3. Usage and Common SettingsΒΆ

This section covers basic usage of the CAPE modules that work for each solvers. That is, there is no need for separate descriptions for Cart3D, OVERFLOW, and FUN3D.

The most important cape tools are the command-line scripts pycart, pyfun, and pyover. These are used to submit jobs, check status, and perform post-processing. Each of the three has an extensive set of command-line options, and most of these are available to all three scripts. Each executable script has at a minimum a JSON file as an input.


For CAPE developers, the three scripts (and other CAPE executables) are all located in the $CAPE/bin/ folder. For regular users who install cape using pip as recommended in these docs, the executables will live alongside the other local executables installed by pip.

On a Linux system, this will often be $HOME/.local/bin.

In addition, all the functionality of the pycart, pyfun, and pyover scripts can be accessed via a Python API. Each of the three scripts has its own module: cape.pycart.cntl, cape.pyfun.cntl, or cape.pyover.cntl. These are typically more useful for accessing post-processing data, and it can also be useful in creating advanced scenarios that cannot be set up fully within the JSON input file.

Finally, there a number of additional executables that serve more specific purposes such as converting file formats.