uint8_t U8
8-bit unsigned integer
C++-compatible configuration header for fprime configuration.
Helper base-class for setting up Berkeley sockets.
Helper for setting up Tcp using Berkeley sockets as a server.
Constructor for client socket tcp implementation.
SocketIpStatus startup(SocketDescriptor &socketDescriptor)
Opens the server socket and listens, does not block.
SocketIpStatus openProtocol(SocketDescriptor &socketDescriptor) override
Tcp specific implementation for opening a client socket connected to this server.
I32 sendProtocol(const SocketDescriptor &socketDescriptor, const U8 *const data, const U32 size) override
Protocol specific implementation of send. Called directly with retry from send.
I32 recvProtocol(const SocketDescriptor &socketDescriptor, U8 *const data, const U32 size) override
Protocol specific implementation of recv. Called directly with error handling from recv.
U16 getListenPort()
get the port being listened on
void terminate(const SocketDescriptor &socketDescriptor)
close the server socket created by the startup call
Status enumeration for socket return values.