Sweep Conditions Table Subfigure

The "SweepConditions" subfigure class, which is only available for sweeps (i.e. cannot be included in reports for individual cases), shows the list of constraints that define a sweep. It creates a three-column table with the first column the name of the variable, the second column the value of the variable (i.e. trajectory key or derived key such as k%10) for the first case in the sweep, and the third column a description of the constraint. The constraint description is either =, meaning that all cases in the sweep have the same value for that variable, or ±tol if all the cases in the sweep are constrained to be within a tolerance tol of the first point in the sweep.

C: dict

Dictionary of settings for SweepConditions type subfigure

Type: {"SweepConditions"} | str

Subfigure type

Header: {"Sweep Constraints"} | str

Heading placed above subfigure (bold, italic)

Position: {"t"} | "c" | "b"

Vertical alignment of subfigure

Alignment: {"left"} | "center"

Horizontal alignment

Width: {0.4} | float

Width of subfigure as a fraction of page text width