17 #ifndef MISRREPROJECT_H 18 #define MISRREPROJECT_H 28 double lat_cellsize_dd,
29 double lon_cellsize_dd,
MTKt_status MtkTransformCoordinates(MTKt_MapInfo mapinfo, MTKt_DataBuffer latbuf, MTKt_DataBuffer lonbuf, MTKt_DataBuffer *linebuf, MTKt_DataBuffer *samplebuf)
Transforms latitude/longitude coordinates into line/sample coordinates for a given mapinfo...
2-dimensional Data Buffer
MTKt_status MtkResampleCubicConvolution(const MTKt_DataBuffer *Source, const MTKt_DataBuffer *Source_mask, const MTKt_DataBuffer *Line, const MTKt_DataBuffer *Sample, float A, MTKt_DataBuffer *Resampled, MTKt_DataBuffer *Resampled_mask)
Resample source data at the given coordinates using interpolation by cubic convolution.
MTKt_status MtkCreateGeoGrid(double ulc_lat_dd, double ulc_lon_dd, double lrc_lat_dd, double lrc_lon_dd, double lat_cellsize_dd, double lon_cellsize_dd, MTKt_DataBuffer *latbuf, MTKt_DataBuffer *lonbuf)
Creates a regularly spaced geographic 2-D grid consisting of a latitude buffer and a longitude buffer...
MTKt_status MtkResampleNearestNeighbor(MTKt_DataBuffer srcbuf, MTKt_DataBuffer linebuf, MTKt_DataBuffer samplebuf, MTKt_DataBuffer *resampbuf)
Perform nearest neighbor resampling.