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Version: v18.3.4

Troubleshooting Deployment

This document provides 'notes' on frequently encountered deployment issues. The issues reported are organized by relevant subsection.


In order to reduce your risk of the corruption or loss of your Terraform state file, or otherwise corrupt your Cumulus deployment, please see the Terraform Best Practices guide.

Terraform Logging

The TF_LOG environment variable can be set to help debug Terraform-specific issues. See Terraform debugging.

For example export TF_LOG=DEBUG will log verbose output from Terraform commands to help debug issues.

terraform init

Failed to get existing workspaces: AccessDenied: Access Denied

This is an issue accessing the remote configuration in your S3 bucket. You can check your access to the bucket via the CLI using aws s3 ls <bucket-name>. If that works, Terraform may be looking at the incorrect bucket.

When switching between accounts, you may need to use the -reconfigure option and run terraform init -reconfigure.

Deploying Data Persistence Resources

Invalid index: aws_elasticsearch_domain.es_vpc[0] is empty tuple

You may see this error if the Elasticsearch domain tracked by your Terraform state cannot be found or no longer exists. This could happen if you have accidentally deleted your Elasticsearch domain, producing an error on your next terraform apply that looks something like:

Error: Invalid index

on ../../tf-modules/data-persistence/ line 144, in resource "aws_elasticsearch_domain_policy" "es_vpc_domain_policy":
144: "Resource": "${aws_elasticsearch_domain.es_vpc[[0].arn}/*"
aws_elasticsearch_domain.es_vpc[0] is empty tuple

The given key does not identify an element in this collection value.

To resolve this issue, you need to manually remove the entry from your Terraform state referencing the missing resource:

$ terraform state rm module.data_persistence.aws_elasticsearch_domain.es_vpc
Removed module.data_persistence.aws_elasticsearch_domain.es_vpc[0]
Successfully removed 1 resource instance(s).

After removing the entry from the Terraform state, terraform apply should work correctly.

Deploying Cumulus

The provided execution role does not have permissions to call SendMessage on SQS

The provided execution role does not have permissions to call CreateNetworkInterface on EC2

You may see one or both of these error the first time you run terraform apply for your Cumulus deployment.

IAM issue

The Amazon service for managing roles and permissions, IAM, is eventually consistent, meaning there can be a delay between when permission updates are applied and when they actually take effect. As a result, when doing a Terraform deployment, the role permissions required for a resource may not have fully taken effect before Terraform attempts to create that resource, so the deployment fails.


Re-run terraform apply and the problem should not recur.

ValidationException: You must specify exactly one subnet. when deploying the data-persistence module

This can happen if you have multiple subnet_ids configured for your data-persistence modules, but your config is only creating one Elasticsearch instance. To fix the issue, update the elasticsearch_config variable for your data-persistence module to increase the number of instances:

domain_name = "es"
instance_count = 2
instance_type = "t2.small.elasticsearch"
version = "5.3"
volume_size = 10

Install Dashboard

Dashboard Configuration


Not Able To Clear Cache

Problem clearing the cache: EACCES: permission denied, rmdir '/tmp/gulp-cache/default'", this probably means the files at that location, and/or the folder, are owned by someone else (or some other factor prevents you from writing there).

Workaround Option

It's possible to workaround this by editing the file cumulus-dashboard/node_modules/gulp-cache/index.js and alter the value of the line var fileCache = new Cache({cacheDirName: 'gulp-cache'}); to something like var fileCache = new Cache({cacheDirName: '<prefix>-cache'});. Now gulp-cache will be able to write to /tmp/<prefix>-cache/default, and the error should resolve.

Dashboard Deployment


Earthdata Login Error

The dashboard sends you to an Earthdata Login page that has an error reading "Invalid request, please verify the client status or redirect_uri before resubmitting".

Check your variables and values

Check to see if you are missing or have forgotten to update one or more of your EARTHDATA_CLIENT_ID, EARTHDATA_CLIENT_PASSWORD environment variables (from your app/.env file) and re-deploy Cumulus, or you haven't placed the correct values in them, or you've forgotten to add both the "redirect" and "token" URL to the Earthdata Application.

Caching Issue

There is odd caching behavior associated with the dashboard and Earthdata Login at this point in time that can cause the above error to reappear on the Earthdata Login page loaded by the dashboard even after fixing the cause of the error.

browser solution

If you experience this, attempt to access the dashboard in a new browser window, and it should work.