Running Icarous in simulation
The script can be used to simulate a scenario. Provide as input the flightplan the unmanned vehicle is required to fly, zero or more Keep-in and/or Keep-out geofence constraints the vehicle should satisfy and zero or more intruders.
- Input flightplans are provided in the mavlink format.
- Geofences are defined using a simple yaml file. Refer to geofence.yaml for an example.
- Intruder initial conditions are defined using a simple yaml file. See traffic.yaml for an example.
- Icarous configurations are defined in a .txt file. see IcarousConfig.txt
Refer to the help for more information on flags:
python3 --help
A simple example simulating an encounter with a traffic intruder is provided. To simulate and visualize an animation of the simulation, try the following script:
python3 -t data/traffic.txt
The above simulation produces a log/simlog-SPEEDBIRD.json log file. Use the
script to visualize the simulation.
python3 log/simlog-SPEEDBIRD.json
Checkout the help for more options:
python3 --help
Executing cFS
The cFS core executive is launched by running the core-cpu1
executable. This is installed in exe/cpu1 after running make install
in the previous section.
This cFS executable in turn launches the varous applications configured to run in the exe/cpu1/cfe_core_cpu1.scr. The CMake build system in the ICAROUS repository automatically generates a cfe_core_cpu1.scr file with the appropriate apps that are configured to run. More information about specific applications and their functions can be found in the applications section.
# running the cFS executive
./core-cpu1 -C 1 -I 0
The argument C
denotes the cpu id, and I
denotes the spacecraft id.
Various configuration files are located under exe/ram. IcarousConfig.txt contain key configuration parameters used by the underlying core modules.
With cFS running, you should be able to receive telemetry on a ground station (if you are running the gsInterface application).