List of Cases in a SweepΒΆ
The "SweepCases"
subfigure class, which is only available for sweeps, shows
the list of cases in a sweep. The method of displaying the sweeps is to list
the names of each case, i.e. the group/case folder name, in some monospace
format. The list of options is below.
- C:
Dictionary of settings for SweepCases type subfigure
- Type: {
} |str
Subfigure type
- Header: {
"Sweep Cases"
} |str
Heading placed above subfigure (bold, italic)
- Position: {
} |"c"
Vertical alignment of subfigure
- Alignment: {
} |"center"
Horizontal alignment
- Width: {
} |float
Width of subfigure as a fraction of page text width