MISR Toolkit  1.5.1
Function Summary
CategoryC Routine Name


MtkVersion()Reports MISR Tookit version
MtkDataBufferAllocate()Allocates 2D data plane buffer of specified type and size
MtkDataBufferFree()Frees a 2D data plane buffer
MtkDataBufferAllocate3D()Allocates 3D data buffer of specified type and size
MtkDataBufferFree3D()Frees a 3D data buffer
MtkStringListFree()Frees a string list
MtkDateTimeToJulian()Convert date and time (ISO 8601) to Julian date

Convert Julian date to date and time (ISO 8601)

MtkFileType()Retrieves MISR product type of a file
MtkFileLGID()Retrieves MISR local granule ID (true product name)
MtkFileVersion()Retrieves MISR file version
MtkFillValueGet()Retrieves fill value of a file/grid/field
MtkFileAttrList()Lists file attributes of a file
MtkFileAttrGet()Retrieves file attributes of a file
MtkGridAttrList()Lists grid attributes of a file/grid
MtkGridAttrGet()Retrieves grid attributes of a file/grid
MtkFieldAttrList()Lists field attributes of a file
MtkFieldAttrGet()Retrieves field attributes of a file
MtkFileToPath()Retrieves path of a file
MtkFileToOrbit()Retrieves orbit of a file
MtkFileToBlockRange()Retrieves block range of a file
MtkFileToGridList()Retrieves grid list of file
MtkFileGridToFieldList()Retrieves field list of a file/grid
MtkFileGridToNativeFieldList()Retrieves native field list of a file/grid (excludes derived fields)
MtkFileGridFieldToDimList()Retrieves dimension list of a file/grid/field
MtkFileGridFieldCheck()Checks validity of a file/grid/field
MtkFileGridFieldToDataType()Retrieves the data type of a file/grid/field
MtkFileGridToResolution()Retrieves resolution of a file/grid
MtkFileCoreMetaDataRaw()Read core metadata from a MISR product file into a buffer
MtkFileCoreMetaDataQuery()Query file for core metadata parameter
MtkFileCoreMetaDataGet()Get parameter from file core metadata
MtkCoreMetaDataFree()Free core metadata structure
MtkMakeFilename()Constructs a MISR filename from it's components
MtkFindFileList()Searches a directory for MISR file from it's components
MtkFileBlockMetaList()Lists block metadata of a file
MtkFileBlockMetaFieldList()Lists block metadata fields of a file
MtkFileBlockMetaFieldRead()Retrieves block metadata fields from a file

Retrieves time metadata from L1B2 Ellipsoid file for use with MtkPixelTime()

MtkDdToDegMinSec()Converts decimal degrees to degrees, minutes, seconds
MtkDdToDms()Converts decimal degrees to packed dms
MtkDdToRad()Converts decimal degrees to radians
MtkDegMinSecToDd()Converts degrees, minutes, seconds to decimal degrees
MtkDegMinSecToDms()Converts degrees, minutes, seconds to packed dms
MtkDegMinSecToRad()Converts degrees, minutes, seconds to radians
MtkDmsToDd()Converts packed dms to decimal degrees
MtkDmsToDegMinSec()Converts packed dms to degrees, minutes, seconds
MtkDmsToRad()Converts packed dms to radians
MtkRadToDd()Converts radians to decimal degrees
MtkRadToDegMinSec()Converts radians to degrees, minutes, seconds

Converts radians to packed dms

MtkBlsToLatLon()Converts block/line/sample to lat/lon
MtkBlsToLatLonAry()Converts an array of block/line/sample to lat/lon
MtkBlsToSomXY()Converts block/line/sample to SOM x/y
MtkBlsToSomXYAry()Converts an array of block/line/samples to SOM x/y
MtkLatLonToBls()Converts lat/lon to block/line/sample
MtkLatLonToBlsAry()Converts an array of lat/lon to block/line/sample
MtkSomXYToBls()Converts SOM x/y to block/line/sample
MtkSomXYToBlsAry()Converts an array of SOM x/y to block/line/sample
MtkLatLonToSomXY()Converts lat/lon to SOM x/y
MtkLatLonToSomXYAry()Converts an array of lat/lon to SOM x/y
MtkSomXYToLatLon()Converts SOM x/y to lat/lon
MtkSomXYToLatLonAry()Converts an array of SOM x/y to lat/lon
MtkPathToProjParam()Retrieves MISR projection parameters for a given path
MtkPathBlockRangeToBlockCorners()Computes block corner lat/lon coordinates for a path and block range

Computes pixel time given a SOM x/y coordinate and time metadata

MtkLSToLatLon()Converts data plane line/sample to lat/lon
MtkLSToLatLonAry()Converts an array of data plane line/sample to lat/lon
MtkLSToSomXY()Converts data plane line/sample to SOM x/y
MtkLSToSomXYAry()Converts an array of data plane line/sample to SOM x/y
MtkLatLonToLS()Converts lat/lon to data plane line/sample
MtkLatLonToLSAry()Converts an array of lat/lon to data plane line/sample
MtkSomXYToLS()Converts SOM x/y to data plane line/sample
MtkSomXYToLSAry()Converts an array of SOM x/y to data plane line/sample
MtkCreateLatLon()Creates latitudes and longitudes data plane buffers given mapinfo
MtkChangeMapResolution()Change resolution of an MTKt_MapInfo structure
MtkGCTPCreateLatLon()Create an array of latitude and longitude values corresponding to each pixel in the given map
MtkGCTPProjInfo()Initialize a MTKt_GCTPProjInfo structure
MtkGCTPProjInfoRead()Initialize a MTKt_GCTPProjInfo structure using data from an external file
MtkGenericMapInfo()Initialize a MTKt_GenericMapInfo structure.

Initialize a MTKt_GenericMapInfo structure using data from an external file

MtkLatLonToPathList()Retrieves a path list that crosses a given lat/lon
MtkRegionToPathList()Retrieves a path list that crosses a given region
MtkRegionPathToBlockRange()Retrieves the block range of a given region and path
MtkOrbitToPath()Retrieves the path of a given orbit
MtkTimeToOrbitPath()Retrieves an orbit/path of a given time
MtkTimeRangeToOrbitList()Retrieves an orbit list over a given time range
MtkPathTimeRangeToOrbitList()Retrieves an orbit list over a given path and time range

Retrieves the time range of a given orbit

MtkSetRegionByPathBlockRange()Sets a region by path and block range
MtkSetRegionByUlcLrc()Sets a region by upper left and lower right lat/lon
MtkSetRegionByLatLonExtent()Sets a region by center lat/lon and an extent by specifying the units of extent
MtkSetRegionByPathSomUlcLrc()Sets a region by path and upper left and lower right SOM X/Y

Snaps a region to a grid of a given path and resolution

MtkReadData()Reads a region of MISR data given file/grid/field and a region
MtkReadBlock()Reads a block of MISR data given file/grid/field and block number
MtkReadBlockRange()Reads a block range of MISR data given file/grid/field and start block/end block into a 3D buffer

Reads a region of MISR data given file/grid/field and a region without unpacking and/or unscaling

MtkWriteBinFile()Writes a raw binary file and info file given a data buffer and mapinfo
MtkWriteBinFile3D()Writes a raw binary file and info file given a 3D data buffer

Writes an IDL ENVI file given a data buffer and mapinfo

MtkCreateGeoGrid()Creates a regularly spaced geographic 2-D grid
MtkResampleCubicConvolution()Resample source data at the given coordinates using interpolation by cubic convolution
MtkResampleNearestNeighbor()Perform nearest neighbor resampling

Transforms latitude/longitude coordinates into line/sample coordinates

MtkApplyRegression()Apply regression to given data
MtkDownsample()Downsample data by averaging pixels
MtkLinearRegressionCalc()Use linear regression to fit data
MtkRegressionCoeffAllocate()Allocate buffer to contain regression coefficients
MtkRegressionCoeffCalc()Calculate linear regression coefficients for translating values
MtkRegressionCoeffFree()Free memory for regression coefficients
MtkResampleRegressionCoeff()Resample regression coefficients at each pixel
MtkSmoothData()Smooth the given array with a boxcar average

Upsample a mask by nearest neighbor sampling

MISR Toolkit - Copyright © 2005 - 2020 Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Generated on Fri Jun 19 2020 22:49:54