SimuPy Flight API

class simupy_flight.Planet(gravity, winds, atmosphere, planetodetics)

The Planet is the state dynamics block that provides the kinematic equations of motion for integration and an output equation for commonly used variables for flight vehicles according to the planet model.

The planet model is parameterized based on the following components:

gravity model:

translational acceleration due to gravity as a function of planet-fixed position in rectangular coordinates. See earth_J2_gravity() for example.

winds model:

wind in local NED frame as a function of time and planetodetic position. Positive wind indicates wind in specified direction so wind “from west” is a positive W_E component. See get_constant_winds() for generating a simple wind model.

atmosphere model:

density, speed of sound, and viscosity outputs of the atmosphere model as a function of time (i.e. for stochasticity) and position in planet-fixed frame expressed in geodetic coordinates (longitude, latitude, altitude). See get_constant_atmosphere() for generating a simple atmosphere model and atmosphere_1976() for the US Standard 1976 Atmosphere.

planetodetic model:

must provide rotation rate in rad/s as omega_p and functions pd2pcf and pcf2pd to convert between planetodetic rectangular coordinates and planetocentric spherical coordinates. Future versions may support nutation and precession. The planetodetic model should assume pc2pd excludes sidereal rotation which is accounted for by the kinematics model. See Planetodetic.

The state components are:

[0:3] p_x, p_y, p_z

translational position (of vehicle center of mass) relative to inertial origin expressed in inertial coordinate system

[3:7] q_0, q_1, q_2, q_3

quaternion components representing the rotation from the inertial to the body-fixed coordinate systems

[7:10] v_x, v_y, v_z

translational velocity (of vehicle center of mass) in the inertial coordinate system expressed in inertial coordinates

[10:13] omega_X, omega_Y, omega_Z

angular velocity from inertial coordinate system to body-fixed coordinate system expressed in body-fixed coordinates

The input components are:

[0:3] A_X, A_Y, A_Z

translational acceleration of vehicle center of mass due to non-gravitational forces in the inertial coordinate system expressed in body-fixed Forward-Right-Down (FRD) coordinate system

[3:6] alpha_X, alpha_Y, alpha_Z

angular acceleration of vehicle coordinate system in the inertial coordinate system expressed in body-fixed FRD coordinates

[6] c_q

scaling parameter for non-unit quaternion kinematics integration; this is a control for numerical behavior of the integration and can be ignored in most circumstances

The output components are:

[0:13] p_x, p_y, p_z, q_0, q_1, q_2, q_3, v_x, v_y, v_z, omega_X, omega_Y, omega_Z

The state components listed above

[13:16] lamda_D, phi_D, h

translational position of the vehicle center of mass in the planet-fixed frame expressed in planetodetic spherical position coordinates: longitude, latitude, and altitude

[16:19] psi, theta, phi

Euler-angles relating the NED frame to the body-fixed frame: yaw, pitch, roll

[19:22] rho, c_s, mu

density, speed of sound, and viscosity outputs of the atmosphere model as a function of time and position in planet-fixed frame

[22:25] V_T, alpha, beta

true air speed, angle of attack, and angle of sideslip used for aerodynamics (includes wind)

[25:28] p_B, q_B, r_B

angular velocity components of vehicle-fixed coordinate system relative to NED, used for aerodynamic damping derivatives

[28:31] V_N, V_E, V_D

velocity of the vehicle center of mass in the planet-fixed frame expressed in NED frame

[31:34] W_N, W_E, W_D

Output of wind model as a function of time and position in planet-fixed frame

Additional class attributes:

dim_state, dim_output, dim_input, num_events

Used for the SimuPy interface; must be updated for any sub-classes


Provides a named index value for indexing the state or output data columns


A list of strings of the output names, useful for constructing data structures


A list of strings of the LaTeX output names, useful for labeling plots

ic_from_planetodetic(lamda_D=0.0, phi_D=0.0, h=0.0, V_N=0.0, V_E=0.0, V_D=0.0, psi=0.0, theta=0.0, phi=0.0, p_B=0.0, q_B=0.0, r_B=0.0)

A helper function for defining the inertial initial conditions from planetodetic definitions

  • lamda_D – planetodetic longitude, latitude, and altitude

  • phi_D – planetodetic longitude, latitude, and altitude

  • h – planetodetic longitude, latitude, and altitude

  • V_N – relative velocity expressed in the North, East, Down (NED) frame

  • V_E – relative velocity expressed in the North, East, Down (NED) frame

  • V_D – relative velocity expressed in the North, East, Down (NED) frame

  • psi – Euler-angles relating the NED frame to the body-fixed frame: yaw, pitch, roll

  • theta – Euler-angles relating the NED frame to the body-fixed frame: yaw, pitch, roll

  • phi – Euler-angles relating the NED frame to the body-fixed frame: yaw, pitch, roll

  • p_B – angular velocity components of vehicle-fixed coordinate system relative to NED frame

  • q_B – angular velocity components of vehicle-fixed coordinate system relative to NED frame

  • r_B – angular velocity components of vehicle-fixed coordinate system relative to NED frame

inertial_to_NED_dcm(t, lamda_D, phi_D)

Construct a direction cosine matrix (DCM) relating the inertial coordinate system to the North-East-Down (NED) coordinate system

  • t – time, used to account for sidereal rotation

  • lamda_D – planetodetic longitude and latitude

  • phi_D – planetodetic longitude and latitude

local_translational_trim_residual(p_x, p_y, p_z, q_0, q_1, q_2, q_3, v_x, v_y, v_z, A_X, A_Y, A_Z)

A helper function that computes the trim residual in the planet-fixed frame

Use an optimizer to zero the output of this function to achieve trim. The first nine inputs, which are components of the state, might come from an initial condition calculation. It is assumed that the trim condition has no relative angular velocity. The last three inputs might come from the vehicle dynamics model. The control inputs of the vehicle dynamics model is a good candidate for the trim-optimizer’s free variables.

  • p_x – translational position (of vehicle center of mass) relative to inertial origin expressed in inertial coordinate system

  • p_y – translational position (of vehicle center of mass) relative to inertial origin expressed in inertial coordinate system

  • p_z – translational position (of vehicle center of mass) relative to inertial origin expressed in inertial coordinate system

  • q_0 – quaternion components representing the rotation from the inertial to the body-fixed coordinate systems

  • q_1 – quaternion components representing the rotation from the inertial to the body-fixed coordinate systems

  • q_2 – quaternion components representing the rotation from the inertial to the body-fixed coordinate systems

  • q_3 – quaternion components representing the rotation from the inertial to the body-fixed coordinate systems

  • v_x – translational velocity (of vehicle center of mass) in the inertial coordinate system expressed in inertial coordinates

  • v_y – translational velocity (of vehicle center of mass) in the inertial coordinate system expressed in inertial coordinates

  • v_z – translational velocity (of vehicle center of mass) in the inertial coordinate system expressed in inertial coordinates

  • A_X – translational acceleration of vehicle center of mass due to non-gravitational forces in the inertial coordinate system expressed in body-fixed Forward-Right-Down (FRD) coordinate system

  • A_Y – translational acceleration of vehicle center of mass due to non-gravitational forces in the inertial coordinate system expressed in body-fixed Forward-Right-Down (FRD) coordinate system

  • A_Z – translational acceleration of vehicle center of mass due to non-gravitational forces in the inertial coordinate system expressed in body-fixed Forward-Right-Down (FRD) coordinate system

output_equation_function(t, x)

Compute the kinematic outputs used for simulation.

prepare_to_integrate(*args, **kwargs)

SimuPy calls each Block’s prepare_to_integrate function prior to simulation Returns the first output vector.

state_equation_function(t, x, u)

Compute the kinematic rates used for simulation.

class simupy_flight.Planetodetic(a=0.0, f=0.0, omega_p=0.0)

Namespace class used to model the planetodetics used by the Planet class.

  • a (float) – equatorial radius

  • f (float) – flattening parameter

  • omega_p (float) – Angular rate of planetary rotation


Use a<=0 and omega_p=0 for a flat planet model; f will be ignored

class simupy_flight.Vehicle(m, I_xx, I_yy, I_zz, I_xy, I_yz, I_xz, x_com, y_com, z_com, base_aero_coeffs, x_mrc, y_mrc, z_mrc, S_A, a_l, b_l, c_l, d_l, input_aero_coeffs=0.0, input_force_moment=0.0, input_aero_coeffs_idx=None, input_force_moment_idx=None, dim_additional_input=0)

The Vehicle is a state-less dynamics block that provides a common calculation for the dynamics of a flight vehicle.

The Vehicle vehicle model is parameterized based on the following components:

Inertial properties: m, I_xx, I_yy, I_zz, I_xy, I_yz, I_xz, x_com, y_com, z_com

Inertia is expressed in body-fixed coordinates about the center of mass position (x_com, y_com, z_com). Center of mass position is relative to an arbitrary reference, such as the CAD origin.

Aerodynamics model:


assumed to be a function of angles of attack and sideslip, and Mach and Reynolds number with signature base_aero_coeffs(alpha, beta, Ma, Re) and should return an array of coefficients in the following order: drag, sideforce, and lift (force coefficients expressed in wind coordinate system), static roll, pitch, and yaw moments (moment coefficients expressed in body-fixed Forward-Right-Down coordinate system), and dynamic or damping roll, pitch, and yaw moments (also moment coefficients expressed in body-fixed coordinate system). To translate an aerodynamic database that provides forces expressed in body-fixed coordinates, the transpose of the dynamics.body_to_wind_dcm(alpha, beta) direction cosine matrix can be used to transform into the wind coordinate system. See get_constant_aero().

x_mrc, y_mrc, z_mrc:

Moment reference center position, defined relative to the same arbitrary reference as the center of mass. Moment coefficients are assumed to be about this position.


the reference area

a_l, b_l, c_l:

reference lengths for roll, pitch, and yaw


reference length for Reynolds number calculation

Damping coefficients are transformed with the static moment coefficients, which does not usually hold; to model damping coefficients, it is recommended to set the center of mass and moment reference center to the same location at the arbitrary reference (i.e. (0, 0, 0)).

Additional, controlled input can be modeled:

input_force_moment, input_force_moment_idx:

Non-aerodynamic controlled inputs (e.g. propulsion)

input_aero_coeffs, input_aero_coeffs_idx:

Controlled aerodynamics

Processing of input_aero_coeffs and input_force_moment parameterized models follow the same logic:

  • if None: assume that a child class will over-write

  • if callable: use directly (so it should have the correct signature)
    • The input_aero_coeffs callback is assumed to take the flight condition arguments of the aerodynamics model, before any additional routed control inputs, and return aerodynamic coefficient increments.

    • The input_force_moment callback takes only routed control inputs and returns the translational forces and moments (about the center of mass) being modeled, such as for a propulsion model.

  • else: try to build a function that returns constant value(s)

Attributes input_aero_coeffs_idx and input_force_moment_idx are used to route extra (control) inputs to the input aero and foce/moment functions respectively. Use None to route all inputs or use a list of integers to route particular inputs including an empty list for no routing. dim_additional_input as an input argument to __init__ is used to allocate extra control input channels in the block diagram.

The input components are:

[0:13] p_x, p_y, p_z, q_0, q_1, q_2, q_3, v_x, v_y, v_z, omega_X, omega_Y, omega_Z

The vehicle state components

[13:16] lamda_D, phi_D, h

translational position of the vehicle center of mass in the planet-fixed frame expressed in planetodetic spherical position coordinates: longitude, latitude, and altitude

[16:19] psi, theta, phi

Euler-angles relating the NED frame to the body-fixed frame: yaw, pitch, roll

[19:22] rho, c_s, mu

density, speed of sound, and viscosity outputs of the atmosphere model as a function of time and position in planet-fixed frame

[22:25] V_T, alpha, beta

true air speed, angle of attack, and angle of sideslip used for aerodynamics (includes wind)

[25:28] p_B, q_B, r_B

angular velocity components of body relative to NED used for aerodynamic damping derivatives

[28:31] V_N, V_E, V_D

velocity of the vehicle center of mass in the planet-fixed frame expressed in NED frame

[31:34] W_N, W_E, W_D

winds acting on the vehicle expressed in NED frame

The output components are:

[0:3] A_X, A_Y, A_Z

translational acceleration of vehicle center of mass due to non-gravitational forces in the inertial coordinate system expressed in body-fixed Forward-Right-Down (FRD) coordinates, computed assuming constant mass and total non-gravitational forces due to aerodynamics (base model and extra aerodynamic coefficients input components) and the extra force input components.

[3:6] alpha_X, alpha_Y, alpha_Z

angular acceleration of vehicle coordinate system in the inertial coordinate system expressed in body-fixed FRD coordinates, about the center of mass computed assuming constant inertia and total moments due to aerodynamics (base model and extra aerodynamic coefficients input components) and the extra moment input components.

Additional class attributes:

dim_state, dim_output, dim_input, num_events

Used for the SimuPy interface; must be updated for any sub-classes


Provides a named index value for indexing the state or output data columns


A list of strings of the output names, useful for constructing data structures


A list of strings of the LaTeX output names, useful for labeling plots


Construct a skew symmetric matrix that can perform the right-sided cross product of the position vector from the moment reference center to the center of mass, used for accounting for the translational force contribution to the moment.

output_equation_function(t, u)

Compute the dynamic outputs used for simulation.

prepare_to_integrate(*args, **kwargs)

SimuPy calls each Block’s prepare_to_integrate function prior to simulation Returns the first output vector.

tot_aero_forces_moments(qbar, Ma, Re, V_T, alpha, beta, p_B, q_B, r_B, *args)

Helper function to compute the total aerodynamic forces and moments for a given flight and vehicle condition. Used to evaluate the aerodynamic forces and moments in calculating the dynamics output.

  • qbar – dynamic pressure in Pascals

  • Mach – Mach number (unitless)

  • Re – Reynolds number (unitless)

  • V_T – true air speed, angle of attack, and angle of sideslip used for aerodynamics (includes wind)

  • alpha – true air speed, angle of attack, and angle of sideslip used for aerodynamics (includes wind)

  • beta – true air speed, angle of attack, and angle of sideslip used for aerodynamics (includes wind)

  • p_B – angular velocity components of body relative to NED used for aerodynamic damping derivatives

  • q_B – angular velocity components of body relative to NED used for aerodynamic damping derivatives

  • r_B – angular velocity components of body relative to NED used for aerodynamic damping derivatives

  • *args – Captures any additional control inputs for the controlled aerodynamics model

simupy_flight.atmosphere_1976(t, longitude, latitude, altitude)

Atmospheric model callback for the US Standard 1976 Atmosphere.

simupy_flight.body_to_NED_dcm(phi, theta, psi)

Constructs a direction cosine matrix (DCM) relating the body-fixed Forward-Right-Down (FRD) coordinate system to the North-East-Down (NED) coordinate system

  • phi – Euler-angles relating the NED frame to the body-fixed frame: roll, pitch, yaw

  • theta – Euler-angles relating the NED frame to the body-fixed frame: roll, pitch, yaw

  • phi – Euler-angles relating the NED frame to the body-fixed frame: roll, pitch, yaw

simupy_flight.body_to_wind_dcm(alpha, beta)

Construct a direction cosine matrix (DCM) relating the body-fixed Forward-Right-Down (FRD) coordinate system to the wind coordinate system.

  • alpha – angle of attack

  • beta – angle of sideslip

simupy_flight.earth_J2_gravity(px, py, pz)

Gravitational model callback for the J2 gravity model

simupy_flight.get_constant_aero(CD_b=0.0, CS_b=0.0, CL_b=0.0, CLcal_b=0.0, CMcal_b=0.0, CNcal_b=0.0, Cp_b=0.0, Cq_b=0.0, Cr_b=0.0)

Generate an aerodynamics model callback that returns a constant and specified set of force, moment, and damping coefficients regardless of flight condition.

simupy_flight.get_constant_atmosphere(density_val=0.0, speed_of_sound_val=1.0, viscocity_val=1.0)

Generate an atmosphere callback that returns a constant and specified density, speed of sound, and viscosity regardless of the input time or planetodetic position

simupy_flight.get_constant_force_moments(FX=0.0, FY=0.0, FZ=0.0, MX=0.0, MY=0.0, MZ=0.0)

Generate a force and moment callback that returns a constant and specified set of forces and moments regardless of flight condition.

simupy_flight.get_constant_winds(wx=0.0, wy=0.0, wz=0.0)

Generate a wind model callback that returns a constant, specified wind vector regardless of the input time or geodetic position


Generate a planetocentric-to-planetodetic coordinate transformation function for a flat planetary model.

The transformation function takes in the planetocentric rectangular coordinates px, py, pz and returns a constant 0 for longitude, -pi/2 for latitude, and uses pz for altitude.


pcf2pd – The planetocentric-to-planetodetic coordinate transformation function.

Return type



Generate a planetodetic-to-planetocentric coordinate transformation function for a flat planetary model.

The transformation function takes in the planetocentric rectangular coordinates px, py, pz and returns a constant 0 longitude, -90 degree latitude, and uses pz for altitude.


pd2pcf – The planetocentric to planetodetic coordinate transformation function.

Return type


simupy_flight.get_nonflat_pc2pd(a, f)

Generate a planetocentric-to-planetodetic coordinate transformation function for an ellipsoidal planetary model, parameterized by equatorial radius a and flattening f.

The transformation function takes in the planetocentric rectangular coordinates px, py, pz and returns the planetodetic longitude, latitude, and altitude. The units of a, px, py, pz, and altitude are all the same and assumed to be meters to be consistent with other kinematics.

Uses the ERFA implementation of Fukushima’s method.

  • a (float) – equatorial radius

  • f (float) – flattening parameter


pcf2pd – The planetocentric-to-planetodetic coordinate transformation function.

Return type


simupy_flight.get_nonflat_pd2pc(a, f)

Generate a planetodetic-to-planetocentric coordinate transformation function for an ellipsoidal planetary model, parameterized by equatorial radius a and flattening f.

The transformation function takes in the position defined by the planetodetic longitude, latitude, and altitude and returns the planetocentric rectangular coordinates px, py, pz. The units of a, px, py, pz, and altitude are all the same and assumed to be meters to be consistent with other kinematics.

Uses the ERFA implementation of Fukushima’s method.

  • a (float) – equatorial radius

  • f (float) – flattening parameter


pd2pcf – The planetodetic-to-planetocentric coordinate transformation function.

Return type



Generate a spherical gravitational model with the specified gravitational constant


simupy_flight.inertial_to_body_dcm(q_0, q_1, q_2, q_3)

Construct a direction cosine matrix (DCM) relating the inertial coordinate system to the body-fixed Forward-Right-Down (FRD) coordinate system

  • q_0 – quaternion components defining the DCM

  • q_1 – quaternion components defining the DCM

  • q_2 – quaternion components defining the DCM

  • q_3 – quaternion components defining the DCM