21 int bar(
double );
33 double lat_dd, lon_dd;
36 int latdeg, londeg, latmin, lonmin;
37 double latsec, lonsec;
43 status =
MtkLatLonToBls(path, resolution, lat_dd, lon_dd, &b, &l, &s);
52 printf(
"\nExample 1:\n");
53 printf(
"path = %d\n", path);
54 printf(
"resolution = %d\n", resolution);
55 printf(
"block, line, sample = %d, %6.1f, %6.1f\n", block, line, sample);
56 printf(
"lat_dd, lon_dd = %f, %f\n", lat_dd, lon_dd);
57 printf(
"lat deg, min, sec = %d:%02d:%5.2f\n", latdeg, latmin, latsec);
58 printf(
"lon deg, min, sec = %d:%02d:%5.2f\n", londeg, lonmin, lonsec);
59 printf(
"b, l, s = %d, %6.1f, %6.1f\n", b, l, s);
61 printf(
62 result =
bar(lat_dd, lon_dd);
65 printf(
"\nExample 3:\n");
69 printf(
"\nWorked like champ!\n");
MTKt_status MtkBlsToLatLon(int path, int resolution_meters, int block, float line, float sample, double *lat_dd, double *lon_dd)
Convert from Block, Line, Sample, to Latitude and Longitude in decimal degrees.
MTKt_status MtkLatLonToBls(int path, int resolution_meters, double lat_dd, double lon_dd, int *block, float *line, float *sample)
Convert decimal degrees latitude and longitude to block, line, sample.
MTKt_status MtkDdToDegMinSec(double dd, int *deg, int *min, double *sec)
Convert decimal degrees to unpacked degrees, minutes, seconds.