

  • inputs (list[np.array]) – list of input data for use in data. Each element is the inputs for a single run of size (n_times, n_inputs)

  • states (list[np.array]) – list of state data for use in data. Each element is the states for a single run of size (n_times, n_states)

  • outputs (list[np.array]) – list of output data for use in data. Each element is the outputs for a single run of size (n_times, n_outputs)

  • event_states (list[np.array]) – list of event state data for use in data. Each element is the event states for a single run of size (n_times, n_event_states)

  • time_of_event (np.array) – Array of time of event data for use in data. Each element is the time of event for a single run of size (n_samples, n_events)

  • input_keys (list[str]) – List of input keys

  • state_keys (list[str]) – List of state keys

  • output_keys (list[str]) – List of output keys

  • event_keys (list[str]) – List of event keys

See specific data class for more additional keyword arguments


Trained PrognosticsModel

Return type



Replace DataModel with specific classname : m = DataModel.from_data(data)

classmethod from_json(data: str)#

Create a new prognostics model from a previously generated model that was serialized as a JSON object


data (str) – JSON serialized parameters necessary to build a model See to_json method


Model generated from serialized parameters

Return type


See also



This serialization only works for models that include all parameters necessary to generate the model in model.parameters.

classmethod from_model(m: progpy.prognostics_model.PrognosticsModel, load_functions: list, **kwargs) progpy.data_models.data_model.DataModel#

Create a Data Model from an existing PrognosticsModel (i.e., a surrogate model). Generates data through simulation with supplied load functions. Then calls from_data() to generate the model.

  • m (PrognosticsModel) – Model to generate data from

  • load_functions (list[function]) – Each index is a callable loading function of (t, x = None) -> z used to predict future load at a given time (t) and state (x)

Keyword Arguments

add_dt (bool) – If the timestep should be added as an input

Addditional configuration parameters from progpy.PrognosticsModel.simulate_to_threshold(). These can be an array (of same length as load_functions) of config for each individual sim, or one value to apply to all Additional configuration parameters from from_data


Trained PrognosticsModel

Return type


generate_surrogate(load_functions: List[], method: str = 'dmd', **kwargs)#

Generate a surrogate model to approximate the higher-fidelity model

  • load_functions (List[abc.Callable]) – Each index is a callable loading function of (t, x = None) -> z used to predict future loading (output) at a given time (t) and state (x)

  • method (str, optional) – list[ indicating surrogate modeling method to be used

Keyword Arguments
  • dt (float or abc.Callable, optional) – Same as in simulate_to_threshold; for DMD, this value is the time step of the training data

  • save_freq (float, optional) – Same as in simulate_to_threshold; for DMD, this value is the time step with which the surrogate model is generated

  • state_keys (List[str], optional) – List of state keys to be included in the surrogate model generation. keys must be a subset of those defined in the PrognosticsModel

  • input_keys (List[str], optional) – List of input keys to be included in the surrogate model generation. keys must be a subset of those defined in the PrognosticsModel

  • output_keys (List[str], optional) – List of output keys to be included in the surrogate model generation. keys must be a subset of those defined in the PrognosticsModel

  • event_keys (List[str], optional) – List of event_state keys to be included in the surrogate model generation. keys must be a subset of those defined in the PrognosticsModel

  • ... (optional) – Keyword arguments from simulate_to_threshold (except save_pts)


SurrogateModel() – Instance of SurrogateModel class

Return type



See examples/generate_surrogate

property is_continuous: bool#

returns: is_continuous – True if model is continuous, False if discrete :rtype: bool

property is_direct: bool#

New in version 1.5.0.

If the model is a “direct model” - i.e., a model that directly estimates time of event from system state, rather than using state transition. This is useful for data-driven models that map from sensor data to time of event, and for physics-based models where state transition differential equations can be solved.


if the model is a direct model

Return type


property is_discrete: bool#

returns: is_discrete – True if model is discrete, False if continuous :rtype: bool

property is_state_transition_model: bool#

New in version 1.5.0.

If the model is a “state transition model” - i.e., a model that uses state transition differential equations to propagate state forward.


if the model is a state transition model

Return type


simulate_to(time: float, future_loading_eqn: = <function PrognosticsModel.<lambda>>, first_output=None, **kwargs) collections.namedtuple#

Simulate prognostics model for a given number of seconds

  • time (float) –

    Time to which the model will be simulated in seconds (≥ 0.0)

    e.g., time = 200

  • future_loading_eqn (abc.Callable) – Function of (t) -> z used to predict future loading (output) at a given time (t)

  • first_output (OutputContainer, optional) – First measured output, needed to initialize state for some classes. Can be omitted for classes that don’t use this


  • times (list[float]) – Times for each simulated point

  • inputs (SimResult) – Future input (from future_loading_eqn) for each time in times

  • states (SimResult) – Estimated states for each time in times

  • outputs (SimResult) – Estimated outputs for each time in times

  • event_states (SimResult) – Estimated event state (e.g., SOH), between 1-0 where 0 is event occurrence, for each time in times

  • ProgModelInputException

  • Note: – See simulate_to_threshold for supported keyword arguments


>>> from progpy.models import BatteryCircuit
>>> m = BatteryCircuit() # Replace with specific model being simulated
>>> def future_load_eqn(t, x = None):
...     if t < 5.0: # Load is 2.0 for first 5 seconds
...         return m.InputContainer({'i': 2.0})
...     else:
...         return m.InputContainer({'i': 2.2})
>>> first_output = m.OutputContainer({'v': 3.2, 't': 295})
>>> (results) = m.simulate_to(200, future_load_eqn, first_output)
simulate_to_threshold(future_loading_eqn: = None, first_output=None, threshold_keys: list = None, **kwargs) collections.namedtuple#

Simulate prognostics model until any or specified threshold(s) have been met


future_loading_eqn (abc.Callable) – Function of (t) -> z used to predict future loading (output) at a given time (t)

Keyword Arguments
  • t0 (float, optional) – Starting time for simulation in seconds (default: 0.0)

  • dt (float, tuple, str, or function, optional) –

    float: constant time step (s), e.g. dt = 0.1

    function (t, x) -> dt

    tuple: (mode, dt), where modes could be constant or auto. If auto, dt is maximum step size

    str: mode - ‘auto’ or ‘constant’

  • integration_method (str, optional) – Integration method, e.g. ‘rk4’ or ‘euler’ (default: ‘euler’)

  • save_freq (float, optional) – Frequency at which output is saved (s), e.g., save_freq = 10. A save_freq of 0 will save every step.

  • save_pts (list[float], optional) – Additional ordered list of custom times where output is saved (s), e.g., save_pts= [50, 75]

  • eval_pts (list[float], optional) – Additional ordered list of custom times where simulation is guarenteed to be evaluated (though results are not saved, as with save_pts) when dt is auto (s), e.g., eval_pts= [50, 75]

  • horizon (float, optional) – maximum time that the model will be simulated forward (s), e.g., horizon = 1000

  • first_output (OutputContainer, optional) – First measured output, needed to initialize state for some classes. Can be omitted for classes that don’t use this

  • threshold_keys (abc.Sequence[str] or str, optional) – Keys for events that will trigger the end of simulation. If blank, simulation will occur if any event will be met ()

  • x (StateContainer, optional) – initial state, e.g., x= m.StateContainer({‘x1’: 10, ‘x2’: -5.3})

  • thresholds_met_eqn (abc.Callable, optional) – custom equation to indicate logic for when to stop sim f(thresholds_met) -> bool

  • print (bool, optional) –

    toggle intermediate printing, e.g., print = True

    e.g., m.simulate_to_threshold(eqn, z, dt=0.1, save_pts=[1, 2])

  • progress (bool, optional) – toggle progress bar printing, e.g., progress = True


  • times (list[float]) – Times for each simulated point

  • inputs (SimResult) – Future input (from future_loading_eqn) for each time in times

  • states (SimResult) – Estimated states for each time in times

  • outputs (SimResult) – Estimated outputs for each time in times

  • event_states (SimResult) – Estimated event state (e.g., SOH), between 1-0 where 0 is event occurrence, for each time in times



See also



>>> from progpy.models import BatteryCircuit
>>> m = BatteryCircuit() # Replace with specific model being simulated
>>> def future_load_eqn(t, x = None):
...    if t< 5.0: # Load is 3.0 for first 5 seconds
...        return m.InputContainer({'i': 2.0})
...    else:
...        return m.InputContainer({'i': 2.2})
>>> first_output = m.OutputContainer({'v': 3.2, 't': 295})
>>> (results) = m.simulate_to_threshold(future_load_eqn, first_output)


configuration of the model is set through model.parameters.

state_at_event(x, future_loading_eqn=<function PrognosticsModel.<lambda>>, **kwargs)#

New in version 1.5.0.

Calculate the state at the time that each event occurs (i.e., the event threshold is met). state_at_event can be implemented by a direct model. For a state transition model, this returns the state at which threshold_met returns true for each event.

  • x (StateContainer) –

    state, with keys defined by model.states

    e.g., x = m.StateContainer({‘abc’: 332.1, ‘def’: 221.003}) given states = [‘abc’, ‘def’]

  • future_loading_eqn (abc.Callable, optional) – Function of (t) -> z used to predict future loading (output) at a given time (t). Defaults to no outputs


state at each events occurrence, with keys defined by

e.g., state_at_event = {‘impact’: {‘x1’: 10, ‘x2’: 11}, ‘falling’: {‘x1’: 15, ‘x2’: 20}} given events = [‘impact’, ‘falling’] and states = [‘x1’, ‘x2’]

Return type

state_at_event (dict[str, StateContainer])


Also supports arguments from simulate_to_threshold()

See also


summary(file=<_io.TextIOWrapper name='<stdout>' mode='w' encoding='utf-8'>)#

Print a summary of the model

time_of_event(x, future_loading_eqn=<function PrognosticsModel.<lambda>>, **kwargs) dict#

New in version 1.5.0.

Calculate the time at which each event occurs (i.e., the event threshold is met). time_of_event must be implemented by any direct model. For a state transition model, this returns the time at which threshold_met returns true for each event. A model that implements this is called a “direct model”.

  • x (StateContainer) –

    state, with keys defined by model.states

    e.g., x = m.StateContainer({‘abc’: 332.1, ‘def’: 221.003}) given states = [‘abc’, ‘def’]

  • future_loading_eqn (abc.Callable, optional) – Function of (t) -> z used to predict future loading (output) at a given time (t). Defaults to no outputs


time_of_event (dict)

time of each event, with keys defined by

e.g., time_of_event = {‘impact’: 8.2, ‘falling’: 4.077} given events = [‘impact’, ‘falling’]


Also supports arguments from simulate_to_threshold()

See also


to_json() str#

Serialize parameters as JSON objects


Serialized PrognosticsModel parameters as string

Return type


See also



This method only serializes the values of the prognostics model parameters (model.parameters)