3.7.2. PBS Script Options

The “PBS” section of cape.json controls settings for PBS scripts when Cart3D/OVERFLOW/etc. runs are submitted as PBS jobs to a high-performance computing environment. Regardless of whether or not the user intends to submit PBS jobs, Cape creates scripts called run_cart3d.pbs, run_overflow.pbs, or run_fun3d.pbs. The files are called run_cart3d.01.pbs, run_cart3d.02.pbs, etc. if there are multiple phases. At the top of these files is a collection of PBS directives, which will be ignored if the script is launched locally.

To run such a script locally without submitting it, call it with the appropriate shell.

$ bash run_cart3d.pbs

If the job is to be submitted, simply submit it. A special script called pqsub is recommended over the usual qsub because it also creates a file jobID.dat that saves the PBS job number

$ pqsub run_cart3d.pbs

Links to additional options for each specific solver are found below. Introduction

The PBS options present in the cape.json control file with default values are shown below.

"PBS": {
    "j": "oe",
    "r": "n",
    "S": "/bin/bash",
    "select": 1,
    "ncpus": 20,
    "mpiprocs": 20,
    "model": "ivy",
    "W": "",
    "q": "normal",
    "walltime": "2:00:00"
"BatchPBS": { },
"PostPBS": { }

These are standard PBS script option names that lead to lines being created at the top of run_cart3d.pbs, unless the option is empty. For example, if the PBS options above are in pyCart.json, the first few lines of run_cart3d.pbs would be the following.

#PBS -S /bin/bash
#PBS -N *casename*
#PBS -r n
#PBS -j oe
#PBS -l select=1:ncpus=20:mpiprocs=20:model=ivy
#PBS -l walltime=2:00:00
#PBS -q normal

The BatchPBS dictionary provides options that override those of PBS for pycart --batch commands. Options not specified in BatchPBS fall back to those defined in the first phase of PBS. However, it is common for batch jobs run on a single node. Here is a typical example in which run jobs utilize 10 Haswell nodes ("has") for 12 hrs, but batch jobs select only one node for two hours and submit instead to the devel queue.

"PBS": {
    "select": 10,
    "ncpus": 24,
    "mpiprocs": 24,
    "model": "has",
    "q": "normal",
    "walltime": "12:00:00"
"BatchPBS": {
    "select": 1,
    "q": "devel",
    "walltime": "2:00:00"

The case label, shown as *casename* above, is a short label shown as the job name with qstat or similar commands. The actual value of this label is determined elsewhere and is related to name of the run directory.

Each of these options may also be lists, in which case each list entry will apply to one phase. A common application for this in Cart3D is when the user wants to run adaptively for a while (which can only be performed on a single node) with further iterations using mpix_flowCart. Then the "select" option, which sets the number of nodes, becomes

"select": [1, 10]

The options have names that map directly to the PBS code, and notice that there is no PBS -W line because that option is empty. Because the user can control the shell that is used with the S option, either bash, sh, csh, or others are compatible with Cape. PBS Option Dictionary

This section provides a list of what the options mean and provides a description of what values might be available. The format of the list is the name of the variable in italics followed by a list of possible values separated by | characters. The default value is surrounded in curly braces {}.

Specific architectures, queue names, and potentially other options will vary from one high-performance computing environment to another. The values suggested here may not be applicable to other systems.

j: {"oe"} | "" | str

This is the “join” option. Setting the vallue to “oe” causes the PBS server to write standard output and standard error to a common output file.

S: {"/bin/bash"} | "/bin/csh" | str

Specify the full path to the shell to use.

r: {"n"} | "r" | str

PBS job rerunable status

e: {null} | str

Explicity STDERR (standard error( file for PBS job

o: {null} | str

Explicit STDOUT (standard output) file for PBS job

select: {1} | int

Number of nodes to request, i.e. the number of independent computing machines.

ncpus: {20} | int

Number of CPUs per node

mpiprocs: {20} | int

Number of MPI processes per node

model: "bro" | "has" | {"ivy"} | str

Architecture, usually a three-letter code for a vendor-specific model. The options listed above are Intel’s Haswell, Ivy Bridge, Sandy Bridge, and Westmere, which are common values.

W: {""} | "group_list=e0847" | str

This option is used to specify the group with in which files should be created. On some systems, this is also used to determine the group to which a case is charged.

walltime: {"2:00:00"} | str | list (str)

Maximum wall clock time to request

q: {"normal"} | "devel" | "long" | str

The name of the queue to submit the job to. This can be any queue that exists on the high-performance computing system in use.