Develop Lambda functions
Develop a new Lambda
To develop a new lambda from a sample, create a new folder in cumulus/tasks/
and run npm init
$ cd ../cumulus/tasks
$ mkdir new-lambda
$ cd new-lambda
$ npm init
Or copy an existing lambda function to customize:
$ cd ../cumulus/tasks
$ cp discover-pdrs new-lambda
Modify package.json:
- name
- version
- description
- test script
- dependencies (NOT devDependencies)
Build a Lambda
To build node.js lambda functions, use webpack to pack into single .js with dependencies:
$ npm run build
Alternatively, to monitor for changes and auto-rebuild:
$ npm run watch
For non-node lambdas not included in Cumulus repo, upload .zip to s3 and modify lambdas.yml as previously shown.
Deploy a Lambda
For new lambdas, update <daac>-deploy/lambdas.yml
by adding a new entry.
E.g.: node.js sample for '../cumulus/cumulus/tasks/sample-lambda' in the Cumulus repo):
<LambdaName>: # eg: LambdaSample (does not need to conform to dirname)
handler: <dir>.<function> # eg: sample-lambda.handler (assuming file has module.exports.handler = <someFunc>)
timeout: <ms> # eg: 300
source: 'node_modules/@cumulus/<dir>/dist/' # eg: '../cumulus/cumulus/tasks/sample-lambda/dist/index.js'
For non-node.js lambda code (e.g. python) uploaded as a .zip to an S3 bucket:
handler: <>.<function> # eg: lambda_handler.handler for with: def handler(event, context):
timeout: <ms>
bucket: '{{}}' # refers to bucket set in config.yml
key: deploy/cumulus-process/<dir>/<file> # eg: deploy/cumulus-process/modis/
runtime: python2.7 # Node is default, otherwise specify.
To deploy all changes to /tasks/ and lambdas.yml:
$ kes cf deploy --kes-folder app --template ../cumulus/packages/deployment/app --region <region> --deployment <deployment-name> --role <arn:deployerRole>
To deploy modifications to a single lambda package:
$ kes lambda <LambdaName> --kes-folder app --template ../cumulus/packages/deployment/app --deployment <deployment-name> --role <arn:deployerRole>